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Waitrose Appeal

On 11 Nov 2009 at 10:32am Barney Magrew wrote:
Plumpton Activity Scheme offers activity days in the summer to all local children aged 5 - 11 and is run by a committee of local people and employs local staff. Like any such scheme, it needs cash to help support.
Waitrose of Lewes has chosen the Plumpton scheme as one of its charities for the whole of November.
Each time someone shops there they are given one token and can then choose the charity box to post it in. At the end of the month Waitrose divide out £1000 between three charities in the ratio of the tokens posted.
So if you shop at Waitrose this month, please post a green token in the Plumpton Activity Scheme box.
On 11 Nov 2009 at 11:30am william wrote:
I live in Lewes, can my kids go?
On 11 Nov 2009 at 11:33am Grunter wrote:
I don't like this sort of elbowing in so I'll put my tokens in one of the other boxes.
On 11 Nov 2009 at 11:34am parent wrote:
I'm sure we're looking at doing something for St Pancras school soon. We need some portable sports equipment, particularly football stuff so the kids can enjoy their football down the paddock. It's jumpers for goalposts at present and the kids are missing out.
On 11 Nov 2009 at 4:55pm mr happy wrote:
Yes William any kids can go no matter where they live. Its a good holiday scheme and particularly if you work like me and have no holiday child care. I didnt know that the money was shared out between the 3 - for some reason I thought that it went to the charity with the most coins so I am glad I dont have to feel guilty anymore choosing one!
On 11 Nov 2009 at 5:55pm Cath wrote:
Mr happy - you might want to read Barneys post again, you were right the first time, the £1000 is divided according to how many tokens each charity has 'won' therefore you still have to choose between the 3 and the guilt will continue ! Perhaps they should have a red token which would indicate that you wanted your token shared between the 3 ? Just a thought.
On 12 Nov 2009 at 10:14am Geoff wrote:
The current choice includes Firle's Community Hall, which has no Charity number written on the collecting box. Does anyone know who actually owns the hall, and why the unfortunate locals need to raise this money to repair it?
On 12 Nov 2009 at 11:49am Pikelet wrote:
I know about Firle's village hall renovations and the cause is as just (if not more so) as others supported by Waitrose. The building is run by a voluntary commitee with the parish council being trustees. The building is the classic amenity that was handed to the village way back when for their use and enjoyment. Unfortunately, it didn't come with an unlimited pile of dosh to support future upkeep umpteen years later. The Memorial Hall is very well used by ALL sectors of the community but needs bringing up to acceptable standards. The locals are not, with respect, "unfortunate" in wanting to take positive action to ensure an important facility is maintained. Obviously a great deal of fund raising is going on right now with the Waitrose appeal just one opportunity. You pays your money and takes your choice, mind. As with all these appeals. So best wishes to Plumpton and congratulations on getting your publicity in first. But do feel free to consider the other options this month!
On 12 Nov 2009 at 11:02pm Geoff wrote:
Don't get too worried. I said 'unfortunate' because they are unfortunate to be lumbered with the expenses of repairing a hall. I wondered why it isn't a Charity (surely this would be a good idea?) and if they had been lumbered with a responsibility that was perhaps that of a prominent neighbour . Anyway, if that's not the case, they can have all my tokens, saved for weeks.
I always read what it says on the donation tin, because all is not always as it might at first seem.

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