On 17 Jan 2017 at 7:11am So there it is; we are t wrote:
So there it is; we are to get Train wreck Brexit. Out of the single market, out of the customs Union, cut off from selling Services into our biggest market, facing the loss of all inward investment for export to the EU( practically all of the motor industry) and the Loss of the City in that it is the center of Europe`s Financial Trade.
The passionate views of the majority of those under 50, almost all young people, a majority of the working population, are to be ignored entirely, trampled underfoot and jeered at form the Sun as “Remoaners”
The pound predictably took another lurch downwards at the news and the holding tactic of keeping interest rates on zero and borrowing more is failing. Inflation is rising and will hit, with an interest rate rise” After article 50 is signed” as they planned .
Trump is already plotting a trade war with Europe and Hammond has threatened the same here , no surprise that’s how trade is done.
I cannot imagine a bleaker outlook and all the while the lies keep coming , the Brexit line is now that we all knew the economy would suffer . That was not the leave line as I recall it . Au contraire
What was this for? To buttress a failed democratic system currently serving up a choice of UKIP blue or Communism lightish , because we hate foreigners ( apparently ), to assist the careers of Conservative MP`s grovelling to their superannuated idiot membership, to please Donald Trump Marine Le Pen and bring about a dark age of small minded demagoguery .
Fantastic !!!!
All I can look forward to now is what revenge I can take on the queen of Brexit , Marian Caulfield .
She has got to go
On 17 Jan 2017 at 7:26am @PN wrote:
On 17 Jan 2017 at 7:40am Newms wrote:
oops yes me .
On 17 Jan 2017 at 8:18am Earl of Lewes wrote:
@PaulNewman - Your faith in this country is touching.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 9:08am Clifford wrote:
Were you in favour of the UK joining the euro, Paul?
On 17 Jan 2017 at 9:16am Always Rivalled, Seldom Equalled wrote:
What a temper tantrum!
Get over yourself OP
On 17 Jan 2017 at 10:15am Deja Vu wrote:
Hey PN, how about posting something that isn't a long political rant?
Maybe tell us about your day or even a witty observation, something to show the people you're actually a person not a political manifest?
On 17 Jan 2017 at 11:02am Au Contraire wrote:
Poseur, moi?
On 17 Jan 2017 at 11:28am Local wrote:
What an unbelievable rant. Shows a complete lack of sense or awareness of how the world turns. I give up.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 11:37am lewesian wrote:
Another hateful, bigoted rant. What is with some remainers and their utter lack of decency and tolerance?
On 17 Jan 2017 at 1:58pm Kelly-Marie Blundell wrote:
The Single Market provides security for our export and import trade in the UK, without this we will see tariffs imposed on businesses who simply cannot afford it.
Businesses in Lewes and surrounding towns and villages rely on trade with the EU and Theresa May and the Conservatives are potentially signing a death warrant on their future.
The Office of National Statistics shows 43% of UK exports go to the EU. The impact on our trade will be tremendous if we do not fight to stay in the Single Market.
The people did not vote to leave the Single Market. Indeed the people of Lewes did not vote to leave the European Union at all.
We must demand the Government responds to thousands of people who want to stay in the Single Market, and see a vote for the people on the final details of the Brexit negotiations.”
Lewes Liberal Democrats are running a petition to stay in the Single Market which can be signed here.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 2:13pm Clifford wrote:
Kelly-Marie Blundell wrote: 'The people did not vote to leave the Single Market.'
Exactly the kind of thing we learned to expect from the Tories' poodles the Lib Dems. We were told many times that leaving the EU meant leaving the single market. Anyone who missed that either wasn't listening or was a Lib Dem incapable of listening.
Watch the video »
On 17 Jan 2017 at 3:53pm Clifford wrote:
I'd like to, but the link won't open.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 4:05pm Observer wrote:
try right click, open in new window.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 4:55pm To be fair wrote:
The people of Lewes didn't vote for huge increases in university tuition fees either but they got those anyway. Saying "The people of Lewes didn't vote to Leave" is a ridiculous statement and a completely meaningless one. It was a national referendum, in which many people in Lewes actually did vote to leave, even if the majority did not but who cares? Lewes can't stay in the single market while the rest of the country leaves so why mention it?
Kelly, if you want to beat Maria Cauliflower as and when we get an election, you need to stop making such nonsense statements. Also don't waste your breath on the people of Lewes who will, for the most part all vote for you anyway, you need to be out in the countryside reminding all the farming communities that there's a chance they'll be worse off out of the common agricultural policy (Although the reduction in cheap, European imports will help them, the Tories tend to do whatever the NFU tell them and most people outside of Lewes are senile duffers like Sussex Jim so it'll be a hard sell). That's how Maria won the last election, she didn't even bother coming to Lewes and spent all her time taking selfies at farms.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 5:14pm Clifford wrote:
Kelly-Marie Blundell wrote: 'Indeed the people of Lewes did not vote to leave the European Union at all.'
So, Kelly-Marie, you think we should accept what the majority voted for in Lewes but not in the UK as a whole? What a strangely selective version of democracy you embrace.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 8:32pm Tony Pollybee wrote:
Unless something changed between 4.45 and 5 o'clock, the pound finished at it's highest point since the referendum.
Judging by many of the comments above I can see that many of the contributors failed to listen to the speech and are shouting about the sound bites.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 8:37pm the people have spoken wrote:
The vote was a majority who said out, now let us just get on with it. The Lewes majority is not an issue. The opportunities are so great for the UK. Some Euro countries will be worried about where their export markets will be int he future. Don't forget that Germany exports more to the UK than any other country, so will want to keep us "on side". Our younger generation can see what a mess our politicians and establishment have done over recent years. The ongoing self-interest of these groups may be coming to an end, let us hope so........2017 is a year of positive opportunity.......etc etc
On 17 Jan 2017 at 10:48pm We'vehadourfun wrote:
Indeed the people have spoken and we are all pulling together aren't we? Even our glorious leader knows the games up. Positive opportunity my ar#*e
On 17 Jan 2017 at 10:56pm Angel wrote:
Actually the pound shot UP against the dollar. The market likes certainty.
Kelly Marie, do you even live in Lewes ?
On 17 Jan 2017 at 11:15pm The Old Mayor wrote:
You'd think the LibDems would be used to losing elections by now, why do they keep harping on ? Do something great for the area for a change, then we might listen to you
On 17 Jan 2017 at 11:29pm new low wrote:
So remainers are now giving 'thumbs up' to hate and threats against someone who merely has a difference of opinion. Well done this is why you've lost.
On 17 Jan 2017 at 11:37pm Newms wrote:
Don`t be cry bully "New Low" Maria Caulfield is a politician and the only threat to her is that I and others ( I hope) will vote againts her..
On 18 Jan 2017 at 1:35pm Ingerland uber alles wrote:
On 19 Jan 2017 at 1:35pm One of the other people wrote:
I'm fed up with hearing leavers saying "The people have spoken, so just get on with it" as if an overwhelming percentage of the country voted that way.
The population of this country is 65 million. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I know this includes people under the voting age, but the result of the referendum will affect the rest of their lives, as well as the lives of every other person living here, so do they not deserve some consideration?
17.4 million people voted to leave. How does that represent "The people".
If you put 65 people in a room, and told them they had to do what just 17 of them wanted, then you would expect the remaining people to complain, rather than "getting on with it".
On 19 Jan 2017 at 3:38pm One of the other people wrote:
You can give it as many thumbs down as you like, but that doesn't change the facts!