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Threads that end

On 9 Dec 2016 at 9:02am Threadbare wrote:
Webbo: why do we have threads that end? I have not seen any other forum where this happens. Cant we have ongoing threads with the most recent on top?? We now have disjointed road rage threads all over tbe place!!!
On 9 Dec 2016 at 9:22am I suspect these reasons wrote:
It's mainly because there is a limit to how complex a page a browser can deal with, but also the usability of scrolling up and down on various devices.
If the 6 Road Rage threads were combined it would be a nightmare to read.
Plus it's a very good way of filtering out the topics no one is discussing (let them die off), there's nothing more annoying (on a forum) than someone necro'ing a 2 year old thread!
On 9 Dec 2016 at 10:38am webbo wrote:
It's purely to keep threads turning over and make it more newsy.

Some threads that interest one person might not interest another so sticky posts would not benefit everyone and would obscure more recent threads.

On 12 Dec 2016 at 11:03am Mascara Snake wrote:
I don't think it's sticky threads that are required. All other forums operate in a way that ensures the top thread is the last thread that was posted to, the second thread the last but one thread that was posted to etc. This way the currently most active threads are at the top of the page. The advantages of this are:

1) Threads are not killed of prematurely because they have dropped down the page out of site
2) Threads can be revived
3) Negates the need to create multiple threads with the same name

Personally I think the limit to the number of posts in a thread and the fact that threads are ordered based on time of first post to them reduces the usefulness of the forum and serves only to curtail conversation. The creators of virtually every other forum software thinks the same.
On 12 Dec 2016 at 1:48pm Jane S wrote:
The current system is a good one for this particular forum, where there are plenty of monomaniacs who could single-handedly keep a thread at the top of the page. I definitely want to see the most recent threads at the top, otherwise - as Webbo says - they might rapidly go down the page and I might miss an interesting new thread altogether. If I want to see more comments on threads that I've already noticed I can scroll down and look at them.
Stick to your guns, Webbo.

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