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On 12 Feb 2022 at 12:40pm Nevillman wrote:
I haven't used the A27 at Falmer regularly for a few years now but can't ever recall it flooding. Can someone who uses it often let me know if it does.
Why are so many people who queue there so averse to the idea of using both lanes and merging in turn where it goes to one lane. Some people were not prepared to allow the traffic in the right lane to join at all. If it could be operated properly it would lead to far less delay for everyone.
On 12 Feb 2022 at 12:50pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Its one of those counter-productive situations, where one doesn't mind queuing, but is perhaps understandably miffed with others racing past and jumping in the queue as late as they can. There probably is an optimal strategy and compromise that allows the traffic to flow better.....but that would require the behaviour of all to be on the same page. You'll always get the "Hamid Barrs" of this world barging in everywhere, no matter what the social etiquette or road protocols.
On 12 Feb 2022 at 8:08pm Tom Pain wrote:
The sign says QUEUE IN BOTH LANES- no problem.
On 12 Feb 2022 at 8:10pm Father Hackett wrote:
If everyone got in the left lane nice and early everyone could go through at 50mph. All the jousting at the last second is what causes the queueing.
On 13 Feb 2022 at 11:23am Mark wrote:
There's a football stadium and two universities. It's always going to be a nightmare.
On 13 Feb 2022 at 6:20pm Nevillman wrote:
I don't expect you to agree father but the expectation is that you queue in both lanes and merge where the road narrows. If everyone at this point was prepared to merge in turn then it would lead to fewer delays. By expecting people to get over earlier and then not letting them in at the point where the road narrows drivers are making it worse for everyone. The signage makes it clear that this is the expectation.
Can anyone answer my other point and tell me how often they have encountered standing water on this road?
On 14 Feb 2022 at 11:16am janet street preacher wrote:
I can’t see how it matters when you merge there is only so much flow one lane can take.
On 14 Feb 2022 at 4:27pm slarty wrote:
By merging later and using both lanes, the queue is shorter so will not affect as many adjoining roads.
If people queued in one lane from the Southerham roundabout then the congestion could affect Malling Street and vehicles trying to enter Lewes town from the A26 and possibly Beddingham and vehicles trying to turn right and head towards Eastbourne. Twice the lane, half the queue.
The "Zipper filter" (using both lanes until the blockage and then merging in turn) has been proven to be the best (fastest and reduces the area affected by the incident) alternative. It just needs cooperation of drivers to lose the "it's my lane" mentality.
On 14 Feb 2022 at 4:34pm slarty wrote:
The reason that there is no flooding there is because of the drainage system, which is being maintained at the moment (hence the lane closure). It is a fast bit of road with a corner (not many 70mph stretches have corners that sharp) so best to keep it water-logged free before the problem arises.
On 14 Feb 2022 at 10:07pm Tom Pain wrote:
At last the mystery is solved. I was starting to wonder if fiendish Russian construction workers were planting dynamite under the tarmac to precipitate a nuclear holocaust to enable reptilian aliens to invade the world.
On 15 Feb 2022 at 9:56am janet street preacher wrote:
Thanks Slarty, that makes sense.

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