On 4 Jun 2016 at 8:48am Mark wrote:
Did people see news on TV and the papers about 14 year old Amy El-keria who died while an in-patient at a Priory hospital. The Priory aren't some cash-strapped nursing home. They're a major player - owned by an American conglomerate. They have a contract with the NHS whereby they take (at huge expense - £800/night) patients that the NHS doesn't have capacity For. The Coroner found that the death was avoidable. She identified short-staffing. Staff were unable to perform basic CPR as they had not been trained in it. Neglect was identified. The list goes on and is quite shocking. Jeremy Hunt is very keen to increase the level of sub-contracting to the private sector.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 9:26am Earl of Lewes wrote:
Whenever something like this happens, the report usually features the words 'agency nurses'. My father-in-law would probably still be alive today if he hadn't been in the care of agency nurses, who weren't committed to their ward and took a fag break when they were meant to be watching him. The NHS wastes a fortune on sub contractors - if they're using the Priory regularly, then they clearly need to create more spaces. I was also shocked to read an article that shows how a pharmaceutical company is making the NHS pay a small fortune for bog standard drugs. Why don't we have a state-owned pharmaceutical division that can provide generic drugs at cost price?
On 4 Jun 2016 at 9:56am Amon wildes wrote:
Does any one ever think about mental health? There are hundreds of private medium secure hospitals all over the country. They are full of NHS patients as there is nothing like enough capacity in NHS hospitals. Obviously there is no such thing as a privately funded mentally ill patient within the criminal justice system. The NHS looks after them all, often in private hospitals run by private healthcare companies at huge expense. These companies often run old people's homes as well. (And surprise, surprise they have shareholders who need profit.) Mental health is indeed the Cinderella of the NHS. I suppose the ghastly Gover is going to make sure that the mythical £350 million a week will all go into health care ... and house building, and education and air pollution and agriculture and fisheries and, and ....
On 4 Jun 2016 at 10:10am Carer wrote:
When I hear the word agency nurse I remember the agency nurses I was with on a mandatory training course for people in the health profession. The group of nurses on that course spent most of their time laughing and giggling in their in group and speaking in their native language so none of the rest of us knew what they were laughing at. What shocked me more was the fact that I as a simple self employed carer knew more about CPR than they did. Doesn't fill you with confidence does it? My Daughter suffers from mental health issues and because she was not literally slashing her wrists she was deemed as not unwell enough to be referred anywhere and the crisis team discharged her back to her GP. The health service is falling to pieces.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 10:30am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
"Why don't we have a state-owned pharmaceutical division that can provide generic drugs at cost price?"
State ownership of anything seems to be a dirty word these days, and has been since most of our state-owned enterprises were sold off.
Mental health is shockingly under-resourced. A couple of years ago, the nearest available NHS psych bed was in Glasgow, ffs. People admitted to psych units are frequently placed in units hundreds of miles away, and then shunted about to places nearer and nearer their homes. Such a lot of change for someone in an acute crisis can't do anything to help recovery. It's surprisingly common for mentally ill people to spend days in police custody until a place is found for them.
Then as soon as they are stable, they are discharged to the care of the community mental health services, where they often get minimal help and very few get regular contact with CPNs, because there simply aren't enough of them.
I blame the target culture, which drives resource allocation. It's easy to throw money at emergency medicine, cancer care and so on which has easily measurable outcomes. There's no target for preventing psych admissions or or suicides.
It's a bloody scandal.
I can't believe that agency nurses can't do CPR. It's taught on first aid at work courses, even I can do it.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 10:40am Short memories wrote:
State owned anything doesn't work because firstly the unions run whatever it is for the sole benefit of their members.
Secondly the management don't give a flying fig because, as its non profit making , they're not accountable
You've only got to look at local authorities or the police force to get an idea of what it would be like if you're not old enough to remember
Don't get me started on the NHS!!!
On 4 Jun 2016 at 11:23am Mark wrote:
The nursing stuff who were unable to perform CPR in Amy's case weren't even agency staff. They were full time Priory employees. The company hadn't offered them training. Training is quite expensive after all. But that's private sector healthcare for you.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 11:32am Mark wrote:
Next time you hear of an NHS inquest which such damning results let us all know, Short Memories.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 11:45am Short memories wrote:
I had the misfortune to be rushed into RSCH for a six day stay
I remember gaining consciousness on day one to find myself alone and literally covered in my own blood where one of the IV's had come out
The remaining five days weren't much better. The only plus point was they did save my life though how is beyond me.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 2:21pm Hal wrote:
Short memories, You obviously never worked for British Rail, Royal Mail or the Police force when they were all nationalised industries. More efficient and full of hard working individuals who were never given a quarter by the management. The companies profits I believe went straight back to the government as opposed to private investors pockets. Just spouting rabid right-wing ideology is no substitute for empirical fact and personal experience.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 2:23pm Ghost of Maggie wrote:
Just rejoice and be thankful that those grotty old asylums were closed. Hellingly and Cane Hill are now lovely new housing estates. King regards, Margaret. Mark, I think you are a Red under the hospital bed.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 2:46pm Dr No wrote:
Don't think the EU would take kindly to a nationalised Pharmacutical company in Britain.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 5:07pm wondering wrote:
I wonder if there is parity in terms of treatment at the Priory between the NHS patients and those who are privately funded.
On 4 Jun 2016 at 6:25pm Mark wrote:
I'm an NHS nurse but I worked for The Priory (very briefly!) It was so tempting... the prospect of a 4 minute walk from home. They have their original jewel in the crown - Roehampton Priory where celebs travel down from Chelsea and pay exorbitant fees to be dried out in the lap of luxury. The healthcare is doubtless superb. The other 60ish hospitals are dumps run on a shoestring where the NHS get fleeced as Priory provides substandard care for extortionate fees. And sadly yes short memories... Sometimes IV canullas do come out. Normally the bleeding stops in seconds because the insertion site is so narrow. Was there really ALL that much blood?
On 4 Jun 2016 at 9:27pm Tipex wrote:
"Carer" - the NHS would simply cease to exist without foreign medics. As an obvious racist I suggest you do everything you can to avoid going to hospital so you don't have to have your needs met by foreigners.
On 11 Jul 2016 at 1:21pm katie wrote:
Mark - 'I'm an NHS nurse but I worked for The Priory (very briefly!) It was so tempting... the prospect of a 4 minute walk from home...' please get in touch - I'm a journalist and I've spent the last few months following the priory, different cases, including Amy El Keria's - and I am looking to speak with former Priory employees - please get in touch - 0207 098 2912 thank you
On 11 Jul 2016 at 1:24pm katie wrote:
Mark - please get in touch - I'm a journo who has been looking at the priory for some time - call me 0207 098 2912