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Why isn't Lewes open on Sundays?

On 14 Jun 2011 at 5:07pm Confuzzled wrote:
Apart from the supermarkets (albeit closing early), a couple of shops and of course, Bill's, why is it that Lewes is essentially closed on Sundays? It's such a shame to see a thriving town centre on a Saturday become virtually desolate on Sundays. Is it a case of the people don't come so the shops don't open or the shops don't open so the people don't come? Am sure there aren't that many people in Lewes in the churches. It's a royal pain as come 4pm, if you've forgotten anything, you're screwed.
On 14 Jun 2011 at 5:14pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I'm glad it's not, tbh. I like one day in the week when everythign is different. Even though I'm not a christian, I was opposed to Sunday trading when it started.
On 14 Jun 2011 at 6:07pm eggbertnobacon wrote:
It coz everyones nursing a raging overhang luv.
On 14 Jun 2011 at 6:17pm Clifford wrote:
'Why don't they make more people work on a Sunday so I, who obviously am not working on Sunday...?'
On 14 Jun 2011 at 6:26pm Timothy wrote:
These are hard times Clifford, people should be willing and able to work all hours to bring in the extra cash, that they then can't spend in Lewes on a Sunday
On 14 Jun 2011 at 6:45pm Ken Wood wrote:
Confuzzled - you obviously take for granted that you don't work on a Sunday - I don't understand why you think other people aren't allowed the same day off?
On 14 Jun 2011 at 8:21pm The Rev. Counter wrote:
Brilliant post from another selfish dfl who's used to getting everything he wants when he wants. Welcome to smalltownsville, we quite like it like this buster.
On 14 Jun 2011 at 8:37pm the old mayor wrote:
Quite right too I think the shops are missing a trick, they all moan about the parking - but its free on Sundays, That should be the busiest day, then close Monday or Wednesday, maybe the Chamber of Commerce (if Lewes has such a blatant commercial thing !) should organise it.
On 14 Jun 2011 at 8:39pm MC wrote:
I too love the one quiet day a week. I'd prefer it if no shops were open at all on a Sunday. Sunday's used to have a feeling and quite ambience all of their own. A very good day for kids to play out. Now all days are the same, noisy, frenetic.
On 14 Jun 2011 at 8:41pm Lou wrote:
As an independent trader (ie someone willing to work as many hours as is humanly possible to make a living) I'd like to say that if I didn't take Sunday's off then I wouldn't get one rest day a week.... but actually Sunday is the one day I have to clean my shop counters, fixtures and floors, re-order stock, tidy the displays, change any seasonal offers and promotions, not to mention, pay bills, update accounts and generally plan the next working week... oh and then there's the small matter of having a life...
If you want small shops to open on your day off-maybe you should work Sundays and take off a day during the week :-)
On 14 Jun 2011 at 9:11pm the old mayor wrote:
Exactly. So shopper go where there is free parking, cos the Lewes shop keepers dont want to work Sundays - even if they close another day in the week. Go where the trader realises the shopper actually calls the shots. Dont move with the times and remember nothing stays the same it either dies or grows. You Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Shop Keeper (Lou) decide !!
On 14 Jun 2011 at 9:25pm Lou wrote:
Old Mayor-interesting (not) that you have chosen to draw attention to whether I am male or female, married or single= completely irrelevant diversion... I have already decided. I close my shop on Sundays to complete all the tasks listed in my first post. You would probably be one of the first to criticise a badly stocked and dirty shop with out of date offers for products that had sold out.
I would love to work Sundays-I do already-just can't open the shop as well. As for moving with the times mmm lets see you suggest possibly closing one day a week ? isn't that a bit retro? what about half day early closing on a Wednesday perhaps? My business is quietly healthy, certainly not standing still or dying in either product or attitude terms. I just think Sundays are a step too far for small independent traders.
On 14 Jun 2011 at 10:39pm the old mayor wrote:
Well Lou - Pedantic too. I did originally think Mr Lou, but just knew I would be picked up on that- so you picked up the fact that I mentioned ALMOST every option. Open 7days if you want,what do I care ? I only point out that PARKING IS FREE ON Sundays, and we all know how much the Traders bleat on about the parking. I know your shop is friendlier than you (not). Do you sell painted twine from a clean counter ?
On 14 Jun 2011 at 11:06pm Mrs Twine wrote:
Old Mayor - shame on you! You should know that painted twine is completely rigid and absolutely no use for macrame. Away with it, monstrosity! Painted yogurt, now, that's another matter.
