Lewes Forum thread

Go on, tell 'em what you think

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The problem is...

On 10 Mar 2005 at 11:26am Prol wrote:
The problem is that people on this forum think they live in a demodracy wher everybodys views are taken into consideration when the truth is that the Council does what it likes paying lip service occasionally to the voters with expensive consultation processes that for the large part get ignored unless they come up with something the council can charge us more tax for. Its simple, the next time theres an election, vote them out!
On 10 Mar 2005 at 3:51pm me wrote:
In all honesty I'm not sure we will be able to remove that fat bloke from the council that is always in the express. He may be too large to fit through the doors
On 10 Mar 2005 at 5:29pm paex wrote:
Are you sure its always the same one? Just think they could be cloning them in the nuclear shelter. Rows and rows of fat men in grey suits. Scary.
On 10 Mar 2005 at 6:11pm peepee wrote:
Hope they dont clone that clown Norman Baker,my god we would be in trobule.
On 12 Mar 2005 at 12:40am me wrote:
And i thought the Blair witch project was scary. Holy cow "THE CLONING OF THE FAT BLOKE" just sends shivers down my spine. The real scary thing is, i think you might be onto a winner paex cos the fat bloke always seems slightly different. Be afraid be very afraid.
On 13 Mar 2005 at 2:09pm J L Seagull wrote:
Yes one Norman is quite enough, but love him or loathe him, he does at least stick his nose into things and tries to get things moving. You have to admire that, how moany tory or labour MP's do that?
On 15 Mar 2005 at 9:30pm The Super K wrote:
The Problem is Norman sticks his nose in where it's not wanted.
1) Tring to ban car alarms???????????
2) Spending the council tax I pay to oppose a stadium at falmer that would bring jobs to the area? I want a stadium, I resent him using MY money for that.
3) the fact he stands for a sh 1 t party with daft ideas over europe and who want to let all the killers and rapist out of prison in case it undermines thier confidence.
Lets face it LIB DEMS DON'T WORK!

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Thomas Paine

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