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When to have a Bonfire

On 3 Aug 2015 at 10:48pm Smokehouse wrote:
Neighbour has just stunk out the whole of Nevill with bonfire, - went on for hours, and set just after a rainy day! Lesson commencing now - 1. Wait until your garden rubbish has really dried out. 2. Wait also for the wind to be blowing away from houses/the estate. 3. DO NOT light your bonfire just after a rainy day. 4. if you're going to have a bonfire and not compost/take to tip, make sure it's a quick blast and not one that goes on for hours and hours.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 11:03pm UP IN SMOKE wrote:
I burn all my dodgy stuff when its dark, you cant see the black smoke and no one will know where the smell is coming from.
On 3 Aug 2015 at 11:07pm smokedtoo2 wrote:
my neighbour tonight..too, burning plastic, hey ho, not the end of the world..
On 4 Aug 2015 at 7:04am Sid wrote:
This time of year I would say light IH t about 8.30pm winter 4.30pn
On 4 Aug 2015 at 9:52am Platters wrote:
Smoke gets in your eyes ! That should be a Lewes anthem !!
On 4 Aug 2015 at 11:10am notforthelikesofus wrote:
Send up a few fireworks and claim it's a fundraiser!
On 4 Aug 2015 at 1:31pm Clifford wrote:
I always thought it was generally agreed that the best time to start a bonfire was on one of the few sunny days, particularly when you can see everyone has their windows open and maybe hung their washing out.
On 4 Aug 2015 at 1:51pm Environmentalist wrote:
Never is a good time. Take it to the tip instead of polluting the air.
On 4 Aug 2015 at 1:59pm Humbert wrote:
Good thinking environmentalist. I'll load up the branches into my car and drive it down to the tip (two petrol using trips) rather than burn it which is actually a carbon neutral activity. Genius!
When I was growing up garden bonfires were normal. I don't know what's gone wrong that now people think they have to tread on eggshells around doing it once a year.
On 4 Aug 2015 at 2:17pm Greaser wrote:
Totally agree, nobody batted an eyelid at garden bonfires years ago. Now, with all this global warming testicles, everyone wants to blame a bit of smouldering garden bonfire smoke for causing it.
Then Christ, on the 5th Nov suddenly everyone goes mad for it. And just think how many Guy Fawkes nights have been rainy with smoke mingling and lingering in the damp night misty air.
As long as it's simple garden rubbish I can't see the problem, it's the burning of plastics, household items like a sofa, or a mattress etc that is wrong. And heaven forbid, car tyres.

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