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The Police

On 17 Oct 2013 at 4:58pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
Savile, Hillsborough, Plebgate, Jean Charles De Menezes, Stephen Lawrence, Phone hacking, Ian Tomlinson, Birmingham 6, Guildford 4, etc etc etc. When are we going to dismantle the current police "service" and put in place an organisation that serves the people not the state ie the crown. Discuss.
On 17 Oct 2013 at 5:15pm Biggles wrote:
I thought sting and the boys had done an outstanding job so far.
On 17 Oct 2013 at 6:16pm The Kronic wrote:
And when a crime against you or your family happens cheeky monkey, you'll call the Police.
On 17 Oct 2013 at 7:33pm tom wrote:
Rember the ploice work for us . well thats a joke
On 17 Oct 2013 at 10:18pm Voice of Reason wrote:
Well why wouldn’t he. He pays his taxes, he has every right to expect them to show up – they do after all have the monopoly on that service provision, if there was an alternative agency things might be a bit different.
He also has every right to level complaints and criticisms about their professionalism, we don’t live in a police state, yet.
One also frequently hears complaints about estate agents, but guess who those people go running to when they want to sell or buy a house? Bloody hypocrites.
On 17 Oct 2013 at 10:37pm Phfellow204 wrote:
A year ago,Sussex democratically elected Katy Bourne as its first Police and Crime Commissioner. Already she has proved to have been an inspired selection working hard to connect the community with the Police Authority and standing up for absolutely no nonsense whatsoever. At least in Sussex, policing is in good hands.
On 18 Oct 2013 at 1:27am Horseman7 wrote:
Sometimes things go badly wrong. But most of the time I think the British police do an excellent job. I for one am pleased they're around.
On 18 Oct 2013 at 10:16am wrote:
It's always the bad things we hear about and not all the good they do. Not a single person, group or organisation as ever got it all right!

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