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The Mystery of the Lost Posts....

On 31 Jan 2008 at 4:48pm zola wrote:
Whilst looking through old topics and posts today,I noticed that page 1 ends on January 17th,then page 2 starts on November 5th.We seem yo have lost 2 months of posts.Any ideas??
On 31 Jan 2008 at 4:51pm down to earth wrote:
Hi Zola, I noticed that too. I started the tread for my dear friend Liam, and that thread is no longer available. Whats going on web master.........
On 31 Jan 2008 at 6:31pm zola wrote:
But what's even wierder is that today someone left a comment on the hunting thread,which has disappeared too...And when I went back on the same thread a few minutes later...Poof.It had vanished.Still,looked at a few classic oldies and had a good laugh.Chav,are you still out there? And Geoff(Such a good sport)Are you still around?
On 31 Jan 2008 at 11:55pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Instaed of selecting "page 2" try selecting "earlier achive".
On 1 Feb 2008 at 12:47am zola wrote:
Hi Spinster.Tried selecting 'earlier archive' and it comes up with the same missing posts.Glad to know someone else is having trouble too though...See what Webby says eh.
On 1 Feb 2008 at 11:31am The Webmaster wrote:
I have regenerated the archives which should mean all the pages are in order now - you can always search for posts.
Some people don't realise that threads will only appear in a thread if they are in the same branch as the clicked post. Whuich means if there are two responses to a post they each create their own branch so you will only ever see one direct response to a post in each branch. Does that make sense?
Zola - what was the comment on the hunting thread?
On 1 Feb 2008 at 12:49pm Zola wrote:
Thank you for sorting that one Webby.
'Hunting this Boxing Day' thread had 2 new posts on the 30th,and 2 on the 31st January.(About 12 or so posts down.)
I realise about the posting in threads 'branching' out.Whilst playing 'Hunt the Thread' yesterday I looked at some old threads in the right order by date.Took ages but I had a giggle or two.I went way back to find the Mornington Crescent threads but they wouldn't come up.Have they been lost forever?
The old pages come up,but clicking on posts draws a blank.Thanks again.
On 1 Feb 2008 at 1:03pm zola wrote:
The posts are on 'The Boxing Day Hunt' thread.
(There were 2 on the go at the time.)
16 posts down.
Re: The Boxing Day Hunt - danni 30 Jan 08 18:16
Re: The Boxing Day Hunt - sam cook 31 Jan 08 13:54
Re: The Boxing Day Hunt - Hunting Hater 31 Jan 08 14:41
Re: The Boxing Day Hunt - Petal 30 Jan 08 19:52

29 posts left

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