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Who owns this land?

On 27 Sep 2013 at 12:12pm Peter wrote:
The land on the other side of the railway track from the monestry. It looks like a park from Google maps, but it appears to be privately owned. Is this someone's garden? Or maybe it's owned by the church? Nosiness is my only reason for asking.
There's also an interesting little tunnel under the railway (that doesn't lead anywhere), which is just off the road leading to the land.

Check it out here »
On 27 Sep 2013 at 12:56pm local person wrote:
It belongs to a resident in the Crescent as part of their garden.
On 27 Sep 2013 at 3:50pm Cat in the hat wrote:
That's a fair bit of land there
On 27 Sep 2013 at 4:53pm local person wrote:
It is the main part of the Priory Including the Church . It is a protected archeological site (ancient monument) with the rest of the ruins under the grass.
On 28 Sep 2013 at 3:49pm Harry Monk wrote:
It`s MINE - well , my family`s anyway . Since the rogue Henry V111 dissolved it . We`ve been trying for centuies to get it back - More chance of Lewew Council letting a football Stadium go unchallenged than letting The Monks return
On 30 Sep 2013 at 12:24pm Barratt wrote:
Seems like a perfect spot to build some low-cost housing
On 30 Sep 2013 at 6:54pm end of wrote:
A troll who doesn't know what an Ancient Monument and why you can't build on it.
On 2 Oct 2013 at 9:44pm edtheplumber wrote:
A nice Lewes Family own it, but it isn't as valuable or useful as one would think. No digging down or permanent structures are allowed as the priory ruins lay underneath.
It used to be a nursery (plant not people). And when they refilled their water tank, it made Priory Street's water pressure drop to nothing.
On 4 Oct 2013 at 11:08am Peter wrote:
Thanks a lot for everyone's answers. The fact that the priory is underneath explains a lot about why this area has remained undeveloped. Shame that it can't sold to the council to be made into a park though. The existing tunnel under the railway was obviously meant to link them but is now unused.
On 10 Oct 2013 at 10:28pm For the People wrote:
Council could have bought it. I expect if the council said they would turn it into a park, the current owners would sell it for what they bought it for.
But our council is too busy trying to MAKE money on all of its' assets. Used to be a little park by the Priory Ruins. It had swings, sandpit, springy things. Great for young kids, but the council let it got to ruin then removed it,
I think the person in charge of parks has a lot to answer for. The not only let some parks disappear, but have sat on ten of thousands of pounds of money that could have been used to improve parks in Lewes.
Oh, and why is the basket ball net the wrong way around in the Landport park, someone put the posts around backwards and the council didn't inspect it properly,

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Bill Lewes

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