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White Hart Hotel

On 23 Jul 2015 at 11:30pm Historian wrote:
I see the White Hart is on Rightmove for sale or seeking an equity partner.£2.5m 19 bedrooms. Wonder if a religious sect or even other local hoteliers would be interested. Has Premier Inn already affected the market ?
On 24 Jul 2015 at 6:13am Yawn wrote:
They've traded for years on location and lack of real competition. The business is probably worth £1 as it needs £2.5 million (or more) spending on it. No one will touch it at that price and they know full well the writing is on the wall. Reading the reviews on the likes of tripadvisor they frankly deserve all they get, disgusting place and such a waste of what could be a real gem.
On 24 Jul 2015 at 9:42am trooper wrote:
There has been contact from an International hotel chain, who have made previous offers and have been refused.It will be sold but not just yet.
On 24 Jul 2015 at 2:13pm Oceans 11 wrote:
I owe the full 25 , hotels man ,
On 24 Jul 2015 at 4:26pm trooper wrote:
White Hart update, the asking price is £2.5 million. A triumph of hope over reality.
On 24 Jul 2015 at 5:14pm Wye Tart wrote:
flippin expensive - more so than here in Kent
On 25 Jul 2015 at 6:44am Sussex Drinker wrote:
The White Hart would be an ideal site for a Wetherspoon's.
Reasonable food and drink at affordable prices in Lewes!
On 25 Jul 2015 at 7:09am Mrs Grumpy wrote:
The White Hart is an historic hotel in a prime position which for years has been allowed to deteriorate. Wetherspoons is definitely NOT the answer. The new owners should be prepared to respect its place in an historic town.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 8:11am Mr Sensible wrote:
Its been an Inn for nearly 300 years and is now no longer fit for purpose in the 21st century. Needs demolishing, leave the facade intact and rebuild. That wont happen, completely not financially viable. it will become another Crown Inn. These old buildings need reinvestment. After all Lewes is a living town not a set piece museum of architecture.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 8:49am Mrs Grumpy wrote:
Mr Sensible, I agree with you that it needs investment. Not having seen the survey I don't know that the interior needs demolishing. I amazed that you should feel that historic buildings prevent a town being a "living town". But someone with a modicum of good taste needs to be prepared to spend a great deal of money, which would obviously be reflected in the prices when the hotel finally reopened.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 9:25am Border Control wrote:
Maybe a religious sect might buy it. Do they pay normal prices ?
On 25 Jul 2015 at 10:53am Businessman wrote:
Mr Sensible. There are plenty of modern hotels that are excellent. In fact , we seem to be getting one, so it would be daft to compete with it. In business we are always looking for unique selling points. One of them is a historic building. That is because many travellers love historic hotels and history can be sold at a premium. Premier Inn can do all sorts of things, but it can't buy history at the 'hotel interior shop'. Don't people travel to Lewes because it is historic, and precisely because no one has demolished the interiors of historic buildings. Isn't that also why many people move here, creating high property prices. The Historic nature of Lewes is the town's own USP. That is not for everyone, but for those people, there are plenty of other places to visit. Your comparison with a Museum is only valid if one believes that Museums are still the dull and pointless places of our youth. They are not. People love beauty and history, which is why Lewes is booming (and so are good Museums) The White Hart could be upgraded and making a fortune with the right investment.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 1:15pm Geoff Paddle wrote:
I would not be at all surprised to see it become a doss house for people on the social
On 25 Jul 2015 at 2:03pm Jill Creek wrote:
and Cliffe Bridge is where trolls belong, not here.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 2:21pm B&B Landlady wrote:
I think many of us hoped that the White Hart might get the investment it needs when it was taken over by Legacy Group a few years ago. That it hasn't is, I think, probably down to the fact that there is such pressure on accommodation in this town for much of the year that they simply haven't needed to. People coming to Lewes unable to find somewhere better to stay have had to book in there. I am quite sure that I'm not the only B&B operator in this town who has taken in distressed guests who've just not been able to face staying another night there.

I've always believed that the main businesses to feel the impact of the Premier Inn would be the White Hart and the Crown. So I'm not at all surprised to see this announcement: they need to do some serious work if they're to compete, but frankly I think they've probably let things slide for too long. As for the discussion about the interior, most of the accommodation is in a 20th century annexe, isn't it? Certainly, that's what the refugees I have taken in have described as where the really terrible conditions are. Nevertheless it's in a great position so perhaps it's not a lost cause quite yet.

