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The what a knob bonfire award.

On 9 Nov 2008 at 6:55pm therealalekid wrote:
Just read this on the Argus:
disgruntledHove, hove says...
11:33am Thu 6 Nov 08
Forgive me if I find it hard to celebrate a supposed 'terrorist' or the burning of catholics. Forgive me if I say I have seen many serious burns in the hospital wards.
Not forgetting the animals that have fireworks attached to their bodies 'for fun'.
Strange how we can have a stash od dynamite in our houses during these times but no other times.
I am not a killjoy, and fireworks can be pretty things to look at...but lets try and have a pretty reason for our explosions. The Guy Fawkes reason illustrates a very sick government and twisted time in our history. The whole plot was a 'set up' anyway.
I don't know how a man can be so wrong.
On 9 Nov 2008 at 7:05pm therealalekid wrote:
Actually I decided to translate:
"Forgive me if I find it hard to celebrate a supposed 'terrorist' or the burning of catholics"
There was a plot to blow up the parliament this is an historical fact, unless you have new evidence to the contrary. And what Catholics were burned, unless you are being confused about the protestant martyrs that were put to death under the Marian persecutions.
"Forgive me if I say I have seen many serious burns in the hospital wards."
OK then that makes you an expert on what then, you pretentious twat.
"Not forgetting the animals that have fireworks attached to their bodies 'for fun'."
Oh yes all over bonfire, Bonfire Boys strap rookies to squirrels how horrible. Although I've never seen this myself in over twenty years.
"Strange how we can have a stash od dynamite in our houses during these times but no other times."
No it's not strange if you follow the law and correct regulations.
"I am not a killjoy, and fireworks can be pretty things to look at...but lets try and have a pretty reason for our explosions"
Well thats think up a new reason just for you then the children, the butterflies, the environment.
" The Guy Fawkes reason illustrates a very sick government and twisted time in our history. The whole plot was a 'set up' anyway."
No the sick government was the one under Queen Mary that put her own citizens to flames for their religous beliefs, but lets not go there really. And the 'set up' complete moonbattery.
How can one individual be such an epic twat.

