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Very Noisy Motorbike

On 7 Jul 2015 at 4:25pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
On the offchance that the owner of a motorbike (with a reg that ends in JHY) reads this forum, can they do something about their exhaust? They seem to like riding up and down Leicester Road, revving needlessly, with one of the noisiest engines I've ever heard.
Anyone else heard him?
On 7 Jul 2015 at 5:41pm Shameus wrote:
Certainly have. And what annoys me even more is that years ago I wouldn't have cared.
On 7 Jul 2015 at 6:15pm Norton Norm wrote:
Not me, my model 19 fires@ every lamp post.
On 7 Jul 2015 at 8:04pm Old Bloke wrote:
I walk up and down Leicester Road twice a day and have never seen or heard this person
Maybe I'm just lucky
Loads of women drivers with parking problems though
On 7 Jul 2015 at 8:28pm Jeremy C wrote:
OB is right. So much wasted space between cars.
On 7 Jul 2015 at 8:37pm Zebedee wrote:
Is it one of those old British motorbikes (Triumph, BSA etc)? If so we get one every now and again outside our office at the top of Station Street, revving whilst he waits for the lights. The loud exhaust reflects off the buildings and reveberates down the street.

We have recently invested in a super-powerful water pistol.
On 7 Jul 2015 at 8:41pm Cobnut wrote:
Hear it in western road all the time, enraging!
On 7 Jul 2015 at 9:46pm Sunshine lucas wrote:
Ahh yes we've noticed this over last week or so... bless, someone's got a new noisy toy...
On 7 Jul 2015 at 10:03pm Taff wrote:
As a motorcyclist myself, albeit an old one I will that noisy bikes bring much needed attention to the car drivers who do not know we are there. Either that or they just ignore us. Loud exhausts do save lives.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 7:20am Rubbish wrote:
Not that old loud pipes save lives c*ap again? Next time you are in a car and a bike approaches - can you hear it until its past you? No! The louder the exhaust the smaller the willy - simple
On 8 Jul 2015 at 8:39am Moaning myrtle wrote:
Muppet on De montfort estate has a racing exhaust fitted. The noise is dreadful. Think he thinks it manly!! Idiot!
On 8 Jul 2015 at 9:43am Taff wrote:
Great contribution rubbish. Hope you find yourself alongside a car and it just pulls across you. If the driver cannot see you or just ignores you the noise alone lets them know there is another road user nearby.
I drive both car and ride a bike almost daily. Let me know your registrastion so I can give it the widest berth when passing just in case your willy is out the drivers door window.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 10:13am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Yes, Rubbish, your user name is very apt and so is your hearing if you can't hear a loud bike coming up behind you when you're driving. Or are you one of these eejits that has to have their in-car music turned up to Glastonbury levels?
As someone who rides pillion from time to time, and has done for over 50 years, I am only too well aware that the need for sharp braking and evasive action by the rider is drastically reduced when the bike has a good set of racing cans fitted.
And is the OP really in a position to judge how much revving is needed to get a bike up the steep incline of Leicester Road? No experienced motorcyclist is going to thrash their engine for no reason.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 10:32am Earl of Lewes wrote:
There's no need for noisy motorbikes and it's horrible listening to them racing along the A27 on a sunny day. If they put their headlights on, drivers should notice them approaching in the rear view mirror. I appreciate Taff's frustrations. I always pull to the left to give bikers a wide berth, but I can often see other motorists (usually the elderly "I don't see why people need to drive faster than 37mph" type) driving erratically, or not noticing at all. But noise pollution isn't the answer.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 10:55am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I would dispute that there's no need for bikes to be loud and that DRLs (which on most bikes are always on these days) are enough.
You only have to look at the number of drivers who change lanes without indicating and without doing the "lifesaver" check to know that that is not enough. And as for people not looking before they open their doors when parked - words fail me.

