On 29 Nov 2004 at 7:09am cbs member wrote:
what do you think of that pathetic street lighting suposed to be christmas lighting?
On 29 Nov 2004 at 7:53am me wrote:
Are they up? I must say i didn't notice them.
On 29 Nov 2004 at 8:32am Town Clerk wrote:
Fantastic. I thought I was in Oxford Street or Times Square. I'm over awed
On 29 Nov 2004 at 4:29pm me wrote:
further to my previous post, i have just noticed them. I must say the council have outshone themselves this year. I thought it was bonfire night all over again what with all the many bright an cheerfull colours hanging from every lampost :-)
On 29 Nov 2004 at 9:10pm cbs member wrote:
Even some of them light up! how fantastic.
On 30 Nov 2004 at 8:22am me wrote:
its a shame that the ones on the right hand side of school hill don't work but hey the rest are so dazzling you would hardly notice !
On 30 Nov 2004 at 6:01pm John Kerry wrote:
Prehaps they were designed by your tooth fairy. HEHE get it fairy lights.
On 1 Dec 2004 at 4:47pm Mystic mog wrote:
Lewes Chamber of Commerce are responsible for them. NOT any of the 3 Councils. The Town council gave money towards them.
On 1 Dec 2004 at 5:56pm Percy wrote:
We know that. The question is WHY the councils don't get involved properly. It's pitiful, an embarrassment. Just what the hell DO they spend our Council Tax on? (That's a rhetorical question, don't answer it!)
On 2 Dec 2004 at 6:21am cbs member wrote:
how do other towns and villages afford them. Uckfield, Haywards Heath & Hailsham are just a few with full strung lighting across their high streets. they dont seem to have a problem. why are lewes so bloody tight. spent to much on minless parking schemes?????
On 6 Dec 2004 at 2:24pm Mystic Mog wrote:
I believe by traders. During Xmas late night shopping I was staggered by how few multiples did NOTHING in the way of Xmas decorations. Virtually all the best shop displays came from locally based shops. It is a disgrace. Lewes chamber of commerce find it very difficult to extract much money from the multiples. All go in and complain!!
On 6 Dec 2004 at 7:19pm Avidfan wrote:
I wonder how much Lewes' newest and most profiable business (NPC in case you haven't guessed) have contributed? A businees that gets money for providing nothing should pay for all of it.
On 6 Dec 2004 at 10:19pm More Tea Vicar? wrote:
On Sunday when I drove through Lewes (well you can't stop can you...) I thought those splendid festive lights perfectly framed the man who, with his coat thrown on the ground, stood begging for money on the top of Cliffe Bridge.
He was watched by the people who sat somberly drinking coffee in the road outside of that very nice greengrocers at the bottom of Cliffe Bridge.
Cardboard and crap were strewn everywhere.
I smiled to myself... knocked the car up a gear and thought loudly.... thank fugg I don't live here anymore.
Here endth the first sermon.
On 9 Dec 2004 at 1:03pm Mystic Mog wrote:
What's your point? It's state of the nation, not state of Lewes.
On 9 Dec 2004 at 5:42pm L faleather wrote:
Where have you moved to vicar? Moulscoomb? Whitehawk?
On 10 Dec 2004 at 11:34am More Tea Vicar? wrote:
Nope not Moulscoomb... or Whitehawk.
What's the purpose of your question? ?? ???
The point Mystic Meg... is that after living happily in Lewes for many years I think that those in power have let the town become drab, dismal and over-crowded.
The parking scheme, the indifferent approach to the river defenses(yes the flood did affect me),the town planners abilty to fill any space with over priced housing, even the xmas lights or lack of them all bear this out.
I am not gloryfying in the fact that I felt the need to move out... more sad/angry.
Lewes is the county town... but I wonder what qualities it has that justifies that badge?
Law Court? Prison? ??
On 13 Dec 2004 at 11:05am Mystic Mog wrote:
Southern FM just awarded Lewes "Best Town" for example.
If you knew about planning and the contstraints imposed by central government you might have a different view.
Please write a letter to Mr Morley at DEFRA about your views on flood defences. We need as much pressure as possible.
It is the County Town and I for one am proud of it.
On 13 Dec 2004 at 8:05pm More Tea Vicar? wrote:
Southern FM?
Best Town?
Best Town for what?
Best Town to get a parking fine?
Best Town for shopping?
Best Town to be flooded in?
Best Town for Xmas lights!!!! lol
I like Lewes... I was born and bred there... but be realistic MM... it's now very scruffy.
Regarding DEFRA.
I find it pointless writing to someone telling them what they already know.
Yippee! they have protected the Tesco/lower Malling Area... at the cost to other areas which will now flood to a greater depth.
I am glad that you're proud of your County Town MM.
On 14 Dec 2004 at 2:02pm Get off your large behind and stop moaning wrote:
Get off your large behind and find out what Lewes won. A clue is that listener voted it best - for positive things. Something you cannot comprehend. Go and annoy some other town!
On 14 Dec 2004 at 10:27pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Southern FM? Exactly. Who in their right mind listens to that rubbish, though I don't share your disillusionment with Lewes MTV. I, like you born and bred here. Lewes is a wonderful place to grow up in as my son is finding out, it still has a lot going for it. Every town has a negative side, you've highlighted ours. Maybe your trying to justify moving?
On 17 Dec 2004 at 6:31pm More Tea Vicar? wrote:
Hi TF!
Nope I know why moved... so don't need to justify.
Thing my tolerence level had something to do with it.
Straw and the camels back and all that.
Get off your large behind and stop moaning wrote:
Get off your large behind and find out what Lewes won. A clue is that listener voted it best -
1)Is that just the one listener? ??
2)Are you that listener? ??
3)Something positive taht Lewes could have won is a tough question... sorry, more clues needed.
On 20 Dec 2004 at 9:23am Mystic Mog wrote:
Why don't you find out? Where do you live now??