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Waitrose, what's the verdict?

On 11 Dec 2005 at 5:25pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Now that Waitrose has been trading for a few weeks now, what's the general consensus? I can't comment(yes, you did read that correctly) as I haven't been in there, though I hear it is 15-20% more expensive than Safeway/Morrisons, and even dearer than Tesco's on most things.
On 11 Dec 2005 at 8:18pm Mark Rolfe wrote:
yup far more expensive but some great products in the fresh food line if you want quality and don't mind paying a "little" bit extra.
On 12 Dec 2005 at 9:02am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
How often do you shop there, Mark? Do you do all your 'big' shops there or only use it for 'bits'? I assume all the pensioners and other people on low fixed incomes who used Safeway/Morrisons as it was inexpensive and handy for the bus station now go elsewhere. I think this yuppy supermarket will do Lewes no favours at all.
On 12 Dec 2005 at 11:41am Mystic mog wrote:
Yep more expensive but much less stressful than tescos. Some things are the same price as Tescos. At least they have vegetables. Tescos is alway running out. Also they have local Sparkling Wines and wish to get more local produce.
On 12 Dec 2005 at 1:33pm SHS wrote:
According to the league tables Tesco's was always mauch cheaper than Safeway's so I'd be suprised if anyoneone was losing out here.
Local produce? Yes, the guys at Waitrose are genuinely keen and pro-active on this, 10 out of 10 I give them. In practice a certain Government Agency slaps a charge of a few hundred pounds per year on any producer wanting to be 'considered' for putting forward to the Waitrose buyers so for small producers it's a dead end.
On 12 Dec 2005 at 9:44pm Mark Rolfe wrote:
to answer your question fairy,I only do selective shopping there for produce and the like.Couldn't afford to do a big shop there lol
On 12 Dec 2005 at 10:17pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Thank you Mark. As I suspected. I have yet to meet anyone yet who does their 'big' shop in Waitrose, purely because of price. I'll give them 18 months.
On 13 Dec 2005 at 8:23am chav wrote:
I looked all round for stripy vodka but couldnt find any so I asked the manager. He must have thought I was a rich business man because he called me a Jodrel banker. Must be the new burbery cap doing its job.
On 14 Dec 2005 at 12:20pm grumpy trader wrote:
re tooth fairy some one else who wants a jail term for their local shop keepers
On 14 Dec 2005 at 6:08pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
???? Explain please, grumpy trader.
On 14 Dec 2005 at 6:22pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
By the way grumps, if you really want to make money in Lewes, chuck out all your existing stock, then go down the tip and pick up the scruffiest piece of furnitre you can find. Stick this tat in the window with nothing else (it will help if you have no other stock at all, creates a trendy minimalist atmosphere).
Stick a brown luggage label on said tat then, this is the important bit- write £850 on the label. Hey presto, road to riches. Or is your name CONrad already?
On 14 Dec 2005 at 7:22pm Mark Rolfe wrote:
Great reply fairy lol
On 14 Dec 2005 at 9:20pm Gary wrote:
You have it spot in. Add a few water tide marks and say it was rescued & restored after Lewes Flooding!!
Just want to add on to Tooth's bit as well.
On brown luggage label, out 1700, then cross it out and put 850..
Must be a bargain!
On 14 Dec 2005 at 10:44pm lewes trousers wrote:
I like it, its different and I like quality rather than quantity and I hate shopping in tescos the quality of the food is awful. In the end most supermarkets round up to the same price, the bigger ones just have more loss leaders and then make it up on something else.
On 24 Dec 2005 at 8:07pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Just been in there and bought 6 lemons, bag of sugar, and a packet of bacon. Total bill, SEVEN POUNDS AND TWO PENCE. Oh well, first and last time then.
On 19 Jan 2006 at 12:16am michael wrote:
Waitrose always offers superb quality goods. Lewes should be proud to have them .we no longer have to put up with the second rate rubbish that other supermarkets offer
On 19 Jan 2006 at 8:01am me wrote:
HHHMMMM do you work for waitrose Michael?
On 21 Jan 2006 at 12:34am michael wrote:
No I dont I like good quality food,not the junk most people seem content to fill themselves up on.

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