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On 31 Oct 2006 at 5:44pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Anyone read the latest free advert rag to drop on the door mat? Inside there's an article 'inside lewes' infamous bonfire societies' followed by a short bit on each society. However the rag claims that 'the photos used dont necessarily correspond with the society we talk about'. I'll say they dont. They're all photos of the cliffe. Clasic example of someone writing about bonfire who's not from Lewes and doesn't know what they're talking about. Nobody thought that it may offend the other societies to have a picture of the cliffe next to an article about themselves? Boycott this rag and all who advertise in it.
On 31 Oct 2006 at 6:44pm Man who likes wrote:
Strewth toothy, calm down. You'll do yourself a mischief.
Agreed - pretty big mistake with the photos. No better way to antagonise Lewes than goof up Bonfire.
But in fairness, I know the Leith brothers and they do a better job of covering Lewes than the other freebies or even the Sussex Express.
I don't think money is their prime motivation either.
I guess its just a snapshot of a very diverse, complicated town.

The freebies are becoming a bit of a menace though, it's true.

By the way, remember I've only lived here eight years, but I'd like to know whether you think my contribution (Man who....) does Bonfire justice. Seriously.
I'm on a Society committee, so if I don't get it, then I kind of need to know.!!
On 31 Oct 2006 at 8:06pm Mystic mog wrote:
The Leith brothers are from Lewes - born and bred as far as I know. Tooth Fairy do some homework and get your facts correct.
On 1 Nov 2006 at 3:13pm Maddie wrote:
They may be from Lewes but they could sure do with a few pointers on how to write a decent mag! And I'm not just being pedantic... it's what I do for a living.
On 1 Nov 2006 at 5:31pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Give them a call and ask if they need some help!
On 1 Nov 2006 at 7:39pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Yes Nick, after reading your 'Man who appreciates bonfire' article I would say you've got it alright. I feel like printing it and giving it to everyone who asks me about bonfire.
On 2 Nov 2006 at 7:38am mick wrote:
Does anyone (apart from TF) really care which bunch of fat blokes they use for the photos.
This is typical of bonfire society members.
"My bangers louder than yours"
"My jumpers stripier"
Why don't you all grow up it's all pretty pathetic.
Just stick to frightening animals and old people.
On 2 Nov 2006 at 8:46am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
mick, would you like it if someone printed an article about BHA over a photograph Crystal Palace?
On 2 Nov 2006 at 10:47am mick wrote:
Good point well made toothy. I humbly retract (still think that the whole thing should be banned though)

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