On 18 Aug 2009 at 7:32pm I.DON.TGEDDIT wrote:
I watched the girl in the black Clio behind me at Plumpton Railway Crossing take off her seat belt then do it up under herself.
Please - why would you do that? I really cannot see why anyone wouldn't wear there belt anyway, but to take it off and make it look like you're wearing it whilst not wearing it defeats me...
On 18 Aug 2009 at 9:11pm Wordsworth wrote:
Or should that just be How?
but more precisely, and to clarify nicely
I can't comprehend, and therefore intend
to ask of the auther, as I feel that I ought'er
How in the name of all that I believe..
...can a selt belt be fastened so it is underneath?
On 19 Aug 2009 at 8:30am Great Crested Newt wrote:
Can't see how you would have been able to actually see her doing this, from your rear view mirror, unless she had a transparent car. You sound a bit of a weirdo.
And why on Earth "Can you really not see why anyone would wear their belt anyway"
On 19 Aug 2009 at 5:40pm Keeley wrote:
He said "I really cannot see why anyone WOULDN'T wear there belt anyway".
On 19 Aug 2009 at 5:56pm Great Crested Newt wrote:
On 19 Aug 2009 at 5:59pm I.DON.TGEDDIT wrote:
Ta Keeley - I guess GCN's arrival on these forums lowered the average IQ by about 50%!
The road slopes slightly up to the crossing and from the relatively high position of my mirror I was able to see what she was up to! My attention was drawn initially by the blaring music.
Whatever GCN, she has been reported on Operation Crackdown so my duty is done.
On 19 Aug 2009 at 6:40pm Keeley wrote:
Irreponsible aren't they! I was driving back from Brighton just the other day and saw some woman pull up beside me at the lights, not only was she not wearing a seatbelt but was also busy chatting on her mobile phone!! Shouldn't be on the road, some people.
On 19 Aug 2009 at 11:05pm Andrew Richardson wrote:
At a guess she's probably got one of those cars that nags her if the belt's not on. Seems a bit pointless though. I don't actually have a problem with people who don't wear belts. If they want to do a superman impression through the windscreen that's their problem.
On 20 Aug 2009 at 7:54am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
My car nags me if my handbag is riding in the front seat without a seat belt.
I get hacked off sometimes if I have to gert suited and booted for somethign, set off all smart and get to the other end all crumpled round the middle where the seat belt's been, but I prefer that to risking a crumpled face where it's been through the windscreen.
On 21 Aug 2009 at 1:32am expat two wrote:
What an incredibly smug bunch of self-righteous nannying creeps you are. What the hell business is it of yours that anybody does or doesn't wear a seatbelt? The only impact it has on your life is that wearing seatbelts gives drivers the margin to take more risks and therefore endanger other road users.
And thick as Daily Mail readers too, a distinct lack of spelling/grammar skills and your god alone knows what that thread title is supposed to mean.
I guess I.DON.TGEDDIT 's arrival on these forums lowered the average IQ by about 99%!
On 23 Aug 2009 at 9:51pm expat_too wrote:
1. It's illegal not to wear a seatbelt.
2. You're more likely to die in an accident.
So expat is saying that non-seatbelt wearers are more careful? Twat!
On 25 Aug 2009 at 7:00am expat too too wrote:
You, expat too, really are an utter utter jerkoff.
You don't see the point he (or she) is making do you? Maybe you just can't read.
I hope you don't have any children, you're obviously not fit to. People like you should be locked away. How on earth did you manage to work out how to use the internet anyway, did your carer help?
On 25 Aug 2009 at 7:50am Einstein wrote:
You guys!
You cannot argue with statistics - if you wear your belt you're more likely to survive. The law backs these statistics. We pay for the idiots that don't as they have their organs re-arranged and their faces re-attached. Knees are bent the wrong way, spleens and livers are ruptured... Clunk click every trip. No ifs, no buts!
On 25 Aug 2009 at 7:57am expat_too wrote:
So, beacuse I'm all for road safety, this means I'm not entitled to procreate? And I need a nursing-wannabe to help me type stuff? Nice!
It's not hard people - wear your seatbelt and you'll live, leave it off and you might live but you'll have so tasty scars and a limp. You choose...
On 25 Aug 2009 at 8:49am 40 something wrote:
Expat too too, what is your problem?
On 25 Aug 2009 at 9:44am huw wrote:
On the day of my wedding, my new bride and I were being driven to the reception venue.
The photographer was sat in the passenger seat turned around to face us and take pictures. We were going at a crawl down a side street when a lady almost stepped in front of the car to lean in and scream "SEATBELT!" at the top of her voice, with a look of intense hatred and murderous intent.
I know the photographer was in the wrong, but we were driving at a snails pace, it was obvious what was happening and the irate ladies actions were more dangerous in the circumstances.
We found it highly amusing.