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Tomorrow at The Pan

On 16 Apr 2010 at 9:40am Rookie wrote:
It's nearing crunch time. The penultimate game in the Lewes boys attempts to avoid relegation is v Dorchester. KO 3pm. KIDS GO FREE.
Next Tuesday is the final home game of the season v Bath City. That game is HALF PRICE and KIDS GO FREE. KO 7.45
Save The Rooks
On 16 Apr 2010 at 1:43pm gooner wrote:
we dont care. poor football in poor stadiums with poor facilities. all these silly little clubs do is take income away from the proper game
On 16 Apr 2010 at 2:02pm steve watts wrote:
Two one !!!!!!
On 16 Apr 2010 at 2:03pm Down and Out wrote:
Gooner - you're an idiot. Everyone I know who goes to the Pan also follows a 'big' team in one form or another. I'm guessing you must be in your teens, because if you weren't you'd know that the simple joy of turning up at ten to three, paying cash on the turnstile, standing on a terrace with your mates, with a pint in your hand and watching players play football for the love of the game and not their next million is what real football always has been. You say 'these silly little clubs ... take income away from the proper game'. How much more cash do think the 'proper game' needs to waste on idiot signings who can't get a game but get £80k a week?
I went to the Emirates earlier this season to watch your one-dimensional team of matchstick men and dwarves get shredded by Chelsea. I don't support either; I was just idly curious. The Emirates is an awful plastic-coated piece of corporate junk without any atmosphere (not a patch on Highbury). I'd rather have wasted my money at Bluewater.
I bet you're one of those saddoes with an Arsenal quilt cover aren't you? Come back here when you've got a life.
On 16 Apr 2010 at 3:54pm another gooner wrote:
Down and Out, I think you might have had a humour bypass. Might have been a joke perhaps??....
Also, how did you manage to get into the Emirates on an 'idly curious' ticket? They could fill the place three times over and there is a giant season ticket waiting list so you must have been very lucky - or you are a parachutist.
Or fibbing.
On 16 Apr 2010 at 4:01pm Down and Out wrote:
another gooner: Well, it's a repeat of the same line on another thread, so he needs a new joke. 'sides, I just like winding up Gooners.
As to why I was there - well, the reason you can't get tickets to the Emirates is because the place is packed full of bystanders on corporate hospitality jollies, like me.
On 16 Apr 2010 at 4:08pm steve watts wrote:
Can we get this thread back on track please! Lewes odds on favourites to win tomorrow, Come on you Rooks!
On 16 Apr 2010 at 4:31pm Commuter wrote:
threads never stay on track!
On 16 Apr 2010 at 4:48pm Rookie wrote:
I'm glad to see my post got such a reaction. It probably encourages more people to read it! You can't beat a bit of non league footie for all the reasons Down and Out states above, plus it's local, cheaper, no herding like cattle, no aggro and much more of a family atmosphere all round. I refuse to pay to watch Premiership prima donnas falling about while thinking about this weeks wage packet and which supermodel they are going to spit roast after the game.
Big game tomorrow. Come and cheer for a REAL team.
Come on you Rooks!
On 16 Apr 2010 at 8:29pm gooner wrote:
I really dont care. non league is not proper football and is a waste of money. if you want to watch dross then go along to any park on a sunday morning for free.
On 16 Apr 2010 at 8:45pm Old cynic wrote:
Goober you are a twunt! The Premiership is not 'real' football - overpaid show ponies and hired mercenaries out to make a quick buck. Some of the best and most passionate matches I have ever seen have been from the lower leagues. in the old days that is wheee fist division clubs got there talent from rather than buying them in...... XxxCome on the Rooks!!!!
On 17 Apr 2010 at 1:19pm another gooner wrote:
I've been to see the Rooks, and it was great fun. Real football. I go to see Arsenal, and it is a better standard of football. Not great fun - too emotionally involved. But it is real football. You're all a load of pratts. I've got a hangover.
On 17 Apr 2010 at 8:38pm Rookie wrote:
Well what a day. The Lewes boys demolished the semi-pro's of Dorchester 5-0 on a beautiful sunny day at the Pan. Fantastic
The last home game of the season is Bath City on Tuesday night @ 7.45pm. ALL ADMISSION HALF PRICE. KIDS GO FREE.
Save the Rooks!

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