Lewes Forum thread

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On 31 Dec 2005 at 7:10pm mick wrote:
This forum seems to be dying on its ar*e.
Is this just general apathy or are the somewhat extreme views of some of its posters to blame?
On 31 Dec 2005 at 8:02pm CHAV wrote:
Nah, Moderator's to blame. He needs to do something else with this website. Its boring the way it is!
On 1 Jan 2006 at 10:24am lewes trousers wrote:
I agree, this forum could be much more varied and interactive, a real community. Personally I like the php based cms system Xoops (www.xoops.org) which could make something more exciting of this site...but in the end its up to the owner and webmaster.
On 1 Jan 2006 at 11:43am Smiler wrote:
If its dying on its @rse its not the software its the contributers
On 1 Jan 2006 at 4:37pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
This Forum has been fine for a long time, mick (a time long before you started posting your inane pro brighton football twaddle). Why not leave now and go back to spending your free time in the company of fellow neanderthal knuckle draggers, shouting profanities at referees?
On 1 Jan 2006 at 4:51pm lewes trousers wrote:
Yes but smiler, different software can make for a more varied and interesting board, allowing different ways of commenting, news and so on, but in the end if the standard of the users isn't that great...
On 1 Jan 2006 at 5:22pm mick wrote:
Well fairy it is most gratifying to see that you have taken the time to re-read SOME of my previous postings, however I am also pro parking attendants, pro gay marriage, pro anything that irritates a stuck up, arrogant t**ser like you.
And as this forum only has half a dozen regular posters (of which you are by far the most annoying) I would suggest that it is not as fine as you would maintain.
I suppose that you are happy being a, relatively, big fish in a, very, small pond. You are not a local poloitician by any chance?
On 1 Jan 2006 at 6:45pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Try to insult me without swearing, it's not much of a challenge for an intelligent person such as yourse................. oh sorry, I was forgetting it's you mick. Keep the vulgarity coming mick, you know it makes you feel big.
On 1 Jan 2006 at 8:24pm mick wrote:
The only person trying (and failing miserably) to be big is you TF.
I post a perfectly reasonable question and your response is to make a personal attack on myself and all other followers of Englands national game.
From your complete lack of knowledge of football and its supporters I must assume that
1 You have never been to a football match in your life
2 You get some sort of perverse thrill by insulting people in cyber space (probably because in the real world you are a weak, sad and lonely individual)
3 You clearly believe that any opinion, other than yours is wrong. I think you will find that that is called narrow minded.
However I will allow you to feel big and clever as I really have got better things to do with my time than engage in conversation with bigots such as yourself and therefore this will be my final post.
I hope the 3 of you that are left find lots of things to agree about.
Au revoir.
On 2 Jan 2006 at 1:20am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
I do apologize to you micheal, you see, I thought the reason for your ill mannered response to me was because it was 'wrong time of the month time'. Now I realize that your favorite XI were beaten by a bunch of 'east london bottom of the table chancers'(and at home). How dispiriting it must be following brighton football club. Still michael, it won't be long before they're playing Bridgeview, then you can go and watch them at Malling rec. and not have to worry about Falmer. I went to look at some nice new televisions at Comet today in Hove. The shop hasn't been there that long. Can't think what used to be there, can you mick?
On 2 Jan 2006 at 12:17pm Mark Rolfe wrote:
rather discuss Brighton football club than read some of the drivel you post fairy.
On 2 Jan 2006 at 4:41pm Gary wrote:
Wow. You lot are insane!
On 4 Jan 2006 at 9:05am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Yes woofy your posting really set the forum alight, don't they. Why not actually start a new topic for once. I'm sure you can think (of something).
On 5 Jan 2006 at 8:40pm RU One too? wrote:
It certainly is not as good as it could be.
It is just a load of silly bitching and lacks intelligent discussion and intelligent humour.
It is a shame really
On 29 Jan 2006 at 12:14am inside info wrote:
hello mick guess who?
On 12 Feb 2006 at 1:24am michael wrote:
If everyone made an effort to post regularly it might take off.I enjoy it and I dont live in Lewes.

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