On 8 Jul 2015 at 11:43am Earl of Lewes wrote:
Yes, there is some pretty awful driving around and I gave up cycling after being hit by a car door. I always try to think once, think twice, think bike:

Watch the video »
On 8 Jul 2015 at 12:16pm stevied wrote:
Hey EofL, I too gave up cycling after being knocked off by a car door being opened - by a nurse parked outside Victoria Hospital, which was handy!
On 8 Jul 2015 at 1:24pm Taff wrote:
Earl, there is every need for noisy exhaust on motorbikes. I cannot turn off my 7 inch headlight, only dip or main beam control, it comes on as soon as I turn the ignition key. Many other motorists do not see it and i am 0one thast will sit until I am happy that the vehicle I want to pass knows I am there. Many drivers as yourself, move left to allow the biker to go by and a big thank you for doing so. Some motorists see you coming, these ones being from the 'I see your headlight' category and move over right to the central road lines! Dunno what that is about but I suppose it takes all sorts. Maybe these are the same ones that park across entrances and exits on roundabouts as well.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 2:40pm Re test eddy wrote:
Time for 5 year re tests for all
On 8 Jul 2015 at 2:42pm Echo and the bunny man wrote:
But you already know this particular one is not about safety , a 50 cc from that area , it's just for his own pleasure no one else , yes I'm a biker , and a car driver
On 8 Jul 2015 at 4:36pm 10cc wrote:
That's what I use for pleasure.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 5:56pm Ducatipete wrote:
Loud bikes are safe.
On 8 Jul 2015 at 7:35pm Olive Oil wrote:
Loud bikes are horrible!
On 8 Jul 2015 at 8:27pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
... but not as horrible as dead bikers!
Actually, I think some loud bikes sound fab. Especially triples and Ducatis.
Ducatis are the only bike I can identify by the sound (except for Harleys, which always sound like they're misfiring to me).
On 13 Jul 2015 at 10:21pm Zen wrote:
No loud bikes are more horrible.
On 14 Jul 2015 at 8:26am Earl of Lewes wrote:
Yes, they're just horrible. Why should hundreds of people have to put up with noise pollution just so you can go vroom vroom?
On 14 Jul 2015 at 2:14pm Taff wrote:
so the drivers can hear the vroom and stop killing motorcyclists.
positive enough reason Earl?
On 14 Jul 2015 at 10:03pm Taff wrote:
Why do service vehicles have sirens? So you know they are there!
On 15 Jul 2015 at 6:02pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
When drivers stop pulling out or changing lanes straight into the path of oncoming motorcyclists, despite their high-vis clothing and daylight running lights, then I might agree that loud exhausts are unnecessary.
However, there will always be idiots who think "Sorry mate, I didn't see you" is an adequate response to having nearly killed someone on two wheels. Until they can see motorbikes, they need to be able to hear them.
Earlier this week, a colleague and I were discussing why his Pan-European roars like a demon. It's because after 4 "SMIDSY" near misses in the first week he had it, he went out and bought the loudest legal racing cans he could find and fitted them.
Problem solved.
On 16 Jul 2015 at 9:13pm curmudgeon wrote:
i too have been plagued by this motorised fart-machine on an almost daily basis as he revs outside our house causing the windows to rattle and pets to take cover under the nearest item of furniture. needing a noisy exhaust to alert car drivers to your presence is a ridiculous excuse, if you drove safely rather than tearing around in cars blind spots then you wouldn't need it in the first place. i find that most bike riders are careful and considerate, but a few of the militant ones are rather like militant smokers; they know that they're exposing themselves and others to the risk of death, and to justify it they feel the need to honk on about how other people are so "inconsiderate" of them and their life choices. then when they do get hurt they blither on about it as if its not a risk they accepted when they bought a fossil-powered death-mobile and drove it like a chimpanzee on speed. puh-lease.
On 17 Jul 2015 at 8:17am Taff wrote:
That was very constructive curmudgeon?
On 23 Jul 2015 at 1:09pm jeff wrote:
Is this noise coming from ousedale close. And does any one know what colour / make off bike it is as I may know this person ?

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