On 5 Jan 2011 at 11:04am Julia Squeezer wrote:
Wassail Night at the Lewes Saturday Folk Club in the Elly on 8th. January with firelight, candlelight, home-made Twelfth Cake, a wassail bowl, & seasonal songs. It's also a chance to sing some of the unexploded carols left over from events cancelled by snow. 8-11 pm, entrance £3, everyone welcome, no membership needed.
On 5 Jan 2011 at 5:21pm hp wrote:
what fun rather watch paint dry u sados
On 5 Jan 2011 at 5:51pm Katyy wrote:
That was a narrow minded, unnecessary and deliberately hurtful comment. Why do you want make people feel bad?
On 5 Jan 2011 at 6:37pm Shaymus wrote:
I don't know about hurtful, but agree with your first two descriptions. Who's the saddo? The sad bit rests in the idea that hp probably does enjoy sitting vacantly staring (not wishing to be hurtful).
On 5 Jan 2011 at 7:14pm canoeman wrote:
There are definitely people (may only be one under different aliases) who take every opportunity to write negative comments on any subject at all. They may do it to be hurtful but I doubt if they've even thought it through that much. It's probably just a 'laugh' for them.
Don't let these people get to you. They are just a bit sad. Its completely appropriate to publicise an event like this.
On 5 Jan 2011 at 7:28pm hp wrote:
im trying to be hurtfull you sad gits get a life watch football sleep wth lots of girls and drink larger
On 5 Jan 2011 at 8:48pm Slap happy wrote:
There is only one sad git on this thread.
Have a nice life (but unless you take a long hard look at yourself and do something about your ugly character it seems more likely you will die bitter, sad and resentful). Shame as you probably only have one life and it'd be good to make the most of it and die happy.
What goes around comes around (trite but true).
On 5 Jan 2011 at 9:44pm Grunge wrote:
@ hp. Strange to think how many cans of lager you must have held, and yet you still can't spell it.
Slap Happy is right. Start being positive about your own life, and about other people. It will bring out your better side - why should you want to only cultivate the nasty side of you?
On 5 Jan 2011 at 10:27pm WrongUn wrote:
So, your hobbies are drinking, shagging, watching football and posting on obscure internet sites? What a strange man you must be. Or perhaps you don't get enough of the first three to your liking, so you spend your time doing the latter.
On 5 Jan 2011 at 11:53pm daddies wrote:
surley hp is allowed to air his views? if he is happy drinking and shagging then fair play
On 6 Jan 2011 at 12:26am Webbo wrote:
On 6 Jan 2011 at 8:20am Julia Squeezer wrote:
Thanks for the kind comments, everyone. Anyone who thinks they'd enjoy the wassail night is very welcome to join us - we usually get about thirty people at evenings like this.
A wassail bowl is basically hot spiced old ale or cider. Twelfth Cake contains ginger, honey and fruit (mine is soaked in a fair amount of rum). Wassailing is a winter custom a bit like carolling: the wassailers would go from house to house offering to ensure the fertility of apple trees (and in Sussex, beehives) by singing special songs to them, pouring cider round the roots of the tree, and firing shotguns and blowing horns through the branches. (I imagine shotguns were kept away from the beehives.) Toast was hung from the branches as well. In return the wassailers would be rewarded with drink, food and money. It's a begging custom originally done by poor labourers at the time of the year when work was scarce and money was short. Middle Farm at Firle has a wassail night soon.
Unfortunately we won't be able to fire shotguns this Saturday night, but we'll be singing songs associated with the custom and other seasonal songs as well.
There's more information here: h++p://www.cotswolds.info/strange-things/wassailing.shtml
On 6 Jan 2011 at 9:28am Newmania wrote:
Sounds brill
On 6 Jan 2011 at 12:17pm sashimi wrote:
If, as you seem to suggest, this involves fertility rites, Julia, count me in.
On 6 Jan 2011 at 8:14pm TDA wrote:
I'd love to come along, sounds excellent. But what about the new year's resolution...gaaah!
On 7 Jan 2011 at 8:18am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I went to a wassail at Tarring on Weds and it was great. They actually go into someone's garden and bless the tree, and have a torchlit procession along the High Street.
On 9 Jan 2011 at 11:21am Julia Squeezer wrote:
That was a smashing night, with about forty people. All the cake and the wassail bowl went. We even had a comedy shotgun which fired party poppers. Many thanks to Huw and Dec for preparing the fire and the wassail bowl.