The Crown? I think that probably is in its death throes. I hope so: the place is a disgrace and brings shame on our town.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 4:42pm Dixie Normus wrote:
People slating the whetherspoons in Lewes. They have refurbished and opened one in Crowborough and it is very pleasant, on a Saturday night there is a mix of ages and a mix of people dining and drinking. It's a nice environment and would benefit many people in Lewes. And the best bit is, the greens can continue to drink at the Lewes Arms throwing peas down the street
On 25 Jul 2015 at 6:43pm Trooper wrote:
B&B Landlady. Excellent post. I have had friends who have booked into this hotel before I could stop them and have fled the place after one or two nights, it is a great pity it could be an icon of Lewes, as for the Crown the less said the better and I do mean LESS. I do hope whoever buys it is aware of the affection it still has in this town despite it's problems.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 7:26pm Celine wrote:
I've been told the annexe of the White Hart isn't included in the sale but is being kept back for residential development.
On 25 Jul 2015 at 8:09pm lewes resident wrote:
I do hope someone invests in the White Hart , not everyone wants to stay in a Premier Inn and I personally do not like B and B's so there is a market for an Historic Hotel, ?
On 25 Jul 2015 at 10:45pm Inspector Clouseau wrote:
Correct, the annex is not part of the sale, neither is the pool and leisure centre
On 26 Jul 2015 at 11:42am emma wrote:
This site is disgusting. All you do on here is bitch. Don't any of you have a life. Leave people alone. This site should be closed down unless it's used for what I guess it was set up for. Webb should delete negative remarks
On 26 Jul 2015 at 12:13pm Horseman7 wrote:
Emma, surely the whole point of discussion is that people are free to make both negative and positive remarks? Then other, previously undecided, people can draw their own conclusions. Posters who have already commented could also change their minds when they see what others say.
I call that constructive debate, not bitching.
So to maintain a balance, here are a few of my thoughts on the White Hart:
Positive: Great location, beautiful facade, frindly staff.
Negative: Cramped and feels slightly grubby (even if it's not). A neighbour whose house was flooded recently was initially put up in the annexe by her insurers. It was hot and her window was open. All evening she was subjected to cigarette smoke and swearing from people who chose to congregate just outside her room. At 01:00 one such person climbed into her bedroom and scared her witless. She decamped to the nearest B&B.
Personal preference: I would rather stay in a modern, characterless Premier Inn where the staff are friendly and care very much about the safety and comfort of their guests - and where there's limitless hot water. I would rather attend a business meeting or partake of afternoon tea in an historic building with character, such as the White Hart.
On 26 Jul 2015 at 3:51pm Trooper wrote:
@HORSEMAN 7, Fair comment. I have just returned home from having lunch in the White Hart hotel, the food was quite good, the service also quite good but there is no character in the place it is souless. My companion went to the ladies and found that half the facilities did not work. I cannot speak for the accommodation but while we were there a group was moving out before their booked period ended, and appeared to be unhappy. It is quite obvious that as this hotel is up for sale the owners are going to spend even less money than the have to date. I will not be returning.
@ Emmma. Calm down dear or you will do yourself a mischief.
On 26 Jul 2015 at 7:12pm Tobnac wrote:
Weatherspoons, afaik, don't do hotels so it's not really an issue. Not that weatherspoons are all that bad - they are generally pretty respectful of their historic buildings. The beer is generally quite good. My only objection to one in lewes is that it would hurt our other pubs.
On 26 Jul 2015 at 9:29pm Redballs wrote:
Tobnac a Weatherspoons in Lewes would mean the other pubs would need to raise there game and lower there prices, which may give the greedy local brewers a fright.
On 26 Jul 2015 at 9:56pm Amy wrote:
I think the hotel should be turned into a spa hotel something very much needed in Lewes. As for becoming a Wetherspoons great but would see many other pubs inTown fold for sure
On 26 Jul 2015 at 10:04pm emma wrote:
Weatherspoons in Lewes would bring in more people in the evening. Hailsham have one. Since opening the town is busy. Groups don't stay in Weatherspoons they do a pub crawl. Downside more trouble
On 27 Jul 2015 at 3:00pm Rose tinted specs wrote:
Emma , really , closed down cos you can't face other people's findings , I have stayed in the annex a few years ago , a bit worn then , and stayed in the main building more recently , it is what it is
On 27 Jul 2015 at 9:28pm Mr. Spoons wrote:
I had never stepped foot in a Wetherspoon up until a couple of years ago, and I was very impressed on how sympathetically they renovate old buildings. I agree with Dixie Normus the one in Crowborough is very good. Also Wetherspoon do have hotels, see below.

Check it out here »
On 28 Jul 2015 at 12:34pm notforthelikesofus wrote:
Could be a good boutique hotel, each room designed with character and differing levels of fixtures and facilities to cater to different price ranges.
On 28 Jul 2015 at 5:24pm The Twister wrote:
I believe that most of the rooms are themed already. "Medieval" - "Sussex Hovel" - "Squalid Council" and " Hygiene Bypass"
On 28 Jul 2015 at 9:32pm Pointless point wrote:
yeah no it is what it is

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