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The Tax Evaders!

On 13 Jan 2014 at 8:44pm Dr Who wrote:
Aren't You just as sick as I of programmes that do their best to vilify the poorest in society?
Benefits Street, Saints & Scroungers are to name a few of a long long line.
Its obvious to me that this Conservative Governments publicity 'Think Tanks' are to blame and the media are their witless stooges.
When shall we see programmes such as 'Tax Avoider Street' on our TV's ?
The sooner the better I say!

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On 13 Jan 2014 at 11:03pm Ramona & I wrote:
You only have to look at the lies we're fed about Fracking, the so called Publicly funded Artwork the Suspected Terrorism by School age Children writing on their Private Facebook Pages...etc..
This Government wants you to feel that there is no more free speech under the fear of being locked up!
You can't tell me that this Government isn't corrupt!
I'm sure to get the thumbs down from the likes of Jiminy etc trying to dissuade from my argument. But its plain for all to see that this Government is full of lies and corruption and they do so for Private Monetary and Social Gain. In their Burford houses they sit imperious, dictatorial glugging a spot of Pinot Noir Chardonnay.
They make me retch..
On 13 Jan 2014 at 11:20pm Border Control wrote:
I heard they are making one of these such programmes in Ringer this week.
On 14 Jan 2014 at 12:45pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
The government/London mayors office are pushing for police to have authority to use water canon on the streets of Britain.
Are they expecting some sort of mass protest soon?
You thought the last "recession" was/is bad.
The next one (2018/19) will be brutal.
On 14 Jan 2014 at 4:41pm bastian wrote:
It's alright CM, they have to have the water canons becasue Boris has shut down several fire stations in London, they'll need them to put out the fires-or they will when the rioting starts. How far do you think this government can push people? or do you think the electric has to go off so they can't imerse themselves in flat screen world ( mogadon for the people).
On 15 Jan 2014 at 6:28am biggles the taxman wrote:
Benefits street,are those lazy scroungers taking the p or what,spending all day in front of their flat screen t.v`s,swigging special brew & smoking.It is the welfare system that has sunk this country to its knees.If there is to be any further rioting anywhere it should be done by those of us paying taxes to support those bone idle w-----s.
In America welfare is only available for 6 months,after that time you are entitled to nothing.Srangely enough they all seem to find work after 6 months.
Not enough people putting into the pot,
Too many people with their hand in the pot,
Empty pot.
Simple economics really is`nt it.
On 15 Jan 2014 at 7:38am Clifford wrote:
Biggles the taxman wrote: 'In America welfare is only available for 6 months,after that time you are entitled to nothing.Srangely enough they all seem to find work after 6 months.'
I admite you for not being afraid to come on here and expose your ignorance to us. The truth is unemployment in the US is 6.7% and in the UK 7.4%. The problem is that people like you find it easier to attack the unemployed than the people who caused the unemployment, the bankers. It's called cowardice.
On 15 Jan 2014 at 11:06am queequeg wrote:
Clifford, I am no apologist for individual bankers or for many of the banking practices indulged in in recent years, but, it has to be said that banking is the largest section of our economy with the greatest positive effect on our balance of payments. Without banking we would not be in a position to import all the things we love to have.
How many people in the greater metaphorical "Benefit Street" have been put in that position by Banks?
I think that these days a significant number of people make the perfectly rational choice to explore the benefits available and find it quite easy to turn the system to their advantage so that they qualify for as much in benefits as they would take home in wages. In such circumstances you would be an idiot not to go down that route.
Most benefit forms say "the law says that you are entitled to ....." so is it any wonder that the entitlement culture has taken hold?
Back to tax evaders. I have wondered why nobody has picked up on the many stories of "business credit cards" whether it be high profile fraud cases, BBC personnel or civil servants, schools, hospitals, it seems the world and his wife are spending our money or their employers money like water on private consumption and paying no tax on it.
Why aren't the Googles and Amazons forced to pay tax here. Surely it would be possible to start an internet trading tax on these huge institutions so that they could not avoid it, after all what are they going to do, not trade in the UK?
On 15 Jan 2014 at 2:47pm Knoxon Cutts wrote:
"the greatest positive effect on our balance of payments" yeah right,you could say slavery did that some time ago.Doesn't make it acceptable though,does it? The trouble is,maybe the vwhips and chains have gone but they,ve been replaced by debt.97% of the money in the country is borrowed from banks at interest.It was created out of nothing the moment it was loaned.So where does the money come from to pay the interest? Aha,you have to borrow it....at interest,and how do you pay that?etc,etc. So you see it is one big ponzi scheme,it's not just a few bad apples,the barrel itself is rotten to the core.
On 15 Jan 2014 at 5:42pm kev wrote:
I cant say I am a fan of benefit claiming, fortunately I have been blessed with always having work. but in my opinion (and it is just my view) if a man has a family it is his reasonability to provide for that family. so if he cant feed his family or send his kids to school with shoes without holes in ect working on NMW. but gets more on benefit, then he is doing his duty for his family by bring in more money. surely the answer is to give the man a decent wage and so encourage him to work. NWM stinks!!
On 15 Jan 2014 at 8:53pm Boris wrote:
If he can't support his kids he should stop breeding! Wtf should the rest of us support such a failed selection of genes? Its mostly likely that the offspring will be the same. Drown them at birth!
On 15 Jan 2014 at 9:51pm Dr Who wrote:
One or two of the responses to this thread are so childish that one might be mistaken by thinking that a Conservative Cretin might of made them..
On 16 Jan 2014 at 3:39am b wrote:
Agree Dr Who. The sort of cretin who thinks that if there aren’t enough jobs to go round and you abandon welfare, the unemployed will just quietly go and get one of the non-existent jobs. The sort of cretins who have never read what goes on in South Africa and can’t imagine what really happens when the safety net is pulled from the most vulnerable. The sort of cretin that can’t make a connection between America’s abandonment of welfare and high crime rates.
On 16 Jan 2014 at 6:18am biggles the taxman wrote:
You forgot to mention the type of cretin who is up at 3.39 in the morning writing crap on here because he does`nt have to get up for work in the morning!(william head)
On 16 Jan 2014 at 6:54am kev wrote:
there are some very short sighted, narrow minded people in the world, unfortunately some of which are on this sight. and Boris "stop breeding" drown them at birth". mmmmmm you are obviously a very intelligent, insightful man whom has a full understanding of the world.
On 16 Jan 2014 at 9:10am Pedant wrote:
The standard of grammar on this thread makes me despair.
On 16 Jan 2014 at 10:16am Teacher wrote:
Well said Pedant, that exactly why we've got so much unemployed on benefits ,
On 19 Jan 2014 at 9:39pm b wrote:
He says, closing a sentence with a comma.
In the wrong place.
A Teacher blaming unemployment on levels of grammar that he can't even master himself? I've got to get out of here, the nauseating stench of right wing hypocrisy is stinking up the joint.
On 21 Jan 2014 at 7:55pm b wrote:
Oh, its the old “don’t worry about big corporations being let off multi billion pound tax bills, we don’t need their money, but we must stop spending hundreds of thousands on dysfunctional families” argument again.

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