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Varndean College

On 8 Nov 2013 at 12:32pm A.T wrote:
I have heard that Varndean is not the easiest of colleges to get to if you live in Lewes. Does anyone know if the train is more convenient than the bus?
On 8 Nov 2013 at 1:45pm Grandpa wrote:
I would say train, then bicycle. What do others think?
On 8 Nov 2013 at 3:23pm Dave wrote:
My boy went to Varndean and my girl went to South Downs.
he got really fed up with the journey which was either a bus or a train journey followed by a long walk.

He used to have to get up an hour an a half earlier then my daughter as well.
On 8 Nov 2013 at 3:56pm lewes born and bred wrote:
Train to London road followed by a good 2 mile walk
On 8 Nov 2013 at 4:49pm Horseman7 wrote:
B&H Buses #28 or #29 from Lewes, alight at bottom of Coldean Lane (c 30 mins).
#24 up Coldean Lane to Asda, where it magically becomes the #26. Alight at Varndean High School stop (junction of Ditchling Road and Balfour Road) (c 15 mins).
Walk to school (c 5 mins).
So about an hour to get there by bus.
On 8 Nov 2013 at 6:01pm The Chin-Wagger wrote:
You could get a 28 or 29 B&H Bus into Brighton and get off by St Peters Church and cross the road to get a number 5 B&H Bus all the way to the door of Varndean. Whichever you choose its about an hours travelling. Bus will be a cheaper option than the Train. So I'm told...
On 8 Nov 2013 at 8:06pm Belladonna wrote:
All my sons friends who attend Varndean hate the travelling which is at least an hour, often more. There's very little difference in the courses on offer, in fact I think Sussex Downs has more variety on offer. Also remember Varndean is in the Brighton suburbs, not the centre, so not easy for students to enjoy the benefits of the city. You will end up paying about £35-40 a week on fares and lunches as well. Better to stay local and they can come home for lunch !
On 8 Nov 2013 at 9:48pm Schools Out wrote:
Apparently... A saver ticket that will last week and is valid for use on all B&H buses as many times as you like cost £12.50.
Though I'd choose Sussex/South Downs College if it were me.
On 8 Nov 2013 at 11:54pm parent wrote:
One kid went to BHASVIC, the other goes to Varndean. BHASVIC is great and easy to get to, and the one who goes to Varndean (also great) doesn't mind the travel. She goes by bus as Chin-Wagger described. Some go to Preston Park on the train and walk from there.

It depends what your kids want and what courses they want. Neither of mine could, after Priory, face another two years walking down Mountfield Rd and both wanted to get out of Lewes and meet new people etc.

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