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Which charity shop?

On 17 Feb 2016 at 12:08am Giving wrote:
Which is the most worthy charity shop in Lewes to donate things to?
On 17 Feb 2016 at 9:57am Ali wrote:
I donate clothes to St Peter and James in the High Street as my father spent his last week in their care and couldn't have been made more comfortable. I tend to give my books to Oxfam as the manager always has a good selection and people go there specifically to buy them. The Heart Foundation is another good one. If you gift aid your donations, it doesn't cost you anything but the charity benefits financially as it pays less tax on your donations.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 10:10am Bongo wrote:
Red Cross.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 10:22am Paul wrote:
I agree St Peters and St James or oxfam, Not the Red Cross.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 7:19pm Englishman wrote:
The Oxfam shop in the Cliffe has a number of slogans on its shopfront advertising its achievements in the third world. Unfortunately it does not include "Promotes family planning".
On 17 Feb 2016 at 7:24pm Old Malling wrote:
It's a bit of a strange question. Is cancer more worthy than heart disease? Look at the charity and what they do and decide which one(s) you want to support.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 8:17pm Giving wrote:
You're quite right, @Old Malling - I wasn't sure how to phrase it. Some charities spend a bigger percentage on admin (I was worrying about Oxfam re this - correct me, please!), and separately, I'd like to favour a local charity, though I know that the bigger charities may have more systems for dealing with different types of donation as they can forward them/ ship them around. And @Ali makes a good point that some of the shops specialise in a particular type of donation/ item featured in their shops, e.g. book. So I started this thread to get some views on which did the best job generally, if you have something to donate, plus any thoughts on the best destination for particular items.
Thanks, all!
On 17 Feb 2016 at 10:27pm Ed Can Do wrote:
You could always give the stuff to a bonfire society to sell at a jumble sale. That's about as local as you're going to get. In terms of actual charities, St Peter and James is quite rightly the charity of choice for many people in Lewes.
On 18 Feb 2016 at 8:32am AGE OLD PIRATE wrote:
Thar be too Age UK's in town. One is national, the other, my LANLUBBERS! is Sussex.
On 18 Feb 2016 at 6:39pm Capn. Flint wrote:
Squaak you silly old pirate - Your spelling ain't a mucher. But as I knows of your swashbuckling ways on the high seas, I'll let 'ee off.
On 18 Feb 2016 at 6:48pm Charity shopper wrote:
I agree with choosing your charity based on your own choices. But if you'd like to know what they specialise in, I'd like to suggest:
- Oxfam for books (yes, the manager is very knowledgeable and they have a great selection). Not so good for large items/kids stuff because it's too small to accommodate it.
- St. Peter & James (the one behind the Volunteer) for furniture & homewares. It's also one of the few that take electricals.
- The Martlets for quality clothes (posh frocks/suits etc)
- British Heart Foundation (High St), Cancer Research (bottom of School Hill), and the white-fronted Age Uk in Cliffe High St for larger items and kids stuff.
- All the above will appreciate the usual clothes, books, DVDs etc. As will the smaller shops of black-fronted Age Uk on Cliffe High St, and the other St. Peter & James on the High St.
Please do take time to fill out a Gift Aid registration if you pay tax. It really is worth a lot to the charities (25% I think?). You'll probably only need to do it once, then just give your name & postcode next time you donate if you lose your card.
And yes, I do spend far too much time in Lewes's charity shops!
On 18 Feb 2016 at 10:15pm Charity shopper wrote:
...sorry, I forgot Red Cross in Cliffe precinct. Mainly clothes; some books; a few small homewares; good DVD selection. Have I forgotten any others?
On 19 Feb 2016 at 6:32am Amnesia International wrote:
Red Cross was listed by Bongo. Don't be sorry Cs, the charity shops will soon outnumber all others.

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