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Traffic Noise

On 23 Nov 2016 at 6:32pm TimothyWhittle wrote:
The noise of traffic makes me feel really stressed.
Traffic noise is horrible.
Trouble is, I can't get away from it. Even if I go somewhere quiet I can still hear a distant 'shwoo - shwoo - shwoo' of fast traffic on an A road somewhere.
Whilst feeling fed up with the traffic in town I went for a walk in Firle the other day for some peace and quiet and all I could hear was the A27, admittedly in the distance, but still loud enough to bother me on my walk.
On 23 Nov 2016 at 6:45pm Sergeant Major wrote:
I'm not quite sure if this is a genuine post or somebody trolling in the guise of a 'delicate flower's, but I agree - it's really hard to get away from the noise of traffic and even on the South Downs Way, you can often hear a distant roar.
On 23 Nov 2016 at 7:09pm TimothyWhittle wrote:
It is a genuine post.
Why would it be trolling?
On 23 Nov 2016 at 7:54pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Well, Timothy, if you don't like traffic noise why not move to another part of the country? This is the busy south-east: and it will only get worse.
Seriously- if you are not working or retired, try mid-Wales or parts of Yorkshire. Pensions or benefits are the same, but living is cheaper. Or, if you are employed in the public sector, arrange a transfer.
On 23 Nov 2016 at 8:04pm TimothyWhittle wrote:
Sussex Jim - what a ridiculous post.
I am not unemployed, retired nor working in the public sector.
Honestly. At least reply with a sensible post.
On 23 Nov 2016 at 8:07pm Hot lips wrote:
On 23 Nov 2016 at 8:37pm We'vehadourfun wrote:
Hotlips + Sussex Jim= sad lonely couple.
Try walking closer to coast as the ambient noise will help. Ignore the deafening roar of a27 and trolls. Lewes glf coarse to Glynde has quieter valleys
On 23 Nov 2016 at 9:40pm Rambler wrote:
Can be tricky to escape traffic noise but in lovely Sussex you have a few options. Walk to Kingston pretty good once you're away from A27. Walking in Rottingdean/Saltdean/Telscombe can be very peaceful. Walking from near Wind turbine in Ringmer over to Caburn is v enjoyable - and also walk along river to Hamsey... grab some OS maps and away you go!
On 23 Nov 2016 at 9:43pm Tipex wrote:
Tim while I understand your sentiment the traffic you hear is the sound of parents helping their kids get an education, builders, plasterers, electricians etc going to work to repair people's homes, doctors, nurses and social workers improving people's quality of life, couriers delivering the stuff you order on Amazon etc. The noise may well be annoying but it's there for a reason.
On 23 Nov 2016 at 9:52pm boy racer l wrote:
...but mostly me for the hell of it.
On 23 Nov 2016 at 9:56pm We'vehadourfun wrote:
Your compasion is overwhelming tippex. Hope you don't get run over too soon
On 23 Nov 2016 at 10:21pm The Old Mayor wrote:
The real reason that the noise is so loud, is because the road desperately needs resurfacing. It's worn out actually. Like so many of our roads. They don't last forever. Now, exactly which council does that ?
On 23 Nov 2016 at 10:38pm Tom Pain wrote:
Whoever they are they probably can't afford it. Perhaps the government could stop wasting money blowing up the Middle East and throw some in a domestic direction.
On 23 Nov 2016 at 10:40pm Wotcha wrote:
Eh? The A27 at Firle was resurfaced only a few months ago.
On 24 Nov 2016 at 8:38am Marlen wrote:
There is an ever increasing amount of noise pollution- I completely agree. From cars, from airplanes, from ambient muzak. I dont see why i should accept it as inevitable side effect of our gloriously 'thriving' economy. It's man made and part of the rush to destroying our planet. There is nothing more precious than peace, silence, nature. And the roar of the A27 is a blight on many parts of Lewes and the Downs. Unless you have shut down and become insensitive.
On 24 Nov 2016 at 10:39am idea wrote:
absolutely agree marlin - perhaps if our governments could set ideology and greed aside for one second they could run an effective nationalised rail and bus service. We could reduce the amount of cars and noise pollution and also protect our environment.
On 24 Nov 2016 at 11:23am ar10642 wrote:
Short of a complete shutdown of our economy so nobody can afford to use motor vehicles, or Soviet style severe restrictions on movement, nothing can be realistically done about this. Lesser of two evils. Try getting a train to a country railway station and using an OS map (paper on electronic) to do a walk along public footpaths and bridleways. You don't have to get that far from a trunk road to get some peace and quiet.
On 24 Nov 2016 at 4:50pm Zzzz.. wrote:
What is it with Sussex Jim? You are suggesting he leaves his friends and family?

I dislike road noise too. There is little more relaxing than silence. Back ground silence in nature is a rare and beautiful thing nowadays. But ever increasing road noise has almost put an end to it in the majority of Sussex, such that I am always surprised when I find myself in a place where there is no background noise and the sounds of birds and animals and the countryside in general can be heard clearly.

I am convinced that silence is important for general health and well being in the same way that sleep is.
On 24 Nov 2016 at 8:45pm ChasingPeace wrote:
Well here's an interesting thing;
I am a DFL (don't hate me, please).
I moved to a village a few miles outside of Lewes in order to fulfil my dream of living a quiet peaceful life in the picturesque countryside of Sussex. And guess what. I can hear more traffic noise coming from the A roads in this area when I'm in my garden here than I could in my garden in London. In fact my garden in a busy London suburb was silent. In comparison, it was far more relaxing than my noisy garden in the countryside where I sit in my garden hammock surrounded by nature yet listening to non-stop speeding traffic flying along the A roads round here. And what's interesting is that the nearest A road is over 1 mile away from my house yet I can clearly hear the sound of it as though it is only just outside. The sound of traffic sure does ricochet through the countryside round these parts.
(please, no 'bugger off back to London then' comments)
On 24 Nov 2016 at 9:17pm ChasingPeace wrote:
BTW I have moved to Newick.
Beautiful area.
Noise from A275 is a drone.
On 25 Nov 2016 at 9:34am Pragmatic wrote:
Have you considered investing in some noise-cancelling headphones (or earplugs)?

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