On 14 Apr 2009 at 3:10pm Cliffe Richard wrote:
The Raft race
The walk to Glynde
Cycling along the river
The Farmers market
The Gardeners
The river
The Pells
The Downs
On 14 Apr 2009 at 6:08pm Ed Can Do wrote:
The Paddock
Bonfire Night
The Castle
The Priory Ruins
The Riverside Centre
The hilarious ease with which you can buy pretty much any kind of narcotics
On 14 Apr 2009 at 6:29pm Norbert The Nark wrote:
On 14 Apr 2009 at 6:53pm Getta Fix wrote:
Commercial Square
Lewes Arms Pantomime Bull running
The walk to Barcombe
Cycling to the Snowdrop
The Deep Fried South American insects ooutside Forfars on Sats
Those that boycotted the Greene King Lewes Arms
The Shanaz
The Gardeners
The Brewery
The Cottage Hospital
The Beacons
On 14 Apr 2009 at 8:38pm Pikelet wrote:
The Grange
Garden Tea Season in The Grange
The Gardeners
Badge Night and the Putting Up of the Banners
The Pells
Those little chocolate chip biscuits at Artisan
Not Being Druv
On 14 Apr 2009 at 8:40pm Agony Aunt wrote:
All bonfire societies
Local people
The odd porpoise that swims upstream
On 14 Apr 2009 at 9:32pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
The glimpses of the downs you get between the buildings as you walk down the high street
Harveys Brewery
Grange Gardens
The tolerance of eccentricity
Cliffe Bridge, as seen from the causeway
Diversity of architecture
The way the town supported the boycott of the GK Lewes Arms
On 14 Apr 2009 at 10:36pm Lopster wrote:
walking under the castle gateway on the way to work in the sunshine
the atmosphere on 4/5/6 November
On 14 Apr 2009 at 11:04pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Ditto all the above (except the narcotics) and BONFIRE.
On 14 Apr 2009 at 11:18pm The Devils Advocaat wrote:
Declan down the Ellie's
Phoenix Causeway Bridge
Bill's Outdoor Seating Arrangements
Varieties of Twine
Excellent Parking
Laughing with the Bunce's Boys
Use of River Ouse to Maximum Potential
Big Council Building
Ireland's Lane Diversion
I'm struggling actually. Lewes is great.
On 15 Apr 2009 at 2:09am DFC wrote:
The tolerance and welcoming of new comers
The acceptance of freedom of movement between towns and cities in this great country
The appreciation of how much better our lives really are in Lewes compared with most of the globe
The understanding that there might actually be bigger issues in this world to concern us than a certain cafe using a little bit more of the pavement than most
I'm stopping there to await the flow of accusations of woolly headed middle class lefty out of tune new age Felix named child bearing nonsense which this will ignite. Off to take shelter in my eco friendly organic hugely overpriced terrace. That aside I think the Town is quite beautiful and I feel priveledged to live here even after running down my surbuban road in my pjs after a couple of traffic wardens who had just ticketed my 76 year old Dad and sister 9am Bank Holiday Monday
On 15 Apr 2009 at 9:01am windows wrote:
LOL!!!! DFC...love it!
Yer the last week i've been thinking how nice Lewes is and how friendly people are down my street.
Bring on the Summer, fun, music, pub lunches and parties yippy!
On 15 Apr 2009 at 9:33am Smiler wrote:
All the above and a pint of Harveys
On 15 Apr 2009 at 11:19am Isle of Lewes wrote:
Viva Lewes
I hope the Small Pleasures women is reading this.
On 15 Apr 2009 at 11:26am Hay Nonny Mouse wrote:
The people?
The forum?
The Lewes Arms
Our street too...
On 15 Apr 2009 at 12:40pm Bonfirek wrote:
Cliffe Bonfire Society
The Gardeners
The 'No Popery' banner going up on the fourth
The smell from the brewery
The view across the town from the war memorial to the Martyrs memorial and the view from the golf course back accross town.
Lewes is special, lets all keep it that way!
On 15 Apr 2009 at 3:06pm Bill wrote:
What only one person actually put my name in the things they like about lewes.
ooooooo sorry back to my medication
why does nobody like me ???
On 15 Apr 2009 at 6:28pm Rozzer wrote:
Bill - I thought you were going to say, 'What I like is the wide pavement they've been so kind to put in for my personal use.'
On 16 Apr 2009 at 5:28pm c.s.b.s wrote:
and the magical proms night this 08/08
On 18 Apr 2009 at 4:58pm 40 something wrote:
Sitting on top of the mound on a warm summer's evening, taking in the fantastic views (although I wish those big trees could disappear so the castle can be seen from there again. They really should not have let them grow so tall, now you can't see the town at all).