On 26 Aug 2015 at 10:39am Paul Newman wrote:
In most areas of life we have too many laws but there is one aspect of life that is woefully unregulated and Lewes suffers the terrible consequences as much as any town in England.
Whilst cycling to the station this morning I saw:
1 A man at a bus stop wearing ( in broad daylight ) a red beret !
2 A man sporting mountainous white dreads (ugh) with a Poncho ..yes a poncho fcs
3 A (young ) man with battered suitcase waistcoat and a Trilby hat …
All of these appalling crimes should be illegal under new “Found mummies dressing up box did we” Act that might also extend to absurd San Quentin style tattoos acquired by superannuated Financial Services fatties and the whole “Gay dad “ Croques and Harem Pants thing
Any more suggestions for immediate legislation?
On 26 Aug 2015 at 10:48am Old Bike wrote:
Judgmental, sneering, misogynistic Tory apologists in Rohan activewear, riding bicycles. Nothing else really springs to mind.
On 26 Aug 2015 at 11:53am Old Bloke wrote:
Judgemental, sneering lefties strolling around Lewes Guardian in hand claiming they know better than every one else
On 26 Aug 2015 at 11:54am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I wouldn't dream of legislating for what is, after all, a matter of taste, but if I was my top picks would be:
commuters who dress like country squires (or think they do); tweed, Barbour, brogues etc
any male over the age of 9 who thinks red trousers look good
underwear on display (the clues in the name, folks) by either gender
anything that shows bumcrack
For those who also fail to see the attraction of red trousers, there is a website called, I think, LookAtMyF***ingRedTrousers, that has some very amusing pics and captions. Replace the asterisks!
On 26 Aug 2015 at 11:56am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
OB, the Guardian is not a garment (well, not when it's in your hand, you could make a hat out of it, I suppose).
On 26 Aug 2015 at 12:17pm Paul Newman wrote:
..yellow trousers as well ( ease up on the Barbour though
ACT...hem, hem )
On 26 Aug 2015 at 12:59pm Old Bloke wrote:
@Twitcher - who said it was?
On 26 Aug 2015 at 1:05pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
The thread is about being badly dressed, so refers to apparel, OB. You were off-topic, old bean.
On 26 Aug 2015 at 1:24pm Kettle wrote:
Women in anything patterned from white stuff or boden.
Men in any bright coloured trousers at all.
Zu studio style floppy hippy clothes.
In fact anyone that doesn't dress like me.
On 26 Aug 2015 at 2:12pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Might I suggest that some of you need to get over yourselves?
On 26 Aug 2015 at 2:33pm Local wrote:
It is not always about the clothes, but how they are worn. People in denial about what size clothes they should wear! examples being Tight Pant Syndrome in men is not good for your health! Wearing Clothes that are too small for you - Michelin tyres of flesh and belly buttons popping out is not pleasant! Wearing Glasses when you do not need them, Socks with Sandals, Flip Flops and uncut toe nails, Bonfire tops worn out of bonfire season or non bonfire events.
On 26 Aug 2015 at 3:15pm Paul Newman wrote:
Local is the wearing of bonfire regalia at inappropriate times a generally acknowledged sartorial faux pas then ?
(I`m not very up on the lore and custom )
On 26 Aug 2015 at 3:58pm trooper wrote:
The concept of being properly dressed is long gone in most of the population, the mantra now seems to be who cares what they look like as long as they like it,so be it, it is not for me to gainsay them despite what I may think. There are however still some of us who care a very great deal about their appearance, but I have to say they appear to be an endangered species.
On 26 Aug 2015 at 4:26pm Old Bloke wrote:
@Twitcher - why not point that out in the first place then - rather than stating (the f***king obvious) that it wasn't a garment
Scruff bags and weird dressers abound in Lewes - the place often looks like a walking jumble sale
On 26 Aug 2015 at 5:38pm Mrs Grumpy wrote:
My pet hate is to see men wearing the kind of shorts you might get from a camping shop. They have a zip at the bottom where they might attach some trouser legs, but their favourite is to wear them simply as baggy, below the knee shorts, in all weathers. This does them no favours at all.
And why do some women think it is acceptable to flaunt bra straps as part of their ensemble?
On 26 Aug 2015 at 6:19pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Because, Old Bloke, I thought you would be able to work it out for yourself. It seems I was sadly mistaken.
And there's no need to be so rude, ACT or Annette will do fine, thank you.
On 26 Aug 2015 at 7:23pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Here's an idea:
Respect the right of your fellow adults to wear whatever the **** they please?
On 26 Aug 2015 at 10:20pm AP Customer Services wrote:
Dear Paul Newman
We at Agent Provocateur have been trying to contact you without success. After learning that your a regular contributor to the Lewes Forum we thought we would try to make contact with you via the Forum. We have been trying to deliver your Agent Provocateur Yellow Chemise & Yellow/Cream Knickers as you had ordered to you.
Please could you get in touch with us as a matter of utmost urgency.
Best Wishes
Sandy Barboure
On 26 Aug 2015 at 11:45pm Horseman7 wrote:
Just keep yourself and your clothes clean, fresh and reasonably tidy. That accomplished, wear whatever you jolly well like. And PN, I rather like a red beret on a bloke, especially if worn with red braces, a neat bum and greying temples. PS. Despite my posting name, I am a woman.
On 27 Aug 2015 at 1:38am Uncle Bob wrote:
Primark clothes - erghhh!!
On 27 Aug 2015 at 8:10am Gok Wayne wrote:
Skirts over trousers another Lewes look, especially set off with red T bar sandels and striped socks and the compulsory Wooly jumper or cardigan 3 sizes too big.
