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The invisible taxi rank?

On 19 Sep 2015 at 11:58am Model Man wrote:
I recently parked at the front of Lewes Station only to be told by a taxi driver that I couldn't park there as it was a taxi rank. As there are no road markings or signage to indicate that it was a Taxi rank I had (wrongly) presumed that the Rank had been suspended during the bridge works and that I could pick yp my wifecwho had just arrived in from Eastbourne abd was walking up the stairs from the platform. Same taxi driver told me that a nearby camera would see me and I could get fined £60 If I stayed where I was. Not wishing to be stung for £60 I moved and the space was shortly taken up by another taxi.
Unless I'm clairvoyant how are people supposed to know it's a taxi rank when there is nothing there?
How can a supposed fine be enforced when there is no markings or signage ?
Whilst I appreciate you have a business to run there appears to be some Taxi drivers who consider the area in front of the station to be their exclusive property and woe betide any other station user who gets in their way be it vehicle or pedestrian. I honestly think that there should be a restriction on the number of taxis allowed to park outside the station instead of the sprawl we have now. Would it not be possible and sensible for taxis to wait in Pinwell road or similar until a space becomes available?
And if you are going to fine members of the public for parking in invisible taxi ranks how about properly marked and dedicated areas for non taxi drivers to set down and pick up, and while we are about it let's have a camera to fine taxi drivers from parking in this area too? The current bridge works are not helping the situation but this "possessiveness " displayed by some members of the taxi community has been around for a while. To those few, how about being professional like the majority of your colleagues, realise that other people would like to use the area as well. Other stations seem to manage so why can't Lewes?
On 19 Sep 2015 at 1:47pm Tipex wrote:
That's a LOT of words.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 1:47pm Old Bike wrote:
In general, taxi drivers display absolutely no consideration to anyone else, other than their paying customer.
They seem unable to park, driving onto the pavement, blocking both it and the road, so that their life is made easier.
I'm not sure it is deliberately obtuseness, I just don't think they tend to be very bright.
As for your story re. parking. I would have told him, politely, to go away. What was suggested is totally unenforceable. Just bully boy tactics.
I'm sure they aren't all like this. Just my experience on an almost daily basis.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 2:18pm Golden Sunbeam wrote:
The Brighton ones are worse - with their noticeable cars. A friend of mine once owned a white car which had a green bonnet because the original had flipped up while driving ! And as he was driving round Eastbourne he got loads of abuse from the Brighton taxis there, as said not the sharpest tools. Apart from Fred Housego.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 9:29pm Oh my wrote:
I totally agree, they think they own the area in front of the station. I hope with the new station road set up it is clear where taxis can and can't go. Also taxis are always speeding down Priory St, they seem to think normal rules and laws don't apply to them. I second moving the rank to pinwell road, makes much more sense.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 10:39pm Cheerful Charlie wrote:
Its actually a free for all at the station. I've parked there several times and wandered off for an hour each time. There are NO restrictions. There are some signs for 20 minute parking but totally unpoliced. The road is owned by the railway and they have no time or man power to do anything about it. Sorry taxi nazi's, I've just pi55ed on your fireworks haven't I! hahahaha.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 10:45pm Cliffe wrote:
Yep I regularly park there while I pop across the road for a haircut and never any problems. Relax.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 8:41am RBJ wrote:
I don't think there are any cameras there. nearest camera is at the bottom of friars walk. The rules are 20 minutes but I have never seen it enforced and I don't think the taxis have any special rights.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 9:14am Outintheestates wrote:
It's a bit like the rank at the side of waitrose they use it as they're parking lip as they go off and do they're shopping then give you the evil eye if you park in the space . I've had several rows with traffic wardens over it as it is a put down / pick up area and if it's good enough for them to park there it's good enough for the rest of us
On 20 Sep 2015 at 10:13am Highwayman wrote:
The "road" in front of the station entrance isn't even a public highway. It's a private bridge, owned by the railway, and subject to an agreement made over a hundred years ago between the London, Brighton & South Coast Railway and Lewes Borough Council, the highway authority. The parties to the agreement are now the successor organisations (Network Rail and East Sussex County Council).
The agreement includes licences for various categories of users to have access to parts of the bridge - including pedestrians, vehicles and taxis. If you get a ticket for parking in the taxi area, it would probably be worth challenging it on the grounds that the enforcement authority wasn't acting in accordance with the agreement. The enforcement authority may not even know about the agreement. I doubt if they have a copy of it. And I doubt if the area set aside today for the use of waiting taxis is the same as that marked out in the original documentation.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 11:11am Boo wrote:
If there is no sign anywhere close by, they have no grounds to fine you at all.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 6:04pm Mr Bean wrote:
There is a cctv camera if you face the station and look up to the left of the florists.
With regards to taxis there are too many and they should be regulated a bit more as the driving standards displayed by some of the taxi drivers are hideous with complete disregard to pedestrians.
The station is for ALL road users not just Taxis thinking its their own exclusive back yard.
The Council department in charge of granting the Taxi licences should take an active interest and watch what some of these idiots get up to!
On 24 Sep 2015 at 5:56pm Harold wrote:
There are no fines for parking on that taxi rank YET. there is a chance of being towed or fined if in the 20 min bays if the enforcement company comes down which they do now and then. The council is putting a temp traffic system in soon and the roads will be remarked. BTW all complaints should be directed to Micheal Moss at Lewes district council.

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Bonfire Torches 11:132
Bonfire Torches

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