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We need an opposition

On 6 Dec 2017 at 11:44am Where are Labour? wrote:
The statements of David Davis today show Brexit to be a total shambles worse than anyone imagined even after the DUP fiasco this week. Labour's complicity and silence is helping destroy the country. Anyone know why they aren't taking a stand?
On 6 Dec 2017 at 12:04pm Donald wrote:
Because Labour have no idea where to stand.
On 6 Dec 2017 at 12:42pm Where are Labour? wrote:
PMQs just now was a joke. Corbyn is ducking the responsibility of holding the government to account at a time when it's an easy victory to show his credibility. Are Lewes Labour challenging Maria Caulfield to justify her continued support for Brexit too?
On 6 Dec 2017 at 1:23pm Hamid Barr wrote:
Do some of you not realise the UK voted to leave the EU?
On 6 Dec 2017 at 1:40pm Erp wrote:
Labour can't oppose Brexit as most of their traditional voters still want it.
On 6 Dec 2017 at 3:44pm Bert wrote:
I didn't have this much trouble leaving the Golf Club, stopped paying, stopped going, I survived !
On 6 Dec 2017 at 5:45pm bobobob wrote:
It's difficult to oppose as there is currently nothing proposed by the government to oppose. They haven't agreed within their own party on what they are trying to get from this deal yet.

The conservatives reject the accusations they aren't doing a good job and PMQs is pretty much a joke in terms of actual Q&A so doesn't really serve any purpose to bang on about it. Society is seeing and judging by themselves.

The fact they haven't done any formal assessments speaks for itself. Why to companies do budgets, why to families plan their finances to afford a house etc etc. we all know it should have been done and in great detail. Clowns.

I'd say what we need is a plan:
1) stay in the EU = free movement of people, subject to ECJ no border but lots of angry people and potential increase in polarising of society
2) In the single market and customs union = free movement of people but no border issues. Pretty much the same as now but we get no vote
3) Out of SM and CU with = no free movement of people but border and issues that come with it depending on where the border is
What's your poison?
On 6 Dec 2017 at 6:11pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
The Tories are making such a mess of things, Labour are happy to let them carry on. Why disrupt the enemy when they're shooting themselves in the foot?
I did enjoy David Davis' wonderful performance at the select committee today though. Perfect for pantomime season.
On 6 Dec 2017 at 7:36pm Mrs David wrote:
I can clearly remember Jeremy Corbyn speaking out in support of remaining in the EU. He said it would be a travesty to the country to leave the EU and I remember hearing him on the radio before the EU vote imploring people to vote REMAIN.
On 7 Dec 2017 at 1:25am Cliffe wrote:
Mrs Davis stop your lies we all know the tramp voted leave
On 7 Dec 2017 at 11:04am Shariah Coldfield wrote:
Corbyn is pro-Brexit. That's why he put zero effort into campaigning against it. He's as responsible for this foot-shooting as the Tory/UKIP c**ts who actively promoted it.
Polls done before the referendum showed that most Labour voters didn't even know what their party's official stance on brexit was.
On 7 Dec 2017 at 6:40pm Brexit Schmexit wrote:
Tony Blair is the only politician talking sense. Corbyn and the hard left always hated Europe, while the Tory right wing head bangers are so rabid that they don’t care what happens to the country- it’s just out at any cost. David David is a disgrace, as is Maria Caulfield.

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