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When are they going back ?

On 3 Feb 2017 at 12:24am Amy £ wrote:
brexit the forigners when are they going back ? we was promised .!
On 3 Feb 2017 at 12:30am The Greek wrote:
Put the whisky down.
On 3 Feb 2017 at 8:19am ah diddums wrote:
have you not learned that you were lied to yet?
On 3 Feb 2017 at 9:50am Tom Pain wrote:
How can something that was never said be a lie?.... When liars say it was.
On 3 Feb 2017 at 11:09am Ho ho ho wrote:
Hilarious satire Amy - nice touch adding the "we was" because obviously anyone who supported Brexit must be an ignorant racist, like the late Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner. What a pair of fascist thugs they are!
On 3 Feb 2017 at 1:49pm Sans Culotte wrote:
LEXIT..... Anyone that thinks that there is the slightest chance of of anything resembling Lexit under the Tories is kidding themselves. Labour amendments or not, the Tories ,as we face the cold winds of an economic winter, isolated from our main markets will bit by bit, erode worker`s rights and sell off our NHS to the highest bidder. Labour ,under the cosh of a hostile right wing press and without the parliamentary numbers under ANY leader to resist this onslaught,will be forced to stand impotently by, or will veer hopelessly back towards rightist or centrist policies to appease the media.These would be same discredited policies which were responsible for the dire mess that we find ourselves in today. Unfortunately many of those on the Right who voted for Brexit, will accept their much reduced conditions on the misguided impression that somehow they have "got their country back" .Even more deluded, are those who would place themselves on the Left. High on the Stalinist fantasy of "socialism in one county", rejoicing loudly that they have jumped out of the Neo Liberal frying pan as they are simultaneously burned to a cinder in the Nationalist Neo Fascist fire. BREXIT means BREXIT ,not LEXIT. It could never have meant anything else. Our parliamentary system is broken and our current party system can no longer protect ordinary people from the predation of vampire capitalism.This struggle can now only be won on the streets, by mass civil disobedience and numerous acts of resistance both large and small.Parliament is basically a sideshow from now on.The system is broken.
On 3 Feb 2017 at 3:32pm Earl of Lewesss wrote:
Ah, you're the one that everyone thinks is Paul Newman, but you're the other one who likes writing essays. As Michael Winner would have said, calm down dear.
On 4 Feb 2017 at 1:43pm TC wrote:
More importantly, when are the Brits abroad being sent back? That's only fair right?

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