Lewes Forum thread

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Lewes Forum New message

We are relocating, please read.

On 18 Apr 2018 at 9:24am Lewes Mobiles Team wrote:

Lewes Mobiles shop will be closing on Friday 4th May, and will be based at the offices of its parent company Think Group at the address below:
1 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2AD
Although we will no longer have a retail environment to serve customers face to face, the same team will continue to manage and support your mobile contract during our new office hours, 8.30am till 5.30pm - Monday to Friday, via the contact details below:
Tel: 01273 473400
Email: support@lewesmobile.com
Web: www.lewesmobile.com
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with regards to this change and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers that made it possible for the shop to run over the last 15 years - thank you.
Lewes Mobiles Team
On 18 Apr 2018 at 9:54am cockshute wrote:
Relocating. Must try harder.
On 18 Apr 2018 at 10:57am You are illiteration wrote:
Par for the course for Lewes. Just as Cockshute observed.
On 18 Apr 2018 at 4:58pm Tesco mobile wrote:
Or come to me for a better deal with better benefits
On 18 Apr 2018 at 8:44pm Mavis wrote:
Which end. Is No 1 High Street ? The numbers run really oddly, a landmark would help. Thank you.
On 18 Apr 2018 at 10:07pm vodyonekenobi wrote:
This is because we didn't want to be hijacked by Vodaphone and you had a sign outside with a picture of a Blackberry that no-one uses any more. Why are the only phone shops in Lewes basically Vodaphone?
On 20 Apr 2018 at 9:01am James wrote:
No. 1 High Street is located in the Cliffe precinct area. Just above Bakeout.
On 21 Apr 2018 at 9:01am Garner - Rockford wrote:
Thank you for your detective work

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