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Wood burners

On 11 Apr 2023 at 3:03pm BobbyG wrote:
I'm interested to get people's views on wood burners and their environmental impact compared with central heating. I am also wondering if, in Lewes, it is a problem or if the issue is in more densely populated urban areas. Would having one up on the Nevill be as bad as in the middle of London/Brighton for example. I've heard talk of there being a possible ban in the future and wondering if this would apply to us here.
On 11 Apr 2023 at 6:32pm SHS-2 wrote:
If Drax can do it, you can do it. Central heating has the worse environmental impact - boiler, pipe and radiator manufacture, gas main manufacture, repairs to all these, pollution from travel by those repairing these, environmental impact of the manufacture of the vehicles and machinery used by those repairing and maintaining all these, environmental impact of all the documentation needed and the so-called recycling of material, noise pollution etc etc etc. Go for the wood burner, Lewes bonfire is too short.
On 11 Apr 2023 at 9:29pm Tom Pain wrote:
Regulations are tightening up on woodburners and I think shs is being over optimistic. I would like one but I've become very cautious about it.
On 13 Apr 2023 at 8:54am BobbyG wrote:
Thanks, yeah it seems like there is still a lot of uncertainty in terms of where things are going to go with them being banned or not. Am I right in thinking there is an anti wood burner group in lewes, maybe even specific to the Nevill??
On 13 Apr 2023 at 10:07am Blatant Liar wrote:
You’ll find half the houses on Nevill have one
It was the thing to have
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