On 21 Aug 2013 at 11:45am Zebedee wrote:
Note police officer CS633 at 10.02m. What is he hitting?
Watch the video »
On 21 Aug 2013 at 2:00pm Dingo wrote:
Love and power to the Balcombe resistance.
If you support us get on down there, don'just sit there.
On 21 Aug 2013 at 2:26pm 8 miles from home wrote:
"get off his legs" "you're hurting him" what a load of tree hugging soap dodgers.I will be very disappointed if toad face's son doesn't receive a criminal caution at the least as he verbally refused to move when asked to do so by the polite policeman.A few disabled people up their probably need looking into as they seem to be able to move more than they've probably let the welfare department know. Love the music " Don't stop till we've drilled enough".
On 21 Aug 2013 at 3:01pm Nazi Hunter wrote:
Keep writing bird brain, get all your self loathing out into the open.You'll be telling us about your stash of nazi regalia and what a great chap der fuhrer was next. V.O.B. Voice of Birdbrain.
You don't fool anybody.Go and find yourself a psychiatrist before you offend again.
On 21 Aug 2013 at 4:33pm Himmler wrote:
Look at dem de untermensch at de demonztration.Homosexuals, communists, toad faced lesbians, cripples, degenerates. Also a priest jah! A homosexual priest no doubt!By Odin I know der Britisher storm trooper polizie will make sauerkraut out of dem. You see Englanders I told you we would win in the end.Why bother invading I said ,the Britisher ruling class will adopt our methods sooner or later, see how right I wasJah I was right. The future belongs to us!
On 21 Aug 2013 at 5:11pm Biggles the taxpayer wrote:
I don't need to go to Balcombe to support the protesters.
I am already supporting most of them!
On 21 Aug 2013 at 5:23pm Frack Off wrote:
Well you don`t support me.I work and when I can I get over there.
You`re just a lazy parasite letting others do the work of protecting your environment for you. You Indolent little twazzock.
On 21 Aug 2013 at 5:25pm God bless the elderly. wrote:
The morning after the arrests of around 25 people – including that of Green MP and former party leader Caroline Lucas – there is still a heavy police presence.
Yet Grace Blindell, from Brighton, remains undeterred.
The 92-year-old says: “I worked as a nurse in Malaya during the emergency in the 1950s. Later, I worked for the Red Cross in Nigeria.”
When she retired, she went to Gaza with the Quakers.
Now she has spent the morning trying to convince the police officers surrounding the gate that fracking is morally indefensible.
On 21 Aug 2013 at 6:33pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Whatever anyone thinks of fracking, I'm struggling to think of any other MP that might be prepared to risk an evening with Plod in standing up for their beliefs.
Good for her. I daresay the rest of them are still off in Tuscany/Provence/Algarve or on the grouse moors.
On 22 Aug 2013 at 1:12pm Silly frecker wrote:
Why are they protesting about Fracking at Balcombe when there is no fracking going on. It'd be like protesting about live animal exports in an open field as there is the potential to raise animals that could later be taken for live export!!
Bit like demanding a tunnel be built at huge cost and continues to be costly to operate, to protect some snails that eventually leave of their own accord. Loads of different examples of protesters jumping on the latest fad band wagon.
Fracking isn't what the country needs, any more than we need a bunch of protesters making mischief and then moaning like hell when they're arrested.
On 22 Aug 2013 at 3:41pm Don`t be naive. wrote:
No it would be like protesting about about live animals being taken into a shed with a group of known psychopaths armed with chainsaws,while a pissed Tory M.P. stands outside saying "Don`t worry nothing bad is going to happen,they`re only practicing"
On 23 Aug 2013 at 2:32am Cuadrilla are Frackers wrote:
Cuadadrilla's Balcombe planning permission allows them to do more than investigate the viaibility of fracking .. it gives them provision to frack. They are disingenuous in the extreme when they say they do not have permission to do so.
As part of the planning application the company states: “There may be a need to stimulate … by pumping water under pressure into the natural fractures in the shale formations to open them up to allow the gas to flow more freely.”
On 24 Aug 2013 at 12:46am hmmm. wrote:
I find it laughable that you speak of democracy, despite not having a democracy in your own forums. Anything bad to say about middle class snobs, buttercup cafe or Laportes? You simply MUST be a troll and have the ban hammer down on you. For shame. You know what, I certainly hope for the day fracking begins locally, because it means that the ones killing the town by forcing it into a one trick pony will move out. " Oh you can't have a chain store here with a large store! We must make it into a cafe that sells artisan bread for a million pounds a loaf." Urgh.
On 24 Aug 2013 at 4:17pm sherlock. wrote:
hmmm. careful u will be band you dont fit in with the fake lewisian brigade
On 24 Aug 2013 at 4:17pm sherlock. wrote:
hmmm. careful u will be band you dont fit in with the fake lewisian brigade