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We will decide not Lewes.

On 26 Apr 2017 at 7:10pm endoftheouse wrote:
Lewes voters in the election don't really count for much when it comes down to electing a MP as the surrounding Towns and Villages will vote for the Torys or Ukip. The snowflakes in the Lewes Lib/Lab bubble need to look at Seaford and Newhaven and realize we will decide.
On 26 Apr 2017 at 7:22pm Bakery wrote:
Ah, so that's why there was a Lib Dem MP from 1997 to 2015. I often wondered.
On 26 Apr 2017 at 9:21pm Billy Bull wrote:
I like the suggestion there are Lab voters in Lewes. Very humorous.
On 26 Apr 2017 at 9:31pm Good God wrote:
It's irrelevant what Lewes town votes for which used to be proudly conservative, but has been increasingly taken over by progressives.

Why is that? Because when the boundary changes come into force in a couple of years we'll be with uckfield and the seat will be true blue for decades to come.

Fib Dems may win the seat in 2017, but it'll be the last we see of them in a long, long time.
On 26 Apr 2017 at 10:47pm Frak wrote:
I can't imagine why anyone would be proudly conservative. It's like saying I don't care about anyone else and hate the NHS.
On 26 Apr 2017 at 11:23pm Kim Jong Caulfield wrote:
Vote for me or I eat your dog and nuke your house.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 7:23am Good God wrote:

This is where many progressives fail because they're blinded by a lack of empathy for others (take brexit as an example where many assumed brexiteers to farage supporting racists).

Most people that vote Tory do so because they don't think government should permeate every strand of people's lives.

Government intervention in people's lives is generally a bad thing.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 8:23am Voter wrote:
@Good God
This is where most posters on this forum fail. The believe that they know why "most people" do things. But I agree with you that voting preferences are much more complex than @frak suggests. I for one will be struggling to make a decision - if it wasn't for the public sector funding crisis, particularly in the NHS, then I'd be a lot more likely to vote Tory.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 8:28am Frak wrote:
Hate to burst your bubble, but for most people government is permeating life far more in the in the last 7 years than the previous 13 and mostly in a negative way.
And the reason why I don't like the tories is completely because I have empathy for others - otherwise I'd be only be thinking about what's just best for me, which isn't conducive to a decent society.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 8:31am Billy Bull wrote:
Do you realise that this government is the most invasive into personal lives ever, and one of the most restricting of personal rights in the whole world? That's why traditional Tories reject current conservatism.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 8:34am @frak wrote:
What you mean benefits should be continued for the fat, idle, thick and morally corrupt?
On 27 Apr 2017 at 9:16am Frak wrote:
Did I mention anything about that......um, no.
Though I guess you're talking about company bosses and hedge fund managers.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 9:30am The Greek wrote:
Norm was a decent local MP and campaigner as well, much more so than Cauliflower. He also benefitted from lots of tactical votes to keep the Tories out, which then failed in 2010 accounting for the hammering in 2015. The Tory vote only increased 1.3%, whereas the Lib Dem vote collapsed by 16.1% It's probably not right to say the Tories won that election, rather the Lib Dems lost it.

Vote splitting on the left, especially now the Tories are well within the UKIP fold, results in Tory victories. We need a progressive alliance to force through voting reform.

The Labour Party in Lewes is pretty active, spearheading campaigns against Southern Rail (which Cauliflower took credit for) and running drop-ins for parents and toddlers at the constituency office, spearheaded by their excellent council candidate Emily Clarke. I don't see the Tories doing much for the community.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 1:08pm Good god wrote:

Where's your evidence for this? After all the Blair government tried to bring in ID cards, no sign of that from the Tories.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 1:52pm The Greek wrote:
Corbyn voted against that.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 2:49pm Don`t vote Tory. wrote:
Don`t vote Tory.Vote tactically.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 3:11pm Billy Bull wrote:
It's actually astonishing that Labour do so badly here. As someone said in a Guardian comment yesterday they are the only party with an "always on" presence via their shop yet in a lefty liberal town do roughly as well as UKIP.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 3:46pm Ed Can Do wrote:
@Good God, you are joking right? Tony Blair, the closest thing to a Tory the Labour party have ever had thought about introducing ID cards but didn't whereas between them, May and Cameron introduced a law compelling internet service providers to keep a record of every single website you visit and email you send which the government can look at without needing either a good reason or a warrant.

The reason the Tories win is because there's so many dumb people around who believe what billionaires tell them too in their newspapers. They'll merrily vote Tory in June because "WE WANT A BREXIT BECAUSE OF FORRENERS" happily ignorant of the fact that they'll lose all their public services in the process and get hit with tax increases to improve the bottom line of multinationals owned by Tory donors.

When exactly did ignorance and stupidity become virtues?
On 27 Apr 2017 at 4:18pm Good god wrote:
@the Greek

Corbyn is also Facebook friends with IRA terrorists.

@ed can do

Corbyn is a socialist. No socialist government has ever existed without far reaching implications for personal freedoms and interference in people's lives. Far more reaching than the snoopers charter.
On 27 Apr 2017 at 4:55pm Tory wrote:
I have more brain cells than most labour voters. Yes over 6!!!!
On 27 Apr 2017 at 5:52pm Frak wrote:
Clutching at straws there Good god.....
On 27 Apr 2017 at 6:17pm Good god wrote:

Not really. But good avoiding the question of actually providing any evidence to back up your statement. But, at the end of the day, it's all irrelevant.

Going back to the OP's point, we all know May is going to extend her majority and if Lewes doesn't remain Tory now, it will be Tory again in five years thanks to the boundary changes.
Have a good day @frak!
On 27 Apr 2017 at 6:36pm Frak wrote:
Both ed and the Greek gave good examples, so saw no point in adding to it - but things like schools being forced Fri become academies, the bedroom tax, the constant changing of how you can run a small business..... day to day stuff. All governments interfere, that's what they're there for, but is a myth that a labour one does more.
Just hope the arrogance of Tories comes back to bite them.

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