Lewes Forum thread

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Why the Lewes Pound is Worth Supporting

On 10 Sep 2008 at 6:10pm SHS wrote:
It goes to battle with the life blood of the economy and shows Lewes is going to try and take back control. Yes, time could be spent campaigning for or against many other things (especially to get rid of the parking scheme), but how much effect does any campaigning really have beyond allowing a few bureaucrats to tick the 'consultation' box? Sadly money is at the root of all government - give control of the money to Lewes and Lewes can decide it's own priorities, to the benefit of all residents and businesses. Localisation.
On 10 Sep 2008 at 11:10pm snowie wrote:
I'm not sure that the Government would be that worried about a mere 10,000 (the current amount of Lewes Pounds in circulation), the economy of Lewes is worth many millions and until we can buy all their essential purchases ie. food, housing, clothing, water, gas, electricity, petrol etc. in Lewes Pounds I cannot see how this can make any impression upon anyone or anything useful.

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Lewes Castle from below 61:132
Lewes Castle from below

hey good one more
If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington