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Wallands Private Police Force

On 26 Aug 2018 at 11:09pm No to private cops wrote:
I have been told that some of the residents of Wallands and a few on the Neville follwing the example of some of London's more prosperous areas like Notting Hill and Hampstead ,concerned about rising crime rates and the lack of visible and effective policing in their areas, are trying to organise a private security force to patrol their areas. It seems that in the not too distant future, the rest of Lewes who cannot afford to pay for these type of private services will be left to sink in the mire.
On 27 Aug 2018 at 12:19am Plod wrote:
If local authorities abdicate their responsibility it creates opportunity for others....
No reason to think other areas can't do the same.
On 27 Aug 2018 at 8:44am dixon wrote:
The rise of vigilantes is a chilling unwelcome thought. Much better to support the Labour Party whose aim is to create a fairer and more equal society restoring fundamentals such as a viable police force, a prison service that doesn't increase crime and and a fairer distribution of wealth so that there will be no disaffected underclass.
On 27 Aug 2018 at 9:00am Evenin’ All wrote:
Ha ha! Good one. Wallands and Nevill - those two notorious crime ridden hotspots. I’m almost too scared to walk home late at night through these streets so clearly filled with danger and crime lurking on every corner.
Please, have word with yourselves and think about what you just said and I may respond once I can see again through my tears of laughter. Vigilantes in Lewes! Oh my days.... thanks for the giggle. Good one.
On 27 Aug 2018 at 10:42am Dripping Pan Stan wrote:
@No to private cops,
Are you're saying they shouldn't do it because others in other areas can't afford it? That's risible at best.
People are (possibly) deciding to employ means to increase security and safety where they live. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
On 27 Aug 2018 at 11:41am Mark wrote:
I'm sure that this is just talk but it's hardly risible. If it happened it would be a step towards privatisation of policing.
On 27 Aug 2018 at 9:35pm Really? wrote:
Really? This is Lewes, not the Bronx! Man up you massive southern pussies! What are you afraid of, someone stealing your milk? Jesus. I hope that this is a joke...
On 27 Aug 2018 at 9:57pm Sean wrote:
Talk about solving a problem that isn't there! I've lived in Lewes 16 years and have witnessed 1 crime (when a couple of fckwits tried to burgle the jewelers on Cliffe bridge. They failed). If you see a beggar or traveller that DOESN'T make you a victim of crime. Just part of a mixed society.

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