On 15 Nov 2007 at 6:11pm FA wrote:
Dearest council bod. I'm not sure what position you hold within the council but maybe you can help.
As you're probably aware, the school run brings mayhem to villages, towns and cities across the country on a daily basis. Unfortunately, Lewes is no different and parking restrictions, narrow streets and sheer weight of traffic can make this time of day an absolute nightmare.
However, for some of us, there's very little alternative than to bring our cars to pick the little blighters up from school. I finnish work in Brighton at 2.30 and pick my daughter up from school (St Pancras) for 3pm.
But there's usually very little parking available with the exception of residents permit holder areas which of course is illegal to park in.
Now most of the blue coats are pretty good and will just walk by but there are some people who have had tickets whilst collecting their kids from school.
I appreciate that jobs have to be done and illegal parking is illegal parking but is there any way the blue coats can just avoid the school areas between 2.50 and 3.20....some kind of "gentlemans agreement" type thing...an "unwritten rule" if you like...nothing official, just a word in their ears.
I know it would have to go through the "gods" but if there's any way it can be done, it would be appreciated.
On 15 Nov 2007 at 8:32pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
I know that you are waiting for Council Bod to reply, but I could not resist making a statement about school runs.
Many parents live locally to the school where their sprogs attend and insist that they drive their cherished ones the 1/4 mile to school and back. By doing this, these lazy local parents clog up the parking facilities for those who genuinely need them AND then complain that their little bundles of joy suffer from asthma or ADHD. Maybe if they were to excercise their children to/from school, the children's respiratory systems would develop more normally and and hyperactivity would be burnt off.
Mind you, I suppose these lazy parents would miss on the "social" outside the school.
On 15 Nov 2007 at 8:33pm P.A no.?? wrote:
like you say most of us do walk by and are generally reasonable. however you always get the 'jobsworth' that will always interfere and be a pain in the a@s@. unless you are causing a major problem i see no harm in giving you 10mins or so to pick up your kids. unfortunately mr council bod has nothing to do with the council at all, so he will not be able to help you at all! i suggest you write a letter to the council yourself and ask if they can do anything to help you? as for the 'mayhem' you will never cure that!!
On 15 Nov 2007 at 8:43pm council bod wrote:
hi fa you may park in any bay except bus stops and disabled bays or motorcycle bays the parking wardens have been told to leave you alone for 5 mins after 5 mins have passed they will log your vehicle and at the end of that time they will issue you with a ticket as you see you have then had 10 mins to collect your child from school i think this is fair but your time starts from when the warden sees you not the time you got there hope that helps but................if you are causing an obstruction or are parked in a dangerous position you will get an instant ticket also do not park on the zig zags outside the school if you put a printed sign in your windscreen that says picking child up from school will be 5 mins this is also acceptable (some schools suppy them ) i do not think you will have a problam if you follow the above rules most parking attendants will be happy with this. the wardens do have to patrol outside schools from time to time if some mothers or dads break the above rules we do this at the councils request and in the interest of road saftey
On 15 Nov 2007 at 8:48pm council bod wrote:
On 15/11/2007 council bod wrote:
hi fa you may park in any bay except bus stops and disabled bays or motorcycle bays the parking wardens have been told to leave you alone for 5 mins after 5 mins have passed they will log your vehicle and at the end of that time they will issue you with a ticket as you see you have then had 10 mins to collect your child from school i think this is fair but your time starts from when the warden sees you not the time you got there hope that helps but................if you are causing an obstruction or are parked in a dangerous position you will get an instant ticket also do not park on the zig zags outside the school if you put a printed sign in your windscreen that says picking child up from school will be 5 mins this is also acceptable (some schools suppy them ) i do not think you will have a problam if you follow the above rules most parking attendants will be happy with this. the wardens do have to patrol outside schools from time to time if some mothers or dads break the above rules we do this at the councils request and in the interest of road saftey
On 15 Nov 2007 at 8:49pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Cool - three people replied at the same time - look at the icons all lined up straight in a row (don't often see that)!
On 15 Nov 2007 at 9:19pm The Super K wrote:
Hear Hear, Tell Spinster, Amen!
On 16 Nov 2007 at 8:26am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
He only fixes the bloody ticket machines, not run the scheme. Jumped up little t1t.
On 16 Nov 2007 at 4:10pm FA wrote:
He seems to know what he's talking about fairy....it's a forum right ?....and who exactly are you calling a jumped up little tit...him or me ?
On 16 Nov 2007 at 5:26pm council bod wrote:
good evening toothless one as fa asked i gave the information she requested you dont know me yes you think i fix the machines you would be right i am employed in the parking business and know more than you think but it is not right for you to call me a tit if you were talking about me and if you were talking about fa its not the thing to say we all come on here to have enjoyment please do not be so rude!
sorry about that fa hope you found the advice useful.
On 16 Nov 2007 at 5:59pm FA wrote:
yes i did council bod...thank you very much sir and i do believe my daughter's school is now doing those leaflets for the car windows.
Again, thanks and ignore the toothless fairy....he thinks i'm the forum hardMAN....!!!
On 18 Nov 2007 at 12:54pm Amethyst wrote:
By the way I think FA is a he not a she - am I right?
On 18 Nov 2007 at 1:28pm Christopher Biggins wrote:
Maybe not but he sure is somebody's bitch.
On 19 Nov 2007 at 8:51am expat wrote:
I agree with the Spinster a bit of exercise for the children......... 'when I was a kid' we used to walk from Malling to Priory, over the bridge, up the hill, and down the other side in the morning and again after school every day for years. Didn't do me any harm, and not as many cars around! No parking problems and fit kids, and quality time with friends. Oh God I sound over 40!
On 19 Nov 2007 at 9:21am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
And I bet you could buy two dozen sherbet fountains for a tanner in them days.
On 19 Nov 2007 at 2:12pm Mark wrote:
Oh God I sound over 40!
That's because based on previous postings you are lol
On 20 Nov 2007 at 6:58am expat wrote:
Woops I forgot