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The road next to Argos

On 22 Oct 2007 at 8:44am Lewesianne wrote:
How does Bill get away with it? All those tables 'n chairs in the road. It's a wonder that no-one has been hit by a car yet. I do think that his shop makes the street look lovely though. When I park behind Argos (to actually go in Argos), people sitting at the tables give such snooty looks as if I'm in their way!! Also, when you get to the JH Tavern, people who sit outside focus all their attention ion whether I can park neatly or not. It's such a tatty area back there yet it could be such a beauty spot if that scruffy car park was developed into some sort of beauty spot overlooking the river. Maybe an extention from the pub and/or Bills.
What does anyone else think?
On 22 Oct 2007 at 9:25am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Bejaysus... A question that's puzzling and is close to my heart.
"How does Bill get away with it"???
Well... Information is sketchy but the latest theory suggests that "Bill" has been blessed by none other than La Papa... some go further suggesting that he is indeed the Jesus reincarnate.
A connection with Opus Dei has been mooted but as yet no one has fancied the challenge of checking his thigh for the tale tale "cilice" (thigh band).
Hope that helps.
ps. Lewesianne... we share a similar mindset on this subject. Are we somehow related?
On 22 Oct 2007 at 9:45am The Super K wrote:
Ahh here it is!
I think we should be aloud to start our own new townie sport. One chance each per week, see how many people you can hit sat in the road out side Bills, in your car, you get double points if one of them drives a 4x4 and is wearing wellies even though they live in Gundreda Road.
On 22 Oct 2007 at 6:11pm Mysitic mog wrote:
Argos are so UNcommunity focused. They complained about the Cliffe Independance day. Apparently will not take out heavy item via the backdoor into the car park and leave their carpark in a digusting mess. There were pallets of old catalogues there, that during the summer were a potential fire risk. Yet Argos will not do deal with the pub during hours whe the shop is closed. I suggest we all visit Argos and discuss it with them.
On 22 Oct 2007 at 9:42pm MC wrote:
What on earth is Argos doing there anyway/ Let's have it knocked down and open the area to dining, drinking & the enjoyment of muddy rivers.
On 22 Oct 2007 at 10:09pm Smiler wrote:
Bill should buy it half an half with Harveys then they should team up and offer fine food and drink and boat hire so that we can make some use of the river. The John Harvey would have a decent garden/deck instead of a crappy car park (for which Argos have bought a gate to stop people using out of shopping hours).
There is a plan to put a weir further downstream to maintain the water level through the town which would make the boating idea a goer full time.
Where's Merlin when you need him?
On 22 Oct 2007 at 11:14pm lopster wrote:
plenty of room for more houses there I would say - like the 60 or being planned between library and war memorial - no extra school places, no extra doctors, no extra capacity in sewers or water supply, no extra shops - no extra hospital beds or police officers - narrower alleys for fire engines and ambulances - no parking for the tenants - sorry must get off bandwagon - nice that Argos offer car parking if you ask me - used to love taking my 4X4 down there to collect a packet of CDRs and a catalogue, then drive out 3 minutes later - never seen so much table shuffling and thundery faces - love it
On 22 Oct 2007 at 11:23pm Lewesianne wrote:
Try reversing down there next time - slowly and badly - then see the reaction as you reverse back out again - especially on a Saturday lunchtime.
On 22 Oct 2007 at 11:31pm lopster wrote:
tee hee - you have a wicked streak - I sympathise with the Tesco's parking incident - I too see no harm in parking in a disabled bay there if the rest of the car park is full (and all disabled bays empty ) - especially those down the far end in the corner where the leaves and dead trolleys pile up which are NEVER used anyway
On 22 Oct 2007 at 11:39pm Lewesianne wrote:
Talking of dead leaves, it's this time of year we see countless tesco carrier bags all mangled up in the branches where they have been blown accross the car park.
On 23 Oct 2007 at 6:48pm edward v1 wrote:
get up early and go park in front of his shops that will piss him off
On 23 Oct 2007 at 7:07pm Lewesianne wrote:
He'll probably put a table, chairs and a lemon tree on your car! And some one will probably sit at it eating their lunch. I reckon if you put some tables and chairs in the middle of the Phoenix Causeway, people will sit at them and wait for the menu.
On 23 Oct 2007 at 8:18pm For The Record wrote:
Why are there sooooooo many disabled bays? Maybe they should be scrapped as disabled badge holders are able to park on double yellows without getting booked (and continue to do so despite loads of disabled bays).
On 23 Oct 2007 at 8:22pm lauren wrote:
Disabled badge holders are only allowed to park on double yellows for a maximum of 3 hours. Should they have a long hospital appointment or treatment required they are not much use, as a disabled bay they are allowed to park for unlimited time.

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