Lewes Forum thread

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The Rookery.

On 20 Jun 2015 at 6:47pm Rookie wrote:
The very nice new facility for the community is now open.

Check it out here »
On 20 Jun 2015 at 7:41pm spanish waiter wrote:
Isn't The Rookery a large rock garden opposite Preston park in Brighton ?
On 20 Jun 2015 at 8:09pm lewes ian wrote:
Disgraceful eyesore next to a beautiful park. I despair.
On 21 Jun 2015 at 12:48pm Belladonna wrote:
I thought the Rookery was next to the station / somewhere to avoid parking your car under!!
On 22 Jun 2015 at 11:19am Old Bloke wrote:
Well done yet again Lewes FC
Perfect example of a local football club doing some great work for local people
Be nice if some of the locals that have suddenly become lifelong Brighton fans shed their over stretched replica shirts now and then a went to support their town team. Might be a nice change to watch something different to foreign mercenaries falling over every time someone breathes on them
I wish far more non league clubs would follow the Lewes FC way
On 22 Jun 2015 at 3:41pm Parky wrote:
Lewes Ian you do know that it was a sports field before ? , ok a fence has been added , it is sympathetic green , lights are the only unsightly ( no pun intended ) thing but it's worth tolerating for the pleasyre many will get , the Park is unaffected , you could gaze longingly at the 4 lanes of traffic to balance your argument , just saying
On 22 Jun 2015 at 6:42pm Paul wrote:
Seems an expensive way to light the convent field so i can walk my dog on a winters evening but seeing as it didn't hike up my council tax I'm happy.
On 22 Jun 2015 at 9:26pm Rookie wrote:
There is always one misery guts who belittles everything.
Having had a real close look at it today I can say it is a superb facility and is hardly an eyesore. Congratulations are in order to the people behind the project.

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Southover Grange and Gardens 108:132
Southover Grange and Gardens

The "Go on, tell 'em what you think" thread on the Lewes Forum is a space where community members share their opinions on various... more
I like The Grange Gardens, and the way the teashop has the most odd mixture of china from the charity shops

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