Manbuns or ponytails, stupid scruffy beards,hareempants or flip floops Never, never, ever.
On 27 Aug 2015 at 8:22am Paul Newman wrote:
Gok Wayne - I hear you brother !
On 27 Aug 2015 at 8:55am Redballs wrote:
@Horseman 7 sounds like a rerun for some mothers do ave em!
On 27 Aug 2015 at 9:17am Anna wrote:
Moved Down from London in January, and yes shocked by the amount of hippie velvet flower chaos! Not good!
On 27 Aug 2015 at 10:08am Sussex Jim wrote:
You should see Rouser about town these days. A fine example of Lewesian sartorial elegance...
On 27 Aug 2015 at 11:49am Border Control wrote:
When they come into the shop, we say this ones come in to buy a mirror ! How do you know ? my assistant asks. I respond well just look at her !
On 27 Aug 2015 at 12:57pm Hay Nonnie mouse wrote:
Mustard twill trousers. Seriously, mustard. Or red, Ill give you that one, in fact any ridiculously coloured jeans. Men with their collars turned up, so public school. Not cool then, not cool now. Multi culti euro hippie nonsense, whacky printed Indian baggy pants. Mustard, brown and purple anything. Middle aged rock wear - waist coats with jeans, tour shirts, leather anything. Worse than anything, dressing your kids in any of the above. It's so wrong. Walking shorts in the middle of winter. Socks and sandals. Overdressed for a night out in Lewes...ridiculous 'vintage' (old) clothes, usually, spotty, floral, big belts etc mainly on extremely over weight women who need a theme to dress to and think they're a little alternative. Oh and 50 year old in velcro or otherwise white or funky luminous trainers which would look mature on a 15 year old.
I do apologise, that was building up over some time. I do actually quite like people but I struggle with certain attire.
On 27 Aug 2015 at 1:16pm trooper wrote:
I am of course quite unable to speak for the females, but I can offer a small contribution in regards to the male population. I took my lady to lunch last week on a Sunday and dressed myself appropriate to the occasion. I was asked when I was at the bar if I was going somewhere "posh" I said no, and the reply was what are you all dressed up for then.
@HNm Please do not apologise, I do not agree with all you say but your point is well taken.
On 27 Aug 2015 at 2:30pm Paul Newman wrote:
Glad to see no-one has had a pop at "Mutton dressed as lamb" females .In my book if you think you are sexy you are ...so hurrray for Lewes women that refuse to 'grow old gracefully'
On 27 Aug 2015 at 2:32pm Bushy wrote:
paul neman , youre my hero hahahahahah quality original post !!
On 27 Aug 2015 at 5:09pm Hay Nonnie Mouse wrote:
Fact is down here dressing up is a rarity. Up North I feel under dressed on a week night. Not sure why that is, I think perhaps there's a lot more money floating around up there since rent and mortgages are so cheap and down here were all a bit strapped. I think it's nice you made the effort though.....
What would really make the town better dressed in my opinion would be if people cared about how the town itself looks. The buildings are shameful, not just at christmas. Only the Black Horse and the Brewers making any kind of effort at all. Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other European countries put us to shame. How difficult is it to give things a lick of paint, and plant a few bulbs. I don't even know why we have tourist information, we haven't made any effort for tourists. And yes, I know this was about clothes, And yes, I know you don't start a sentence with and.
On 27 Aug 2015 at 5:44pm Peter Pan wrote:
Pet Hates
Men ( and Women) who sit down for a meal in a pub or a Restaurant
And don't remove there headwear and don't know how to use the cutlery
Men who walk about with a big chain of Keys hanging from there belt , which says I must be important look at all the keys I've got
On 27 Aug 2015 at 8:43pm ABC wrote:
My pet hate is people that think it's alright to judge others on what they want to wear. Aka most of the people on this thread judging these people wearing the clothes they like.
I agree with Newell Fisher, get over yourselves. You have no right to say what other people should and shouldn't wear, everyone's different.
Stop being so judgemental about other people's choices, we're all individuals and have the right to express ourselves how ever we want and for most people it's through the clothes they wear.
On 27 Aug 2015 at 8:52pm ABC wrote:
My pet hate is people that think it's alright to judge others on what they want to wear. Aka most of the people on this thread judging these people wearing the clothes they like.
I agree with Newell Fisher, get over yourselves. You have no right to say what other people should and shouldn't wear, everyone's different.
Stop being so judgemental about other people's choices, we're all individuals and have the right to express ourselves how ever we want and for most people it's through the clothes they wear.
On 27 Aug 2015 at 9:35pm ABC wrote:
My pet hate is people that think it's alright to judge others on what they want to wear. Aka most of the people on this thread judging these people wearing the clothes they like.
I agree with Newell Fisher, get over yourselves. You have no right to say what other people should and shouldn't wear, everyone's different.
Stop being so judgemental about other people's choices, we're all individuals and have the right to express ourselves how ever we want and for most people it's through the clothes they wear.
On 28 Aug 2015 at 10:32am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Peter Pan, my late mother had a number of sartorial rules and one of them was that while a gentleman should always remove his hat indoors, a lady generally shouldn't.
She was also very down on men who wore suede shoes in town (ie London), unless they were obviously up from the country for the day, or wore brown or tan shoes with navy suits, was adamant that a lady's shoes and handbag should match and, my favourite, "a lady would never go out without stockings on until after Henley".
And you can always tell a gentleman by shoes, apparently. God knows what she'd have made of Crocs.