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Volunteers needed (aged 45-55 years)

On 21 Jan 2016 at 8:56am Claire Lancaster wrote:
I'm posting in the search for volunteers to take part in a research study I am running as part of the Ageing and Dementia group at Sussex University. We are searching for healthy adults (aged 45-55 years) from the local community to take part in research exploring the impact of risk factors for dementia across the lifespan.
The study would involve visiting the University of Sussex for a single session expected to last no more than an hour. In this session you would complete a computerised task testing your ability to cope with cognitive challenge within the domains of attention and memory. We would also ask you to provide a saliva sample which would be used to screen for the presence of a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. The results of this DNA screen would be anonymised and confidential. We would not be able to disclose the results of the DNA test. The research is non-invasive and has been granted ethical approval.
If you are interested in taking part, please get in touch for more information either via this site, email ([email protected]), or phone (01273 678916).
Many thanks

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