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The Sat-Nav Driver

On 17 Jan 2023 at 4:41pm SHS-2 wrote:
Drives slowly on a clear road. Dabs his foot on the brake regularly. Doesn't stop to let an old lady cross the road nor to let a car out from a side road. Windows misted up. Totally oblivious to everything except the chat with his passenger and the screen of the sat-nav. A DANGER.
On 17 Jan 2023 at 8:21pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Sounds like they were just a little lost. I have more patience for those types than tail-gating morons. I love slowing down for them.
On 17 Jan 2023 at 8:24pm Tom Pain wrote:
It's the 40 mph Club, the most insidious secret society there is, especially their vanguard- the 30 max fundamentalists. They often hold rallys along the C7 with 1/2 to 3/4 mile tailbacks. The constant braking, not only on the slightest curve, but also when a vehicle comes in the other direction, is occult brake light signalling to brothers of the craft.
On 17 Jan 2023 at 8:31pm Tom Pain wrote:
Strewth sleevie, you weren't there a moment ago. You must be pretty quick on your tricycle as well to be a tailgating candidate.
On 18 Jan 2023 at 5:12pm SHS-2 wrote:
@Sleeves you could be right, and anyway patience is always good on the road (pretend the slow driver in front is your grandmother). It's the complete absence of any knowledge of and concern for other road users that bothers me. I shall avoid the C7.
On 19 Jan 2023 at 8:15am Formerly AC-T wrote:
Are these the same people as the drivers who don't know what indicators are for? Do they perhaps think the satnav is going to do the indicating for them, as it knows where they're going to go round a corner or exit a roundabout?
I've been starting to wonder if the art of indicating is even taught in driving lessons these days, especially the section on how to indicate on roundabouts.
On 19 Jan 2023 at 10:30pm Tom Pain wrote:
Act ually the satnavs are more of a distraction than mobile phones. Someone is telling you what to do, you're following instructions and thus your feeling of responsibility for your actions is lessened.
On 20 Jan 2023 at 11:18am Tom Pain wrote:
With the A26 closed everyone will have to use the C7 now. Water flowing across the road near Tarring Nevil is no new thing. The night before it closed, I drove through it with no ill effect, surely warning notices would be sufficient, it's less than an inch deep.
On 20 Jan 2023 at 12:37pm Nevillman wrote:
I'd really hoped that your first post of 17 Jan was meant ironically Tom but fear that with 7 upticks even if it was intended that way it has been taken seriously. The c7 is a public road that is used by cyclists as well as all kinds of drivers, including those unfamiliar with the road, grannies and even people driving on the left for the first time if they have just arrived at the port as well as the many who use it as a rat run. There are 2 places that someone who is ready in the right vehicle can overtake but nowhere that can you can safely and confidently overtake.
If you are following someone who you say is a member of the 40 mph club or who brakes at an oncoming car or is waiting for a chance to overtake a bike, it may delay your arrival in Newhaven by a minute or two. I have never seen anything like a half mile tailback. Even a busy man like you clearly are can afford that time. Relax. Enjoy the scenery. Accept that everyone is entitled to use the road at whatever speed they like and has a right not to know the road, brake at incoming cars or be on a bike. Set off a minute earlier. Arrive a minute later. Getting close behind them with probably slow them down and if it is me you are following, will increase my enjoyment of the journey.
I agree with you formerly about indicators and would advocate public flogging for not using indicators. It is a big problem but not sure it's much to do with satnav
As for your resentment Tom about satnav being someone telling you what to do and reducing your personal responsibility?????? Yes Tom. The 'man' truly is watching and directing your every move.
On 21 Jan 2023 at 11:12am Tom Pain wrote:
Thanks nev, you're all heart and because I'm not deficient in that department, I'd like to reassure you that my tongue was firmly in my cheek. Also, re the last comment, I'm far too careful about my health to harbour resentments about anything and you've completely misinterpreted my meaning. I hope that no one else misunderstood it so radically, I was trying to make a serious point which I stand by and was difficult to describe. Try to read it again imagining someone else wrote it and you may be able to understand it without personal prejudice. Another thing, I too have the regrettable tendency to drive slowly to spite tailgaters but baiting a raging bull is only going to encourage it to more antisocial behaviour. What if he overtook blindly and crashed into an oncoming vehicle with fatal result? Would you feel a twinge of guilt?
On 21 Jan 2023 at 4:47pm SHS-2 wrote:
Before this conversation ascends into a full Nevillepain opera may I please recommend to anyone in front of a tailgater - at the first opportunity inidicate, pull-in and let her pass. The woman behind is clearly in a hurry so avoid some high blood pressure or an accident and do the right thing. Bait her? Grow up.
On 21 Jan 2023 at 5:06pm Green Sleeves wrote:
No, you slow down further to tempt the tail-gater to pass, and when you think they may take advantage, drop into sport mode and apply plenty of throttle. This will further infuriate them, possibly into road-rage. They will then have to start contemplating their life and the choices they make, and what is worth getting angry about.

