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Vote Cameron get Chaos.

On 7 Apr 2015 at 12:22pm I`m voting Labour wrote:
I don`t agree with Blair on a lot but on this he is undoubtedly right.Imagine the damage to our economy and our United Kingdom if Cameron and his likely coalition partners UKIP and the Lib Dems mange to win an election whilst the Tory Party and the country tears itself apart over a referendum on the E.U.What a nightmare!Why should a weak Tory Party ruin our future and destroy our jobs?The only way to stop this is to vote Labour in May.
On 7 Apr 2015 at 12:41pm Kipper wrote:
Vote UKIP and get the Conservative/UKIP coalition we all want. Lets get out of Europe once and for all.Nigel for Deputy PM.Vote UKIP.
On 7 Apr 2015 at 3:35pm Enry wrote:
"Vote UKIP and get the Conservative/UKIP coalition we all want. Lets get out of Europe once and for all.Nigel for Deputy PM.Vote UKIP."
Remember the last time we voted in a politician with no balls? The miners and the Falklands....
On 7 Apr 2015 at 5:09pm V111 wrote:
Good one 'Enry
On 7 Apr 2015 at 7:10pm Disillusioned Tory wrote:
Why Cameron didn`t just stand up to the swivel eyed Euro phobes on his backbenchers and the UKIP uber loons is beyond me.Now he has dug a hole for himself he can`t possibly get out of.Blair is right I am afraid.
On 7 Apr 2015 at 10:12pm Labour will win! wrote:
Large nail in the Tory's coffin. But I wish they would win in a way because Labour will get the blame for the imminent financial meltdown and horrific housing crash. I would like Cameron to face that and not Milliband.
On 8 Apr 2015 at 6:06pm Arthur wrote:
Yer lets vote Labour.
The last thing we need in this country is a referendum on Europe, that would mean the people would decide on weather we stay in or get out not the state.
I keep saying it we have got to stop people thinking and doing things for themselves. Take free schools, dreadful things, free thinking people setting up a school with fellow free thinking people, outrageous. How the hell is the state going to tick boxes in a place like that.
Lets just hope that Labour wins because when their in everything is great and everyone is happy.
On 8 Apr 2015 at 6:22pm UKRAP wrote:
We need a referendum on Europe like a fish needs a bicycle, or a UKIP member needs another copy of The Bumper book of Bigotry.
On 8 Apr 2015 at 7:07pm Arthur wrote:
Yerr dead right UKRAP, fish don't need bikes cause they've got no legs to pedal them. What a bunch of racist, facist, homophobic bigots they are the lot of them.

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