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On 27 Jan 2010 at 6:50pm Smiler wrote:
Having looked at the twitter scrolling thingy down there, aptly called Latest Lewes Drivel.

I just have to ask, What good is Twitter, I just can't see the point?
On 27 Jan 2010 at 7:16pm Terry Waite's Allotment wrote:
Twitter is actually made up from two rather rude words,neither of which I can repeat on here.
Yes,what is the point?
On 28 Jan 2010 at 3:59am SG wrote:
Well, it's a microblogging service, and can be used for lots of different things, much like a regular blog or journal. Some people use it to post updates about their day. Freelancers and companies use it to promote events or updates, as it helps to make their business more accessible. It's easier to update than a blog - it's only 140 characters and you can do it by text - so a lot of people who are on the move use it.
I follow a lot of people who work in the industry I'm studying. I also follow a couple of local MPs, which is really useful - for instance, when it snowed, one MP updated with all the public transport disruptions as they came through, way before any websites had picked up on them.
I don't think Twitter really has one point. It's like any site, some people get it, some people don't.
On 28 Jan 2010 at 10:51am Brixtonbelle wrote:
My company uses twitter a lot for monitoring news events. It really showed its worth during the Iran protests last year and was the only place for a while that any footage of the crackdown on opposition was getting out of the country. So it proved to be good tool for democracy and freedom of speech in that sense.
the downside is that there is an awful lot of crap on there from people who just post inane and irrelevant updates on their thoughts and actions through out the day. thats the type of freedom of speech i can do without, and ignore. That aspect could easily be called babel...
I still haven't worked out what the two rude words are !
On 28 Jan 2010 at 12:39pm Prick Stein wrote:
Easy, the two rude words are 'Freedom of Speech' and 'Democracy', or they are in this sceptic isle!
On 28 Jan 2010 at 3:14pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
A classic example of " I wish I'd read that before I posted it" syndrome. How many words Mr Stein. Better planning called for !!!!
On 28 Jan 2010 at 5:34pm SG wrote:
Sceptic? You might want to go to the doctor about that. Or did you mean skeptic?
On 28 Jan 2010 at 6:43pm Giles wrote:
SG: In England we spell the word sceptic, obviously you are a believer in the American spellings of English words, how pitiful is that?
On 28 Jan 2010 at 11:51pm SG wrote:
Ahaha! You're quite right, I apologise - with an S, not a Z
On 29 Jan 2010 at 8:42am Prick Stein wrote:
I meant septic isle!
On 29 Jan 2010 at 11:31pm brixtonbelle wrote:
sceptic is better

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