On 22 Jan 2023 at 1:05pm Nevillman wrote:
It is quite possible that someone being tailgated would love to pull over and let the car behind past. It's rather difficult to do that when someone is driving closely behind you SHS, particularly if you are driving along an unfamiliar road and are a nervous driver in the first place. I can think of only one place on the c7 where there is a lay by and that is in rodmell where there is a 30mph limit anyway.
The best policy with a tailgater is to ignore them. They have the problem, not you. My perverse enjoyment at seeing them frustrated behind me does not extend to provoking them further as it happens although I can understand why people might be moved to do so. It's easy to misread posts but from your initial post SHS, you are sounding like someone who at least has sympathy for the tailgater. It's easier to engage with a tailgater here than on the road.
As for your reference to 'nevillepain opera', then I do assure you that if I do appear ever to be in a private discussion with him, I am more than happy for someone else to chip in.
On 22 Jan 2023 at 3:28pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Any "tailgaters" in here foaming at the mouth? Are we mis-representing the much-maligned minority "tail-gater" community?

I can imagine that some legendary Lewes forum posters like Hamid Barr would tail-gate frequently. Where is that weirdo these days? Maybe he's been banged up.
On 28 Jan 2023 at 5:32pm Tom Pain wrote:
Whilst being tailgated by some far left extremist antifa thug along the C7 I noticed my favourite traffic sign. It always mystifies and amuses me, inside the triangle there's the image of an aeroplane. It's just after Iford heading towards Lewes. Anyone know why it's there?
On 29 Jan 2023 at 8:20am Nevillman wrote:
There is a small, private landing strip to the east of the c7. Just looks like a field with a barn unless you happen to see a plane landing.
On 29 Jan 2023 at 8:35am SHS-2 wrote:
Mostly private jets. But I flew to the Cayman Islands from there recently, no passport control at all and a short walk from my home (the airfield, not the Cayman Islands).
On 29 Jan 2023 at 10:30am Green Sleeves wrote:
LOL Antifa "thug". Yeah, gotta hate those anti-fascists - how dare they oppose fascism.

I'm curious that a small private landing strip near Lewes provides direct flights to the Cayman Islands though. Didn't realise we had wealth-hoarding 1 percenters in the area.
On 29 Jan 2023 at 9:20pm Tom Pain wrote:
Why, it's the forum's resident regressive: greensleaze, fresh from displaying his diverse and inclusive attitude in a sporting encomium on hamid. I expect those black shirt boys with the ski masks are all in ukraine with their azov chums sleevie ,making the world safe for democ....ide. So there really is an airfield there nev, can't say I've ever seen a plane. Perhaps the lizard people land their craft there under cover of darkness, or my tinfoil hat makes them invisible. I'd be careful holidaying in the Caymans shs, with the galloping rise in sea levels you could wake up in Davy Jones locker.
On 30 Jan 2023 at 9:01am Nevillman wrote:
Classic Tom. I'm sorry you're not getting the attention you need at home. I haven't seen a plane landing at iford for a couple of years thinking about it. You used to get a good view of it coming in to land from the mountfield road side at the dripping pan if the action on the pitch wasn't so good. I think it was just one person with a plane who bought or rented a field for his own use. There is a barn to keep the plane in. There was also a windsock in the field. I don't remember seeing that for a while either but to be honest I've been too frightened to drive or cycle down the c7 for a while. I always seemed to go too fast or too slow and ended up upsetting too many people.
On 31 Jan 2023 at 8:37pm emelyblunt wrote:
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On 31 Jan 2023 at 9:31pm Tom Pain wrote:
I wonder if emely plays an instrument.
On 1 Feb 2023 at 4:38pm francie howerd wrote:
Ooh nooo steamed up windows driver distracted noooo missus nooooo!! Titter ye not! Disgusting!!

On 26 Mar 2023 at 9:28pm Jemsnixon wrote:
However it intrigues me that a tiny, private airport close to Lewes offers nonstop service to the Cayman Islands. I was unaware that the neighbourhood was home to wealthy members of the one percent.

Check it out here »
On 17 Jun 2023 at 7:11pm Jemsnixon wrote:
The 40 mph Club, notably its vanguard of 30 max zealots, is the most nefarious secret group there is. They frequently organise rallies with 1/2 to 3/4 mile tailbacks along the C7. Constant braking serves as an occult brake light signal to fellow practitioners of the art, not only on the smallest of curves but even when a car approaches from the opposite way.

Check it out here »
On 30 Jan 2024 at 9:13pm Sniper229 wrote:
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On 18 Mar 2024 at 3:25pm JackMarcer wrote:
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