On 15 Jun 2011 at 8:36am Vesbod wrote:
Well, if we had a closing day in the week, you can bet your last Lewes pound that the powers of B would change the free parking to that day instead of a Sunday !! For myself, I'm easy either way as I tend to walk into town, and walk back. Perhaps we should have a monthly Sunday walkathon into town to clog all the cafes up, and any other local shop we find open ?
On 15 Jun 2011 at 9:07am Mercian wrote:
"Brilliant post from another selfish dfl who's used to getting everything he wants when he wants. Welcome to smalltownsville, we quite like it like this buster."
You should go over to the other thread where there are complaints about DFLs opposing McDonalds and other chains.
Perhaps the best way forward is getting a McDonalds which only opens on a Sunday. That way we could piss off both DFLs and Lewesians alike.
On 15 Jun 2011 at 9:30am Confuzzled wrote:
wow I never expected such bile, small-mindedness and hatred from the fellow locals on what was a relatively simple question, oh no wait, yes I did. I was merely posing the question as a result of living in Cliffe and seeing it utterly devoid of life on Sundays most of the time. Many shops elsewhere manage to open on Sundays by having part-time weekend staff. Yes I fully appreciate having a day or weekend off but I have done my fair share of working 7 day weeks for low pay for many, many years. You are correct in that I don't work weekends now, you are however incorrect that I am a DFL. I was born and raised in Lewes and have lived here for 35 years. Seriously, get over the finger wagging and DFL "issue" (which is non-existent) - the only problem with modern Lewes is people like you
On 15 Jun 2011 at 9:47am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Not sure why you think someone ought to open their shop just in case you've not been organised enough to remember everything you may need so desperately on a Sunday.
On 15 Jun 2011 at 9:50am Confuzzled wrote:
It's not about me and my supposedly selfish needs, I'm talking about bringing life to the area. If I forget to get something during the rare free moments of the working week, so be it on my head. Am talking business, life, bringing in people etc
On 15 Jun 2011 at 10:24am Deelite wrote:
Its great the streets are free from cars on Sundays... then the kids can skateboard nearer to home.
On 15 Jun 2011 at 11:23am observer wrote:
So they can annoy the neighbours you mean?At great expense the skateboard parks at Landport and Malling were built.
On 15 Jun 2011 at 12:28pm Clifford wrote:
It's sad if the only way of 'bringing life to the area' is to shop. I heard someone on the radio the other day describe shopping as a 'leisure experience'. Pah!
On 15 Jun 2011 at 1:32pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Whilst I agree that having the shops shut on a Sunday is nice in Lewes (Although actually most of them in the precinct are open these days), I do often wonder why dentists and doctors shut on the weekend. I would have thought that opening at the weekend then closing for Monday and Tuesday would make more sense given that the majority of people have those days off and getting to an appointment would be much easier on the weekend.
On 15 Jun 2011 at 4:12pm bastian wrote:
you've all said what I was thinking but can I add that some of us like to slob out on sunday and think others deserve to do the same.I'm glad we still have a slow pace here still, long may it last.
On 15 Jun 2011 at 5:11pm Vesbod wrote:
Yeah man
On 15 Jun 2011 at 7:49pm Deelite wrote:
I want to live in a backwater. If I didn't I'd live in Brighton or London. Screw the modern life. It's just crazy. Eating itself at pace.
On 16 Jun 2011 at 3:56pm bastian wrote:
too right
On 16 Jun 2011 at 7:12pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I'd be in favour of them reintroducing half-day closing on Wednesday, too. I was thrilled when I first moved down and found that this custom was still observed.
I really don't understand why people feel the need to shop at all hours, 7 days a week.
On 16 Jun 2011 at 9:36pm Decent Citizen wrote:
I am all for quite Sundays. Call me old fashioned but, Lewes on a Sunday is heaven without the hustle and bustle of traffic etc. Then of course you get the likes of Deelite who are happy to spoil the peace by letting their kids skateboard in the streets ruining the peace for others. .There are MANY open spaces in Lewes including the two skateboard parks which cost us dearly,shame the parents are too lazy to take them there. As a child, I had a long way to go to let off steam.Lewes children are fortunate to have such facilities.
On 17 Jun 2011 at 11:40pm AYATOLLAH HOGMANNY wrote:
Deelite.. there are skateboard parks for your kids to enjoy, they were put there to keep skateboarders off the pavements and roads where they are very dangerous, I have had to pick a vary elderly lady off the path who had fallen after a skateboarder had knocked her over, he probably didnt notice what he had done as he whizzed past, oblivious to all and sundry with his headphones on!!!! Why did we waste our hard earned taxes on these places!!!!!!!

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