Lewes Forum thread

Go on, tell 'em what you think

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You really ought to stop this

On 19 Jul 2013 at 2:27am Scumford wrote:
Mumford and Sons are obviously terrible - but worse than that, they represent the end point of the abolition of music as an escape route for the working class and its resultant degeneration into a bloodless, passionless, heartless accompaniment to the vapidity of lives half-lived. The only use for a ticket to this fiesta of mediocrity is to plug up the ears if accidentally wandering into its vicinity - and other forms of paper are cheaper. Your excitement is an insult.
On 19 Jul 2013 at 8:08am A wrote:
I wouldn't go as far as that, but it does melt my tiny mind how 20 years ago we had bands like the Levellers and New Model Army and people like Billy Bragg using folk to create incredibly popular music that united a generation with a passion to make the world a better place, to fight injustice not just for themselves but for others. Yet now with the most right wing Government the nation has ever seen taking actions that undermine the future of our youth, that youth celebrate the likes of Mumfords.
It's enough to make you weep.
"Hey hey now can't you see, they're getting their kicks they're laughing at you and me."
On 19 Jul 2013 at 9:59am Clifford wrote:
The Kronic wrote: 'Your post is an insult, trying to ram your opinions down everyone's throat.'

Kronic, your post is an insult, criticising people for expressing their opinions. You can see, can't you, how this forum has been ruined for the last few days by this Mumfords scam?
On 19 Jul 2013 at 11:31am NF wrote:
Ah, les chattering classes c'est arrivee...
Bonjour tete de merde
On 19 Jul 2013 at 1:42pm Another voice of reason wrote:
And it was the labour government that saw the need and went back to basics, encouraging the teaching of music in schools, producing a few very talented banjo players amongst others, now know as Mumford & Sons. You cannot knock the musicianship, they work hard at their craft, and it inspires a new generation of kids to work hard and commit to music. Things are different now, Billy Bragg etc had their day and did what they set out to achieve, at least in part. If we still had the poll tax, I expect The Vaccines or one of the other bands would be railling against it like BB did, but we don't have that any more.
On 19 Jul 2013 at 2:57pm A wrote:
I can't think how to reply to AVOR without seeming patronising about the errors in what they say, so I won't, but I do hope people have a good and safe time this weekend.
On 19 Jul 2013 at 4:30pm Scumford wrote:
The Kronic wrote: 'Your post is an insult, trying to ram your opinions down everyone's throat.'
Yes - that's right, it was - I'm glad you were able to identify an insult when you saw one. It'd be a sorry state of affairs if one could come onto a forum and insult everybody and have them not even notice.
On 20 Jul 2013 at 7:49pm Another voice of reason wrote:
A, its only my opinion so there could well be errors, and I would be interested in your thoughts on it.

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