Lewes Forum thread

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What was it all about?

On 10 Jul 2017 at 7:23am Old councillor wrote:
Over 70 per cent of us turned out to vote in the Lewes constituency some Six weeks ago, the Tories and Labour were for hard Brexit. May said Corbyn was toxic. Introduction of grammar schools, fox hunting, abolition of free school meals, al dropped. Lib Dems steered a constant path through but what is happening today? Papers saying May wants a coalition with Corbyn as both parties are split! Is this what we voted for? Probably the leaflets dropped through the door most probably and sadly binned by now, will have huge value in coming years as examples of how we were duped.
On 10 Jul 2017 at 7:40am Beet wrote:
Are you drunk? You appear to be talking sheeite
On 10 Jul 2017 at 8:29am Phlipflop wrote:
I blame the students who Corbin cosied up to. Of course they all wanted the nirvana that he promised.
On 10 Jul 2017 at 9:46am The Greek wrote:
The bitterness in Tories who couldn't connect with the youth is hilarious.

Being young and a Tory marks you out as a social pariah nowadays. And so it should be.
On 10 Jul 2017 at 9:54am Pedro wrote:
@ Phlipflop - "nirvana"? You mean they want the same opportunities that their parents had (or even people just a few years older that most students now), of no tuition fees, so that they'd leave university with ONLY £30k of debt, instead of almost £60k. Young people are so unreasonable these days...

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