On 9 Nov 2008 at 8:01pm Northern Bigot wrote:
Well said Real Ale! The truth is people who have enjoyed Bonfire celebrationsare far less likely to write letters to Newspapers than those who are against it. Its the same with all issues compare how many letters are from people complaining, and those praising something. Numbers in Lewes on the 5th can range from 40,000 to 80,000. Lets not forget the 80,000 happy souls, when reading the half dozen or should that be half baked letters from misery moos! This daft letter writer claims hes not a "killjoy"he sounds like one!
On 9 Nov 2008 at 9:32pm Frak wrote:
Although this may sound flippant (it's not meant to be) you can see certain parallels with the whole Brand/Ross debacle, where a few people complain, compared to the majority who don't, but it is those few who moan that are heard and listened to.
On 9 Nov 2008 at 10:06pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Disgruntled of Hove has missed the point entirely. Those celebrating on 5th November aren't celebrating a terrorist plot, but its discovery. What a buffoon.
Might the societies have an enemy for next year already?
On 9 Nov 2008 at 10:08pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
An Emema of Bonfire for next year? I would not give him the credit.
On 9 Nov 2008 at 10:29pm Frak wrote:
something on your mind spinster?
On 9 Nov 2008 at 10:38pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Only you Frak!
On 9 Nov 2008 at 11:43pm Thomas Paine wrote:
I still think it is a good idea to have silent fireworks then only freaks who like bonfire night need know it's going on. Unless of course someone tells me there are people who for some medical reason or other can't look away either, then I will be recommending more stringent control. Well Said The Argus and Disgruntled of Hove I say. Hurrah!
On 10 Nov 2008 at 1:42am SHS wrote:
Even with silent black fireworks there would still be complaints about the bonfires. The noise of fireworks over a few hours is less than the noise of the A27 traffic over the same day. The light is less than the street-lights of Lewes in one evening. The smoke is less than the pollution from traffic in Lewes High Street over 24 hours.
On 10 Nov 2008 at 11:52am Its Not Rocket Science wrote:
Quite agree with SHS, and would add one more thing, and that is, why the **** should we have silent fireworks, or stop celebrating bonfire, just because the minority killjoys (who probably have obnoxious pastimes of their own) dont like it ?.
On 10 Nov 2008 at 12:03pm Enoch wrote:
Spinster the Enema of Bonfire was Peter Etherington - who remembers that one? As for fireworks, I was talking to a DFL who commented that in London it goes on for weeks as they have Bonfire Night and then Diwali! I thought it has been very quiet this year and only really had disturbances on the 4th (evening), 5th and 6th so what are these kill joys moaning about.
On 10 Nov 2008 at 12:19pm Lakshmi wrote:
Diwali was on the 28th October this year
On 10 Nov 2008 at 1:32pm SHS wrote:
Usually the intermittent boom and crack of fireworks throughout the year is one of the pleasanter aspects of life in Lewes and, as with church bells, part of it's character (like coastal towns having the sound of seagulls). I too thought it had been very quiet this year until the 5th and was concerned. Where's our parking-meter hero?
On 10 Nov 2008 at 2:05pm Its Not Rocket Science wrote:
Enoch, I remember it well (1991 I believe), and Paul Stonehouse administered it ! Do you remember the bumble bee and the spitfire the year before ? These preceded a line of excellent Cliffe tabs too !!
On 10 Nov 2008 at 3:29pm Thomas Paine wrote:
Far better would be to have virtual fireworks. Surely possible with today's interweb technology to have a perfectly satisfactory virtual display with none of the noise and light pollution of the real thing. It's just political correctness gone mad to insist on real fireworks just because they are traditional.
On 10 Nov 2008 at 4:33pm Pain in the John Thomas wrote:
Traditional? In China maybe, not in the UK!
On 10 Nov 2008 at 4:52pm Enoch wrote:
Its Not Rocket Science - I remember the bumble bee very well, and all the postcards from it! Did you have a hand in making them?
On 10 Nov 2008 at 5:28pm Its Not Rocket Science wrote:
Now that would be telling wouldn't it ?! Did you ?!!!
On 10 Nov 2008 at 7:10pm Pope Burner wrote:
Alternative Tabs -
Bee Catcher
Enema of bonfire
Sporadic spark
One based on fire engine (cant remember name)
anyone add any more?
On 10 Nov 2008 at 7:12pm Pope Burner wrote:
Did I?
On 10 Nov 2008 at 7:39pm Thomas Paine wrote:
err - fireworks have been a much used as form of festival expression in the UK since the 15th Century, but I stand corrected by "Pain the John Thomas" that 500 years is not old enough to count as a tradition in Lewes.
The have probably had their day now though, and virtual displays will probably be used in Lewes if not next year certainly by the end of the decade.
On 10 Nov 2008 at 8:10pm non-PC wrote:
You're a simpleton if you believe that, Paine.
Virtual displays? What the hell are you on? Light pollution? Have you seen how much light pollution is generated by street lighting? Please stop being offended by things that you have no understanding of.
PS. They were called 'B Tabs' not Alternative Tabs.
On 10 Nov 2008 at 8:24pm Very PC wrote:
If we had virtual displays then think of the money we'd all save on policing, rain coats, ear defenders, dark glasses, street lights... no street lights needed if all you old gits stayed at home on-line like we 'young hipsters' as you no-doubt call us. Much better. Get on the bus you dinosaurs, the internet world is here, get used to it!
On 10 Nov 2008 at 8:26pm Very PC wrote:
If we had virtual displays then think of the money we'd all save on policing, rain coats, ear defenders, dark glasses, street lights... no street lights needed if all you old gits stayed at home on-line like we 'young hipsters' as you no-doubt call us. Much better. Get on the bus you dinosaurs, the internet world is here, get used to it!
On 10 Nov 2008 at 8:28pm Thomas Paine wrote:
Nunc tutus exitus computarus, Very PC
On 10 Nov 2008 at 8:33pm Enoch wrote:
No I did not have a hand in the making of it but was on the other end of the fall out from Mr Bumble Bee. I suspect Pope Burner may have been involved with the B Tab.
On 10 Nov 2008 at 10:07pm Zebedee wrote:
Ermintrude - with a policeman's head up her rear end.
And don't forget the "C" tabs - I remember a carrot - anyone remember any more?
On 2 Jan 2009 at 9:16pm Bring on 2009 wrote:
Thomas Paine, have you noticed how most losers on here label people as "killjoys" simply because they have a different opinion to theirs? How typical of the pathetic, snobby attitude most residents of Lewes have become afflicted with these days. And I believe someone above mentions "their parking meter hero!!" How disgusting, to praise someone who goes around blowing up parking meters (incredibly dangerous, childish, and criminal) as a hero because they don't agree with a parking scheme? Absolutely disgusting. But thats the residents of Lewes for you. Immature snobs that seem to spend the majority of their time on here. Get a life!!!

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