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Wing turbine could be scrapped

On 22 Aug 2007 at 3:37pm Exiledfromlewes wrote:
As reported on Lewes Today Hazel Blears has decided to call in the wind turbine application at Glyndebourne for a public enquiry, due to public complaints in Ringmer and Ouse Valley. This could lead to Gus Christie scrapping the plans for the turbine due to costs. Your Views
On 22 Aug 2007 at 3:38pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
(Sp) error sorry.
On 22 Aug 2007 at 8:09pm MC wrote:
I really hate the idea that the view for many ordinary plebs could be obscured to supply power for an artform that only interests the rich.
If we have a wind turbine mounted on the South Downs near Ringmer it should power the many that live in Ringmer, not the privileged few who like to listen to outdated, irrelevant and elitist twaddle at an expensive abortion in the middle of what was a good looking and historical architectural feature.
The rich fly their helicopters to Glyndebourne, paying £165 a ticket to lunch on the lawn, wearing bowties and dinner jackets, whilst the rest of us look at their arse? I don't think so.
These people should be shot, not encouraged. They've taken the piss out of the rest of us for far too long.
On 22 Aug 2007 at 8:45pm For The Record wrote:
I think the turbine is a knee jerk reaction to an environmental problem and would create it's own environmental impact (esp noise).
I suggest that energy should be harnessed from the tails of Springer Spaniels.
On 25 Aug 2007 at 11:58am jonathan Spencer wrote:
or from the tongues of the chattering classes
On 29 Aug 2007 at 10:40am Mystic Mog wrote:
MC, whilst I understand your rant about 'eletism' you miss the point that there is a demand for the opera and that is uses energy and that has to come from somewhere. So why not a wind turbine. FTR I agree about noise concern.
BTW how much does it cost to go to a Premier football match (quite a lot I understand), surrounded by loud mouthed people wearing horrid football shirts - different but similar to Glyndebourne, ie both expensive, questionable clothes, scary for novices, helicopter for those in the Directors box..........
On 29 Aug 2007 at 12:29pm Windy Miller wrote:
Are peoples objections to a wind turbine based on actual knowledge / experience, or are they just objecting for the sake of it. I have seen plenty of wind turbines although have never heard one, but then I have never stood right next to one so can't comment. Perhaps someone who knows could enlighten me on the noise level. However, there used to be an old fashioned windmill on the top of the hill behind Ringmer and I assume that if it was still there then there wouldn't be any complaints. Surely a wind turbine is in essence an updated version of that - admittedly bigger, but basically large rotating blades harnessing wind power. Why should a new one be any more of an eye-sore than an old one ? Perhaps we should scrap all advances in technology in that case ? As for noise, there is a main road running through Ringmer which I am guessing is much noisier than any wind turbine, and would probably mask any noise in any case. Perhaps all those people scared of progress (when it suits them) would like that road to be closed down, or non-Ringmenr people banned from using it as well for good measure ? As for spoiling the view for people living in Ringmer, well have they thought that their houses might spoil the view for people looking down from the top of the hill ?
On 29 Aug 2007 at 12:52pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Yes have heard a wind turbine.
Yes they are noisy (proportional to the wind speed).
Yes they are an eyesore.
Yes to they don't produce enough energy to be worth while... but fit in nicely with the latest global warming fad.
Yes we need nuclear power but some knob went against the idea.
No people won't use appreciably less energy or go back to being cave dwellers.
On 29 Aug 2007 at 1:43pm Mystic Mog wrote:
I have a wind turbine on a building, not in the UK, and they can be noisy - had to remove the blades because of complaints from 1 mile away!. However it does depend upon the design and wind speed and its relation to the rotor speed. Mine is of poor design and having travelled across central Europe and stayed near to a wind farm have struck by the lack of noise. So to say that all are noisy based upon my Chinese Ebay purchase would be a very poor argument
On 30 Aug 2007 at 8:39pm Jonathan Spencer wrote:
my belief is this is all a fad, there are plenty of eco/green electricity producers... and web sites that would put you in touch with them. These producers already produce electricity from eco sources such as wind and wave or carbon neutral sources surely that would be better for all.
On 31 Aug 2007 at 7:53am dyl wrote:
Having lived in Norfolk for a time I can assure you that modern wind turbines are not noisy and look great when viewed either from a distance or close up. Most people I know from that area would have no idea what you are all worried about and indeed are rightly proud of their turbines.
On 31 Aug 2007 at 10:58pm Miker67 wrote:
Is the noise the real issue, or is it that the local (and often not so) visitors to their rural sunday afternoon stroll accross the millpost will be totally ruined!!. Or are they anti establishement! or are they just totally bored stiff living under their auspicious lives in Ringmer. - lets kick this turbine into its rightful place - the sea
On 1 Sep 2007 at 12:01am The Super K wrote:
Or Miker67 we could all just agree that wind power is NEVER going to be a realistic replacement for energy and kick the whole process in to touch.
In Africa where they are FORCED to use "alternative" energy the doctors and hospitals have to choose between using lights or fridge. Without the fridge the medicines go to waste!
Why do we make the poorest conties in the world suffer so much. All they want is the chance to develop.
On 3 Sep 2007 at 1:01pm jonathan spencer wrote:
hmm I notice they are showing the Al gore Film An inconvenient truth at glyndebourne, could this be a bit of PR

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