Lewes Forum thread

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Worse than the Daily mail

On 11 Mar 2017 at 9:13pm Thing of the past wrote:
I thought we had seen the back of the long winded and largely irrelevant political shouting. It's worse than the Daily mail at the moment. I Think it's time to move all the nonsense to a separate forum.
On 11 Mar 2017 at 9:57pm Pedro wrote:
It seems you only want to discuss not discussing politics. Its a bit weird. I am confused why you don't just start a discussion about something you are genuinely interested in? Or is trolling the forum trying to shut down conversation what you are interested in?
On 11 Mar 2017 at 10:11pm Earl wrote:
No, I think a lot of us are bored by the politics. It's never a discussion as such, but simply people either firing petty insults at each other or slapping each other's backs in an echo chamber. There's little in the way of a debate. The posts usually begin with either a tedious essay or a fake post that is designed to provoke a reaction. Does anyone ever change their views as a result? I doubt it. If you like that sort of thing, there are lots of comments section for national newspapers where people can debate the pros and cons until the cows come home. But this is the Lewes Forum and is supposed to be about issues relating to the local area.
On 11 Mar 2017 at 10:16pm Mark wrote:
It's supposed to be whatever it becomes. That's what a forum is.
On 11 Mar 2017 at 10:23pm Thing of the past wrote:
Perfectly put Earl. Well said
@pedro. I often start threads about local issues but ALWAYS under topical names.
On 11 Mar 2017 at 10:37pm Pedro wrote:
Just carry on contributing what you want to contribute, not trying to dictate what others should and shouldn't (just learn how to ignore it). Seems more time on here is actually spent arguing over the existence of political threads than anything else! Bonkers!
On 11 Mar 2017 at 11:32pm Suggestion box wrote:
How about a new protocol whereby the person who starts a non local political thread writes (Politics) in brackets in the title. Then everyone else can ignore it if they don't want to get involved and save natural gas to save the planet (or something.......)
On 11 Mar 2017 at 11:56pm Ali g wrote:
On 11 Mar 2017 at 11:56pm Jimi wrote:
How about If 6 was 9?

Watch the video »
On 12 Mar 2017 at 6:20am Why feed the fire ? wrote:
On 12 Mar 2017 at 6:30am Resident 2 wrote:
Dfl Peedro telling us lewesians what to do again
On 12 Mar 2017 at 7:13am inthegutter wrote:
Yes it's a local forum, but as I've mentioned, as an area which has tipped Conservatives because the centre left wing vote was split my thread was on topic. As for debate, if you look at myself Pedro, and the Greek, we certainly do not agree and were discussing.

Finally, to echo Pedro, if you don't like the topic it, just ignore the thread and let those who are interested talk. Why is that so hard for you to do?
On 12 Mar 2017 at 8:02am Billy Joel wrote:
We didn't start the fire ........Harry Truman..........Lewes Forum.
On 12 Mar 2017 at 8:04am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Are the people who moan on about political threads but carry on reading them the same people who complain about tv programmes but still watch them, rather than change channels or turn it off and do something else instead?
I really don't get it. Why read stuff if it bores/annoys you? Or do you just enjoy moaning?
On 12 Mar 2017 at 8:07am Clifford wrote:
inthegutter wrote: '...an area which has tipped Conservatives because the centre left wing vote was split...'

Wasn't it more the case that the Lib Dems spent five years cuddling up with the Tories demonstrating that they're right rather than left wing. If you're going to get a Tory either way you might as well vote Tory.
On 12 Mar 2017 at 8:21am Earl wrote:
@Inthegutter - I don't mind the odd political thread and yes, we don't have to read them if we don't like them. But what I object to is when a few people hog the forum to the point where most of the threads are about their political hobby horses and I have to search for the local stuff. It's also, I think, bad manners to hog what is essentially a local forum and constantly use it as a sounding board for whatever political gripes you have.
On 12 Mar 2017 at 8:45am Hello wrote:
Totally agree with Earl. If I was to go on any other forum and ramble on off topic I would quite rightly be told where to go.
There are plenty of political specific forums, I suggest inthegutter etc use them to air their tedious views
On 12 Mar 2017 at 11:01am inthegutter wrote:
"It's also, I think, bad manners to hog what is essentially a local forum and constantly use it as a sounding board for whatever political gripes you have."

In the past 3 months I've started 3 threads: One on the Ashcombe Roundabout, one on the Turkish Baths, and one on progressive politics (which, as I note, is relevant to Lewes). The reason why the politics threads are spilling over is because people keep complaining about them and then, justifiably, people are replying to the complaints.

If you don't care about the topic, just don't read them! Mine was pretty clearly marked.

On 12 Mar 2017 at 12:02pm Pedro wrote:
They're run out of things to discuss, and instead thrive off a bizarre contrived conflict between the newbie "DFL infidels" and the "heroic yokels" where the tactics are to shut down debate and complain to teacher. Its a pretty big deal....like a civil war. I'm surprised the media aren't all over this story.
On 12 Mar 2017 at 2:28pm Politics wrote:
Self important fantasist.
On 12 Mar 2017 at 3:02pm Sally wrote:
Ignore the P. He loves the attention. Small dick syndrome methinks.
On 12 Mar 2017 at 3:42pm Pedro wrote:
lol, seriously? Penis size insults now?
On 12 Mar 2017 at 4:26pm Penile Extensia wrote:
Better than senile dementia
On 12 Mar 2017 at 7:06pm Always one wrote:
When I think back over my life, it's been amazing and I'm really lucky. I've met great people. In a lot of situations, however there is always a very annoying person who kind of brings thing down a bit. Shame that is
On 13 Mar 2017 at 12:07am Local smallholder wrote:
My hen house is burning and my cock is on fire!
On 14 Mar 2017 at 8:53am Holding my own wrote:
LOL x lots @ smallholder. Silly but funny.

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