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Winter winkers

On 30 Oct 2018 at 8:10pm Mindreader wrote:
The sad drivers who's only thrill in life is to have their fog lights on all the time are, well, really sad. This year's fashion for being to cool to indicate is just ridiculous. Are you really so lazy or 'on trend' to have given up a fundamental part of driving? If you get a toot and a loud 'w@nker' coming your way, it's me reminding you to INDICATE.
On 30 Oct 2018 at 9:02pm Plodders wrote:
Never use your fog lights when visibility is clear though, especially at night when other drivers can easily be dazzled. Not only is this dangerous, it's also illegal and could result in a non-endorsable Fixed Penalty Notice, which is a £30 fine but no penalty points.
On 30 Oct 2018 at 9:14pm just saying wrote:
It's October.
On 30 Oct 2018 at 9:43pm @Plodders wrote:
Good advice but what about all the cars that ship with bumper lights (are they spotlights or not they are often brighter than the headlights) that come on with the headlights (automatically), maybe have a word with vosa and ask why they're allowed at the same time.
On 30 Oct 2018 at 11:22pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Many years ago this kind of stuff would bother me. Strangely, now, what someone does with their car lights doesn't seem all that important.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 12:18am Mario wrote:
Are you referring to DRL's? Or rear fog lights?
On 31 Oct 2018 at 12:49am Carman wrote:
People in front of me at a queue who keep their foot on the brake make me almost as angry as the increasing number who don't indicate and that can only described as quite angry but not to the extent that it bothers me for very long.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 3:46am The chilled shepherd wrote:
Come on people don't take all this petty stuff into you're lives, just take a deep breath and enjoy, its the only life you got!
On 31 Oct 2018 at 7:42am Motorist wrote:
My thoughts exactly, Carman. I feel like carrying a small mirror- so I can reflect their high level brake light into their interior mirror.
When stopped in a queue, use the handbrake!
On 31 Oct 2018 at 7:45am Green Sleeves wrote:
@Carman - again, seems odd to get worked up about. Especially given if they are driving an automatic, where it would be far more inconvenient to constantly switch to "Park" on the transmission than just hold your foot on the brake pedal.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 8:34am Mindreader wrote:
@greensleeves. It's casual and laid back (completely selfish) drivers like you who think indicating is, as you say ' not at all important'. What a complete idiot you are. I am really not surprised by you ill informed selfish attitude towards other road users. Read your highway cage and INDICATE. I despair at your type.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 8:41am Carman wrote:
@green sleeves, it may be more convenient to keep your foot on the brake in an automatic car but it is much less considerate towards the driver behind. I wouldn't say I get worked up by it but just worry that one day, sitting in a queue, semi blinded by the brake light in front of me, I may go to the boot of my car, take out the crowbar and start attacking the car in front.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 9:15am nightmare drivers wrote:
Greensleeves = totally selfish, ignore everyone
Carmen = tailgating angry nutjob
On 31 Oct 2018 at 9:51am Carman wrote:
I've been called worse but to be fair, I don't think it counts as tailgating to be close to the car in front while sitting at the prison crossroads.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 10:07am L E D Man wrote:
Happened to me yesterday - blindingly bright stop lights. Is it beyond the wit of car makers to engineer brake lights that illuminate according to the surrounding light level.? Or even the speed of the vehicle.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 12:02pm Motorist wrote:
You can leave an automatic in "drive" and apply the handbrake while stationary. Perhaps cars should have a bright repeater light on the dash, connected to the brake lights, to discourage sloppy anti-social driving habits.
On 31 Oct 2018 at 12:07pm Freedom wrote:
Get a driving licence, get a car. It's the sense freedom, you can go where you want.

Hahaha. All I ever here from drivers is moan moan moan. Other drivers, potholes, cost of petrol, insurance, cyclists, traffic...

I'll stick to the bus and reading a book, you guys enjoy the bun fight
On 31 Oct 2018 at 12:08pm MG wrote:
Just as a matter of interest, can anyone remember ever having seen a police car indicate?
On 31 Oct 2018 at 6:04pm Green Sleeves wrote:
@nightmare driver - incorrect. I am a very patient, careful and considerate driver.

My previous post was focusing on drivers holding on the foot brake at traffic lights. To me this is a non issue as in automatic cars it doesn't make sense to switch to park temporarily. It's easier to just hold the foot brake (to prevent edging forward).

Where I do agree with carman is drivers not using indicators. This is potentially dangerous and worthy of criticism. His other point is trivial. I'm sensing a short tempered man, with thinning hair and a sketchy dating history.
On 1 Nov 2018 at 8:39am Carman wrote:
A bit sad that you should resort to personal abuse green sleeves as I've always appreciated your posts. I can only assume that you are the driver of an automatic car and were stung by my accusation of being inconsiderate. I assure you that if following a car up to the prison crossroads at rush hour which may take 5 minutes with 5 or 6 stops then being a few feet away from a car with very bright brake lights is annoying for me and many others. A bright light shine in someone's face often is. I'm happy that this is a trivial issue for you but disappointed that you place your own minor increase in convenience over consideration for other motorists.
Posting under the same name does have some disadvantages Pedro and I'm afraid I won't be able to read your future posts in quite the same light. I assume you also now have a view on my opinion on Brexit, bonfire and marmite.
On 1 Nov 2018 at 5:54pm Green Sleeves wrote:
@ Carman - Not sad at all, my comment was just a joke, as i'm sure yours was about taking a crowbar out on the car in front that is dazzling your overly sensitive eyes!

I drive an auto and a manual. You'd be less irked by me driving the latter as yes, I do sit on the foot brake in the auto, as do many others. No law against it, and I hope your next appointment with the opticians is ok. I would hate for you to take legal action against me because of my inconsiderate traffic light braking.

As for you not being able to read my posts in quite the same "light" (pun intended??) - ah you'll come around. I have no idea what you think of brexit, marmite or bonfire. I thought my views on brexit would be fairly obvious (and if you've been reading my posts before!).

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