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Winners v Losers

On 14 Jun 2016 at 11:29am The Leveller wrote:
While it's becoming increasingly clear that the referendum is a contest between those who have gained from globalisation and those who have lost out - between the 'elite' and the rest - a win for Brexit will mean deeper austerity and neo-liberal economics, not less, and while that may prove uncomfortable for some of the elite, it will be downright painful for the less well-off. Blame migrants if you want to, but the real culprit for many of our woes is sitting in No 11 Downing Street, and his replacement will only be worse
On 14 Jun 2016 at 11:50am The trouble is wrote:
Whatever the result is the posh tw@ts will still be in charge.
Either way they will ensure costs are generated and come out of our pockets.
Either way they will gain more wealth from it and we lose more, just that people haven't realised it yet. After the unfairness of austerity you better make sure you look after your own interests as no one else is going to do it for you. At least we can vote the posh tw@ts out if we leave the EU (it's just a shame that all mainstream parties are full of them).
On 14 Jun 2016 at 12:19pm Clifford wrote:
This fatalism is exactly what keeps the elites in power. 'Oh, it will always be like this. There's nothing we can do about it. Could be worse.' Isn't it interesting that all the main parties, the banks, big business, the trade union leaders, many luvvies, even the Archbishop of Canterbury, have been telling us how important it is we should vote Remain. And yet the movement in the polls is towards Leave. I wonder if they have wondered why people are increasingly ignoring them?
On 14 Jun 2016 at 12:40pm The trouble is wrote:
Well I don't vote for a mainstream party, so it's not my fault.
And as a final comment I'll mention these two words "Panama Papers".
On 14 Jun 2016 at 12:42pm Metatron wrote:
Cllifford, that's because they just don't get it do they.
On 14 Jun 2016 at 1:04pm democracy will decide wrote:
The EU enshrines privatisation and austerity into law.
Policy is made behind closed doors by an unaccountable unelected elite who actively encourage these type of policies and are lobbied by banks to implement them.
When we leave it will be up to the British people to decide the future course of this country and it's economic policy through the ballot box. Your speculation is not fact so stop pretending you know what will happen in the future - none of us do.
Article from the independent showing who holds real power in the EU.

Check it out here »
On 14 Jun 2016 at 5:09pm Bored of Brexit wrote:
I can't vote in any way that validatea Gove or Johnson as having a valid opinion. Sorry.
On 14 Jun 2016 at 6:32pm Clifford wrote:
Bored - your choice, though it puts you on the same side as Goldman Sachs, Blair, Mandelson, Cameron, Osborne, Brown.
On 14 Jun 2016 at 7:22pm Bored of Brexit wrote:
Both sides are full of incompetence and elite and scum. There's nothing positive about any of them, but if you think a country run by the likes of Boris, IDS and Gove will be better, when almost every single economist says Britain will suffer, you're either wildly optimistic or irrationally gambling. My heart says Brexit but I have to go with my head. Hearts may rule heads though, and Brexit will win, and in two years when we still haven't left because we won't accept the terms of leaving and the currency is tanked the Brexiters can pretend they weren't warned and they can find someone else to blame...
On 14 Jun 2016 at 11:00pm Remainer wrote:
How very true Bored.
On 14 Jun 2016 at 11:29pm Clifford wrote:
Bored - just a reminder that 23 June isn't a general election, it's a referendum. We aren;t voting for a Johnson/Gove/IDS government. Getting out of the EU neo-liberal project is just the first stage of ousting what you rightly call the 'elite and scum'.

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