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Waitrose Lewes Car Parking

On 8 Jul 2017 at 11:31am Hamid Barr wrote:
Incurred £70 penalty after overstaying 10 mins in car park. This after spending almost £200 ( with daughter) in store.
Be warned.
Tescos for me in future
On 8 Jul 2017 at 11:41am Lewes Resident wrote:
Beware Tesco will charge you if you over stay your 3Hours.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 12:11pm @Lewes Resident wrote:
We wouldn't want to stay in Tescos car park 3 hours - any more than we want to stay in the Waitrose one for longer than it take to do the Waitrose shop and pop into Boots
On 8 Jul 2017 at 12:11pm Jack Cohen wrote:
Tesco don't charge. There may be signs saying that but some cars have parked there all day every day for years and have never been ticketed.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 12:14pm One of yours, Jack ? wrote:
The Roller or the Merc ?
On 8 Jul 2017 at 12:19pm I'm alright Jack wrote:
I do get a certain pleasure parking in Tesco and then going into Aldi and the Cliffe to shop without even setting foot in the wretched place.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 12:36pm @hamid wrote:
Your own fault. No sympathy
On 8 Jul 2017 at 1:11pm @jack cohen wrote:
I thought that until I received three parking tickets in a row through the letterbox. An expensive lesson learnt. Take heed all, those cameras are logging your stay at Tesco car park.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 1:46pm Zero Cool wrote:
So you stayed longer than you were supposed to and got a parking fine? What are you surprised about? That's how it works. Plus you get a ten minute grace period for private parking, so it was clearly longer than that as well.
Pay the fine, learn your lesson. It beggars belief people aren't able to keep track of time.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 1:49pm @@Hamid Barr wrote:
I had the same thing at brighton marina ,,, i took my till receipt into the store and letter /ticket and they sorted it out for me , maybe you shoud try ?
On 8 Jul 2017 at 2:29pm Hamid Barr wrote:
@Zero Cool - it was 10 minutes. Or less. I didn't claim to be "surprised" Look at my original where I said "be warned."
Perhaps try to be a little less arrogant in future
On 8 Jul 2017 at 4:09pm A Person wrote:
The reason that they've had to introduce monitoring is because so many people use it as a free car park to visit the farmer's market/visit Boots etc etc without ever doing any shopping actually in the shop. So they've had to introduce a penalty for people who do that. Maybe it won't be the complete nightmare it currently is in the future...
On 8 Jul 2017 at 5:29pm Pants on fire wrote:
Who could possibly spend 2 hours shopping in our tiny waitrose and still only spend "nearly" two hundred , just saying , and if you are a regular I'm sure you won't want to go to tescos , go in and sort it out , thanks for the heads up , I shop there often did my Xmas shop just over £400 in forty mins , luckily they don't sell wool so I couldn't pull any over my eyes
On 8 Jul 2017 at 6:52pm @Pants on fire wrote:
pluck of u mug ,,who cares how long it took ,,200 is a good shop ,,,you should get to the food bank or lidls ,,no body deserves a ticket ,, wise up mug ,,
eggy the egg
On 8 Jul 2017 at 10:01pm Wait, Rose. wrote:
How could they tell how long he'd parked for? The kiosk and barriers went years ago. I've never had to show my receipt.
On 8 Jul 2017 at 10:24pm A Person wrote:
At a guess it's because they've installed number recognition cameras, which I think they've also done in Tesco. Stick to the rules and you'll be fine. (Sticking to the rules involves not spoiling it for everyone else...)
On 9 Jul 2017 at 7:47am Shopper wrote:
Call Waitrose customer services and explain you have a parking ticket from their carpark provider - explain you were a customer that day (you may need to prove this with receipt or bank statement) they should contact the company on your behave and get the fine dropped. I'm saying this as this happened at Aldi with me - I was 20 mins over, but a paying customer on that day. They were very pleasant and dealt with the fine. The camera's are in place to stop non customers taking the P... not to penalise genuine customers.
On 9 Jul 2017 at 11:05am Mugs game wrote:
You could spend £200 dead quick in Waitrose on overpriced prosecco and a few tubs of crab pate - who needs 3 hours?
On 10 Jul 2017 at 9:55am The Greek wrote:
You'd be best going to the manager/writing to them. Landowners have a right to cancel tickets, if they are administered by a 3rd party. Lost business is surely more important to them than a fine by a money grabbing POPLA company.
In a similar situation with a Sainsbury's car park myself.
On 11 Jul 2017 at 6:22am And thats a fact wrote:
Google your rights in these cases and do not interact with any third party company or part off with any money, they are just opportunistic scum. Have a go at the Manager of the store and point out that if his store had not been so busy, the checkouts so busy and the cup of coffee in the cafe area so tasty this sort of inconvenience would not have happened. but the golden rule is not to pay And thats a Fact
On 11 Jul 2017 at 11:57am Pedro wrote:
This whole "and thats a fact" character assumes its the middle of last decade when sketch shows with comedy characters who had catchphrases were still reasonably popular. It seems forced and cringey now, so not sure why they persist.

You're not "The Two Ronnies", you anonymous pillock, and sadly that is a fact.
On 11 Jul 2017 at 3:10pm @pedr0 wrote:
Yeah but no but yeah but no.....do I look bovvered?.. Suits you sir...computer says no....is it cos I black??
On 11 Jul 2017 at 4:19pm And thats a fact wrote:
Pedr0 has an averaged sized penis. And thats a fact

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